Congrats to the Phillies for taking Game 1 of the World Series, no bragging to be done yet, it will be a tough series and I’m hoping for a Phillies win in Game 2 tonight. They played a great game and Cliff Lee was outstanding. I’ll be there in front of the tube tonight. Say another prayer today to St. Jude. Today we celebrate Internet Day. I’m taking the day off tomorrow need to do some work around the house and I’ll celebrate Internet Day on Friday. Let’s see what observances we celebrate for the rest of the weekend.
Friday, October 30:
Devil’s Night or Mischief Night – Toilet paper everywhere!
Haunted Refrigerator Night – That’s a new one, they are waiting to rob the warm.
National Candy Corn Day – Hate that candy.
Frankenstein Friday – A true holiday honoring Boris Karloff.

Saturday, October 31:
Halloween – Big Candy holiday for the kids.
National Carmel Apple Day – My favorite.
National Knock-Knock Jokes Day
Please enjoy the weekend whatever you do. Watch out for the little ones on Halloween night and report any crazies you may see. Safety comes first for the little gremlins. GO PHILLIES and to all my Guys and Dolls be careful out there. DON’T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCK BACK 1 HOUR ON SATURDAY NIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS.