Happy Thursday Guys and Dolls:
It has been crummy week weather wise with thunderstorms and showers most every day; at least I don’t have to water the flowers. Only two more work days to go and it will be the weekend, but let’s not talk about that today, because today we are talking clams and taters. Yes it is “NATIONAL CLAMS ON THE HALF SHELL” and “TATER DAY.” I’m not a big fan of clams I find them chewy and gritty. Now there was a restaurant in Trenton called Crecco’s who made a great clams casino that I liked. The clams were diced and covered with all those great toppings of onions, green peppers and bacon. So those of you who enjoy clams celebrate the day by having a dozen or two. I’ll be waiting for National Mussel Marinara Day; I’m a mussel marinara man all the way. They are soft, easy to chew and that sauce is great for dipping that Italian bread into and getting every drop of the Marinara sauce left.

Now it’s time for TATERS, it’s the way the good old Southern folk call their potatoes. How do you like yours? JoeyZ is going to lay down his favorites before you:
Mashed – l like them nice and thick and don’t mind a few lumps. Have to have some gravy on top for flavor.
Fried potatoes with onions – my Dad was a cook in the Army during WWII and he made some great fried potatoes for Mom and me at dinner time.
Hash Browns but don’t serve them to me al dente, they have to have a nice brown crust on top and moist underneath and I like them topped off with some ketchup.
French Fries – I like them nice and thick. My grandmother had an old pot and she would fill it with oil and take potatoes and cut them into four slices and cook them in that oil. I don’t know how they cooked to perfection but she took that secret to heaven with her along with her salmon cake recipe. Don’t serve me shoe string potatoes they are a pain to eat; falling off the fork you have to eat those by hand. A man needs a potato that can withstand the plunge of a fork like a gladiator’s sword. Seasoned curly fries are okay in a pinch, along with tater tots.
Scallop Potatoes – love them.
Baked Potatoes – serve them to me with loads of butter and sour cream; throw a few chives on top, but keep that sour cream close for more doses.
Sweet Potatoes – like them for Thanksgiving only and I’m not a fan of sweet potato fries.
Boiled Potatoes – like those little red ones, than fry them lightly with a little butter and onion. Well that’s how JoeyZ likes his taters, have a great day and evening Speakies.