Hello Speakies:
I just read a post by one of my favorite readers Skip. Skip and I grew up around the same neighborhood in North Trenton. There across the street from my parent’s house was the famous Top Road Tavern. The tavern were my mother ordered those delicious fish and chips for Friday night dinners that were made by that sweet Italian lady. A tavern that made great tomato pies comparable to the ones in the Burg. I was glad my sons were privileged to savor the taste of those pies covered in the various toppings offered. I myself strolled in the bar and enjoyed a beer or two with the Polish men who seemed to own certain stools and never uttered a word to you but you did not care you were drinking on holy ground.
Yes the TOP ROAD TAVERN has closed its doors and will be sorely missed in the Brunswick Avenue neighborhood. For me I have my memories of the food and drink enjoyed. Farewell Ye Old Tavern.
St. Augustine, Florida

May 24, 2013

We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.
Christmas Eve 2012
NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten
Luck Be A Lady
Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth
Nina June 2013
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Good Morning my Guys and Dolls it is a Friday morning with the weekend in sight. The month of June is almost gone and next week we will be celebrating the 4th of July already. During this weekend we celebrate “CAMERA DAY” so if you like taking pictures this is your weekend to shine and “SAY CHEESE.”
This is a holiday for my reader Skipster to celebrate. Let’s all say “Happy Birthday” to the Corvette born in 1953. Skip, I bet you would love to have one of those babies today in your garage.
Connecticut – Like Massachusetts, Only The Kennedy’s Don’t Own It Yet.
Delaware – We Really Do Like The Chemicals In Our Water.
Florida – Ask Us About Our Grandkids.
Hawaii – Haka Tiki Mou Sha’ami Leeki Toru (Death To Mainland Scum, Leave Your Money).
Idaho – More Than Just Potatoes, Okay We’re Not, But The Potatoes Are Real Good.
Good Morning my Guys and Dolls it is a Friday morning with the weekend in sight. The month of June is almost gone and next week we will be celebrating the 4th of July already. During this weekend we celebrate “CAMERA DAY” so if you like taking pictures this is your weekend to shine and “SAY CHEESE.”
This is a holiday for my reader Skipster to celebrate. Let’s all say “Happy Birthday” to the Corvette born in 1953. Skip, I bet you would love to have one of those babies today in your garage.
June was a great month with plenty of holidays we poked fun at and enjoyed and as I close my posts for June I want to wish you all a great weekend, with lots of fun and family time. Have a great one. Think I was finished you don’t know Joey Z here are a few more new state motto’s to enjoy.
Connecticut – Like Massachusetts, Only The Kennedy’s Don’t Own It Yet.
Delaware – We Really Do Like The Chemicals In Our Water.
Florida – Ask Us About Our Grandkids.
Hawaii – Haka Tiki Mou Sha’ami Leeki Toru (Death To Mainland Scum, Leave Your Money).
Illinois – Please Don’t Pronounce the “S”.
And finally for today one of my favorites
Indiana – 2 Billion Years Tidal Wave Free.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Happy Thursday Speakies:
As I promised today we are talking “SEAFOOD” and I want to see you send in comments on your favorite seafood dishes no excuses if you can read write me a comment on my blog. When I was younger and it was summer my Dad made several trips fishing on head or party boats at Pt. Pleasant, NJ with the guys we worked with. I loved when he brought back fresh cleaned fluke or better known as summer flounder. Mom used to bread it, side it with some fries and coleslaw and there was one great summer meal. I also remember the times my Uncle Charlie had a boat and we would fish Barnegat Bay for Blowfish. My uncle had a board on his boat that we merely but the fish on a nail attached and one quick jerk and the meat came clearly off. There was not a lot of filet on each fish but at that time you could boat about 100 fish per day. Blowfish was fried like flounder and very tasty and there was never any talk about poison sacks. Good memories of times past. I guess I got off the favorite seafood subject, but those were the fun days of catching fish and enjoying seafood at its finest to me.
You readers know that many times I have written about seafood and my favorite types. I love shrimp, mussels, lobster, crab, flounder, sea trout and scallops. My son says I have to try Key West Grunts, they are small fish not much meat but if you catch a nice batch they make a good meal. Light in flesh and very tasty; when I retire I think I will give that a try and see if I can have a meal worth eating. For those in the Central Florida area or those planning a visit, a friend I work with suggested trying “HOT N JUICY CRAWFISH” located in Orlando. I placed their website below for you to check it out. You can eat there or take out I understand the seafood is very fresh and tasty. http://hotnjuicycrawfish.com/
So much for today and seafood, have a wonderful day and be careful out there.
As I promised today we are talking “SEAFOOD” and I want to see you send in comments on your favorite seafood dishes no excuses if you can read write me a comment on my blog. When I was younger and it was summer my Dad made several trips fishing on head or party boats at Pt. Pleasant, NJ with the guys we worked with. I loved when he brought back fresh cleaned fluke or better known as summer flounder. Mom used to bread it, side it with some fries and coleslaw and there was one great summer meal. I also remember the times my Uncle Charlie had a boat and we would fish Barnegat Bay for Blowfish. My uncle had a board on his boat that we merely but the fish on a nail attached and one quick jerk and the meat came clearly off. There was not a lot of filet on each fish but at that time you could boat about 100 fish per day. Blowfish was fried like flounder and very tasty and there was never any talk about poison sacks. Good memories of times past. I guess I got off the favorite seafood subject, but those were the fun days of catching fish and enjoying seafood at its finest to me.
You readers know that many times I have written about seafood and my favorite types. I love shrimp, mussels, lobster, crab, flounder, sea trout and scallops. My son says I have to try Key West Grunts, they are small fish not much meat but if you catch a nice batch they make a good meal. Light in flesh and very tasty; when I retire I think I will give that a try and see if I can have a meal worth eating. For those in the Central Florida area or those planning a visit, a friend I work with suggested trying “HOT N JUICY CRAWFISH” located in Orlando. I placed their website below for you to check it out. You can eat there or take out I understand the seafood is very fresh and tasty. http://hotnjuicycrawfish.com/
So much for today and seafood, have a wonderful day and be careful out there.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Happy Tuesday Guys and Dolls:
Welcome to the 26th of June and hoping I find you all in good spirits happy that is not plastered this early in the morning. A big invention occurred today the good old TOOTHBRUSH was invented. What did they do prior to that, there must have been rashes of rotten teeth. I think I’m going to do some research and find us the answer right now. Before the toothbrush was invented most people used twigs, leaves, sand, fingers, bristles or whatever to clean their teeth. The earliest toothbrush dates back to Egypt around 3000 B.C., it was a chew stick, a twig with one end frayed into bristles the other end acted as a handle. The Romans used carved toothpicks and quills to clean their teeth. In 1938 DuPont Chemical Company invented nylon and soon came the modern toothbrush.

Now to ruin your teeth (not really) it is “NATIONAL CHOCOLATE PUDDING DAY.” Chocolate pudding has to be one of my favorites, along with vanilla, tapioca and rice pudding. If you and your family are fans of pudding make some today and treat them tonight. There is nothing like pudding faces on the little ones and it’s good for them.
For you campers out there the fourth week of June is also “NATIONAL CAMPING WEEK.” My idea of camping is a nice hotel room or suite, room service, good restaurant and lounge and a pool. I guess you can see I’m not camper material. Now this may shock you, I’ve always wanted to go on a fishing trip staying in a cabin and fishing all day by myself or with friends and a guide. Maybe one day Joey Z’s dream may come true. So for you real campers out there enjoy the wild and don’t let Yogi get your picnic baskets.
June is also “NATIONAL SEAFOOD MONTH” and you Guys and Dolls know that seafood is one of Joey Z’s favorite dishes, we will talk about seafood later this week. Have a great day, tomorrow is a busy day for me so I will see you on Thursday. Thanks for stopping by as always you Guys and Dolls make the writing a pleasure.
Monday, June 25, 2012
As you all heard on the tube, Florida is getting drenched by Tropical Storm Debbie, causing a great deal of rain and flooding to many areas. This storm started here in Central Florida on Sunday, making the balance of the weekend a washout. I found myself napping, bored and trying to find something to watch on the boob tube of interest. Finally a show caught my eye called “UNIQUE PIZZA’S.” Being a lover of the original Trenton Tomato Pies I had to watch this special and see exactly what is unique. Some of the pizza’s that were made looked good and some I don’t know where the people came up with the idea that it’s a pizza. Here we go with some of the toppings that were used:
Pizza topped with crushed cooked potatoes and corn and ham. Put in on a dinner plate and eat it not on pizza dough.
A Cheese Head Pizza made with just olive oil and cheddar cheese let me guess it’s for you Packer fans.
If you like clams there was a great looking pie from the New England area, think the place was called Frank Pepe’s.
Macaroni and Cheese Pizza, Roe said she would like to try it; after all she is a Mac and Cheese nut. For me it’s a thumbs down like a gladiator marked for death in the arena.
Fruit and Ham Pizza – Must be a West Coast thing.
BBQ Chicken Pizza – Some like it, I don’t, chicken belongs on a plate or at a picnic.
And now for the “OFFICIAL JOEY Z PIZZA TOPPING LIST.” Only these toppings should ever be allowed on pizzas. PEPPERONI, SAUSAGE, PEPPERS, ONIONS, ANCHOVIES AND FRESH GARLIC. I have said my piece and await the responses of my adversaries.
As you all heard on the tube, Florida is getting drenched by Tropical Storm Debbie, causing a great deal of rain and flooding to many areas. This storm started here in Central Florida on Sunday, making the balance of the weekend a washout. I found myself napping, bored and trying to find something to watch on the boob tube of interest. Finally a show caught my eye called “UNIQUE PIZZA’S.” Being a lover of the original Trenton Tomato Pies I had to watch this special and see exactly what is unique. Some of the pizza’s that were made looked good and some I don’t know where the people came up with the idea that it’s a pizza. Here we go with some of the toppings that were used:
Pizza topped with crushed cooked potatoes and corn and ham. Put in on a dinner plate and eat it not on pizza dough.
A Cheese Head Pizza made with just olive oil and cheddar cheese let me guess it’s for you Packer fans.
If you like clams there was a great looking pie from the New England area, think the place was called Frank Pepe’s.
Macaroni and Cheese Pizza, Roe said she would like to try it; after all she is a Mac and Cheese nut. For me it’s a thumbs down like a gladiator marked for death in the arena.
Fruit and Ham Pizza – Must be a West Coast thing.
BBQ Chicken Pizza – Some like it, I don’t, chicken belongs on a plate or at a picnic.
And now for the “OFFICIAL JOEY Z PIZZA TOPPING LIST.” Only these toppings should ever be allowed on pizzas. PEPPERONI, SAUSAGE, PEPPERS, ONIONS, ANCHOVIES AND FRESH GARLIC. I have said my piece and await the responses of my adversaries.
Happy Monday Speakies:
Hope you all had a great weekend and welcome to the last week of June 2012. Time is flying by and I would like to see it slow down a bit now for me. Did you know it is only six months to Christmas; thought I would mention it in case you would like to start your shopping earlier than usual this year. Roe stopped by one of her favorite hobby stores last week and behold Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas items are out on display and selling fast.
Last week Roe and I were treated by my daughter-in-law to a burger place her and son frequent. The place is called Graffiti Junktion and there are several locations throughout the Orlando, FL area. I had the burger known as the “Brotherly Love” which came with grilled onions and peppers, tomato, Provolone cheese and I skipped the mushrooms. Each sandwich comes with fries and if you have ever eaten 5 Guys fries they are so close in texture and taste. Check out their website at http://www.graffitijunktion.com/.
If you are a fan of Mexican food and in the Central Florida area try Azteca located on the South Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando, FL. Great menu selection, portions are large, food is fresh and the beer is cold. They have a website so check out the menu and make a visit if you are in the area. There you have it another service offered by Joey Z.
I wish all you Guys and Dolls a great Monday, don’t work too hard and remember don’t stress on the small stuff.
Hope you all had a great weekend and welcome to the last week of June 2012. Time is flying by and I would like to see it slow down a bit now for me. Did you know it is only six months to Christmas; thought I would mention it in case you would like to start your shopping earlier than usual this year. Roe stopped by one of her favorite hobby stores last week and behold Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas items are out on display and selling fast.
Last week Roe and I were treated by my daughter-in-law to a burger place her and son frequent. The place is called Graffiti Junktion and there are several locations throughout the Orlando, FL area. I had the burger known as the “Brotherly Love” which came with grilled onions and peppers, tomato, Provolone cheese and I skipped the mushrooms. Each sandwich comes with fries and if you have ever eaten 5 Guys fries they are so close in texture and taste. Check out their website at http://www.graffitijunktion.com/.
If you are a fan of Mexican food and in the Central Florida area try Azteca located on the South Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando, FL. Great menu selection, portions are large, food is fresh and the beer is cold. They have a website so check out the menu and make a visit if you are in the area. There you have it another service offered by Joey Z.
I wish all you Guys and Dolls a great Monday, don’t work too hard and remember don’t stress on the small stuff.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Welcome to “TAKE YOUR DOG TO WORK DAY.” I guess if you are a firefighter you work with a dog who lives there I believe the rest of us are tough out of luck on this day. Maybe some of you Speakies have a good hearted boss who loves dogs and allows this holiday possible if so take advantage of the day and let the dogs go crazy.
This weekend is “UFO DAY”, have any of you Speakies ever seen a UFO? Several years ago my son Jeff and I were on our patio porch one summer evening when we observed two lights descending down over the fields; both lights descended and then briefly went up a little. We called Jeff’s friend whose family was also observing this event. I later heard the sheriff’s department received numerous calls regarding the lights. Here is the kicker the USAF claimed every one observed weather balloons being dropped over a bombing range in another county. Was it BULLSHIT OR NOT?
Welcome to “TAKE YOUR DOG TO WORK DAY.” I guess if you are a firefighter you work with a dog who lives there I believe the rest of us are tough out of luck on this day. Maybe some of you Speakies have a good hearted boss who loves dogs and allows this holiday possible if so take advantage of the day and let the dogs go crazy.
Today we also honor the “CHOCOLATE ÉCLAIR” that messy cream filled delight found in most of our local bakeries. There is nothing like a fresh éclair to sink your teeth into with a glass of milk or a cup of coffee. Zip down to the bakery today and purchase a dozen for the family to enjoy.

Thursday, June 21, 2012
Good Thursday Morning Speakies:
Today is great day for Guys and Dolls who are considered “Baby Boomers.” Stand up and be proud for it is officially “BABY BOOMERS RECOGNITION DAY.” Just think of it born right before or after World War II we have seen the world change so many times for good and for bad. I was little but remember my father talking about the Korean War, than those crazy 1950’s, the high school years of 60’s, Vietnam and military duty came along. Most of us got married, raised families had good times and bad and right now I guess we are in our senior years as the young ones would say. I say we have been through a lot so be recognized today and why not go out for dinner tonight and get that senior discount.

I missed one of my favorite drink holidays yesterday, “National Vanilla Milkshake Day.” When I was a kid there was a corner candy store by my grandmother’s house, called Carl’s. Carl sold everything cigarettes, penny candy, newspapers but he also had a four stool soda fountain and to me made one of the best vanilla milkshakes ever. There was a very unique taste to the vanilla which I can still taste today. I guess you say another baby boomer memory of times past.
During this third week of June we celebrate “HUG WEEK.” Remember to give the ones you love extra hugs this week but never forget the rest of the year, celebrate hugs by giving them every day it will give you that warm feeling inside and they will know you care.
Tomorrow being Friday, I may not have a chance to write, so I will wish you all a wonderful day and a great weekend to enjoy. See you next week.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:
June the 20th and officially “SUMMER” begins today. Here in Florida it is summer every day and now that summer is here the temperature will only get hotter. What did you do on summer vacation when you were a kid? I shared my time with my Granny O. when I was younger. When my Grandfather passed away she started working at my Mom’s place of employment I was old enough to stay home and do chores around my parent’s house. When I stayed at my Grandmothers we had the Boy’s Club, swimming at Junior 4, and at times the firemen would open the hydrants and we would have fun in the streets getting soaked and cooled off for about an hour. I remember the guys in the neighborhood and I played army at times. One summer the city was repairing the sewer lines and tore up the entire street making it look like the real war trenches of WWI. We boys had fun, got dirty as rascals but it sure felt like a real war background to us. Nights were spent sitting on the front porch talking to the neighbors or going for ice cream at the Burg Diary on Home Ave. or waiting for the waffle truck to come by. There were carnivals and the sidewalks were filled with people and the streets were safe to walk. Those are the good days I’ll never forget.

It is also “Ice Cream Soda Day” a treat not only refreshing in the summer but all year long as well. My favorite was a vanilla cream soda but we made it at home with French vanilla ice cream and Kerns cream soda. Loved root beer floats as well. There was an ice cream place on Route 33 in Mercerville, NJ called the Parfait House, besides ice cream and all those other great dairy treats their sandwiches and meals were very good. My favorite ice cream treat there was a cherry parfait. I don’t know if it is still in business, maybe one of my local Trenton readers will let me know.
It is also “Plain Yogurt Day.” I can take yogurt once in a while but it has to be flavored with fruit. I remember seeing George Carlin talking about foods that sound yucky like YOGURT, SQUASH, EGG PLANT catch the idea just stretch out the sound of the word. Well enough for now once again have a great day recall your summer days and nights and maybe later have an ice cream soda.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I’m Back Like I Said:
Hope all of you Dads out there had a great Father’s Day Weekend and Monday was an easy day for all. Being I did not write on Monday, I missed a few good holidays so I thought I would list them today and of course with my usual comments. So if you are ready here we go.

MACADEMIAN NUT DAY – Great tasting nuts from the State of Hawaii if you can bite into them no just kidding, they are great and they also make some great flavored cookies.
Now today we raise our milk glasses to “EAT AN OREO COOKIE.” I remember those days of dipping my Oreo’s in a glass of milk just waiting for the right minute to wrap my lips around it before it fell into the milk. I was never one to break the cookie in half and lick the cream. So anyway you like to eat your Oreo Cookies do it today.
I like the US and I found some new state mottos these were not made to be offensive but just a good laugh, so here are a few to enjoy and make your day:
Enough for today more at a later date. Have a wonderful day Speakies.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Father’s Day, to some it’s just another Sunday that comes yearly; another shirt, a tie, perhaps a round of golf or a day of freedom from work around the house. I thought long and hard on this post on what Father’s Day is to me. There are some people in my life I want to remember this day starting with my own Dad. I know he is up there in heaven looking down and I want to honor him this day. When I was younger he was my Daddy, later Dad and as we grew older together I just called him Pop. He wasn’t the love and kisses kind of a father and at times he could be pretty rough on the edges but I always knew he loved me and watched over me the only way a father could. I’ll never forget him playing catch, taking me to my basketball games at Princeton University, watching me play the game in grammar school, going fishing, teaching me to swim, vacations in Wildwood and his last big chore teaching me to drive. He taught me the good things in life and there are so many little things I remember I probably could write a novel on it. I saw his tender moments only a few times the one I remember the most was the tears in his eyes as I left tor the service, it brings a tear to my eyes now as I write. He loved his grandsons and I’m glad Roe and I had children to share with him and mom. I spent his last moments with him and remember kissing him goodbye forever. Happy Father’s Day Pop, I love you.
I would like to say Happy Father’s Day to another great Dad, my father-in-law Tony. I never called him Tony he was always Dad to me. He was different than my father, always a smile, a big hello and a warm welcome when I saw him. He was type of father that was there when you needed him and he was a great help always to Roe and I. There are many things I remember of him, teaching my son the guitar, his World War II stories, cookouts in the backyard, poker games and the way he always had my number when I thought I had the winning hand. He was admired by his sons and Roe. I know in my heart Roe was special to him as his only daughter, I saw the love there and I still can hear him call her Roemary. She loved you dearly too Dad. So Happy Father’s Day to you Dad up there from the both of us.
As for me being father only Roe and my sons can be the judge of that quality in me. I know there were bad times, good times and of course my indifferent times. I look at my sons today and see two great young men who are responsible, loved by their wives and children and truly loved by Roe and me. I must have done a pretty fair job but not without the love and help of Roe.
Father’s Day, to some it’s just another Sunday that comes yearly; another shirt, a tie, perhaps a round of golf or a day of freedom from work around the house. I thought long and hard on this post on what Father’s Day is to me. There are some people in my life I want to remember this day starting with my own Dad. I know he is up there in heaven looking down and I want to honor him this day. When I was younger he was my Daddy, later Dad and as we grew older together I just called him Pop. He wasn’t the love and kisses kind of a father and at times he could be pretty rough on the edges but I always knew he loved me and watched over me the only way a father could. I’ll never forget him playing catch, taking me to my basketball games at Princeton University, watching me play the game in grammar school, going fishing, teaching me to swim, vacations in Wildwood and his last big chore teaching me to drive. He taught me the good things in life and there are so many little things I remember I probably could write a novel on it. I saw his tender moments only a few times the one I remember the most was the tears in his eyes as I left tor the service, it brings a tear to my eyes now as I write. He loved his grandsons and I’m glad Roe and I had children to share with him and mom. I spent his last moments with him and remember kissing him goodbye forever. Happy Father’s Day Pop, I love you.
I would like to say Happy Father’s Day to another great Dad, my father-in-law Tony. I never called him Tony he was always Dad to me. He was different than my father, always a smile, a big hello and a warm welcome when I saw him. He was type of father that was there when you needed him and he was a great help always to Roe and I. There are many things I remember of him, teaching my son the guitar, his World War II stories, cookouts in the backyard, poker games and the way he always had my number when I thought I had the winning hand. He was admired by his sons and Roe. I know in my heart Roe was special to him as his only daughter, I saw the love there and I still can hear him call her Roemary. She loved you dearly too Dad. So Happy Father’s Day to you Dad up there from the both of us.

Friday, June 15, 2012
Joey Z stopping by for his usual “Weekend Wishes” to all my Guys and Dolls. Big day on Sunday for us Dads and soon to be Dads it is “Father’s Day.” No matter what you do enjoy the day and the love of your family; it is your day to shine in the spotlight.
I will not be writing on Monday as I have a previous engagement to attend that will take up my entire day, but I will be back next week and we have some foods to talk about. Have a great day and weekend and I’ll see you soon.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Today is best known as “FLAG DAY” which is celebrated every June 14. It is the commemoration of the adoption of the flag of the United States by a resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. It was in 1916; President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day.
BLOOD TYPE AWARENESS DAY – I bet a lot of people don’t know their blood type. I found out my type when I was in the service, so if you don’t have any knowledge ask your doctor to advise you of your blood type. In any emergency you will have the information handy.
“SOO – EE” – It is Pig Callers Day that great American holiday I never knew we celebrated. Somewhere in the Midwest and Deep South Pig Callers are getting ready for their big day for whatever they do. To all those Pig Callers have a great day and a big “SOO-EE” from Joey Z.
Yesterday I missed “NATIONAL LOBSTER DAY” man how could I overlook that one. I usually only eat lobster on cruises and all the work is done for you. One day I would not mind trying a lobster feast with the potatoes, corn, clams and all that other good stuff. One more thing I need to try is a lobster roll, they look good on the Cooking Channel and I’m sure they beat a hotdog on a bun anytime.
It is also “STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE DAY” you know that spongy cake covered in strawberries and whipped cream. This one of my favorites from time to time, a refreshing and light dessert.
I’m going to run for now so have a great day and remember tomorrow is Friday and the weekend is near.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:
Do you know what day it is today? “KITCHEN KLUTZES OF AMERICA DAY” that great category in which I am a member. I can clean kitchens, wipe counter tops, open soup cans, make my own salads and sandwiches for work, boil water and use the microwave and toaster oven when needed. I do make a mean hard boiled egg and have been known to make a nice scrambled egg. As far as preparing meals from scratch I’m the klutz and thanks for honoring me with this holiday along with my fellow Guys and Dolls.
You hate weeds this is your day also “WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY.” When I was young and on summer vacation from school I volunteered to weed my parent’s flower beds and vegetable gardens during vacation. You had to start early before the sun was so hot it would fry your brain and make you lazy. I gathered up all gardening tools I needed for the task in hand one small claw hand held rake, one glove and a paper bag from Food Fair to deposit the little pests. Tilting the soil around the rose bushes, getting stuck by the thorns was the highlight of my day. Sometimes you would uncover earthworms, great get a can take some of that dirt and ask my father to go fishing after dinner. I completed the task extending it over a period of two days after which I relaxed on the narrow backyard porch eating a root beer ice popsicle.
June is “NATIONAL BEEF STEAK MONTH.” I guess most of us love a good steak. When I was a kid I never ate a filet mignon or a T-bone steak, you ate a burger that was steak to you. My mother made cube steak once in a while that was my rib eye. Later as one got older you graduated to chopped sirloin, nothing but a hamburger but larger, covered in onions and mushrooms and you could play a big shot and order a baked potato with the works. Finally I turned 18 and soon after left for the service where I had my first real steak at the chow hall some sort of beef tough as nails and I dreamed on my chopped steak once more. Later life got better and the real steaks appeared for me to try and pick out a favorite. If you ever cruise and they offer an alternative restaurant on board do pay the extra twenty or thirty dollars and enjoy the fine dining whether it is a seafood choice or steak. The best filets I ever ate were on the cruises in those dining venues. Royal Caribbean has the alternative dining and I’m sure most of the cruise lines offer the same. Give it a try it is first class all the way.
Whatever you do enjoy a steak this month. Have a great day.
Do you know what day it is today? “KITCHEN KLUTZES OF AMERICA DAY” that great category in which I am a member. I can clean kitchens, wipe counter tops, open soup cans, make my own salads and sandwiches for work, boil water and use the microwave and toaster oven when needed. I do make a mean hard boiled egg and have been known to make a nice scrambled egg. As far as preparing meals from scratch I’m the klutz and thanks for honoring me with this holiday along with my fellow Guys and Dolls.

Whatever you do enjoy a steak this month. Have a great day.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Hot and rainy in Florida, the sun is shining now but those clouds and storms will be here in the afternoon. The rainy season has started officially in Florida. I’m trying my luck at a little gardening, I have a nice flower garden growing but I purchased a cherry tomato planter which so far has produced 8 tomatoes with more growing on the vines. I have a pot of garlic shaping up nicely along with some green onions. My next planting project will be herbs for cooking. Let’s check out some holidays celebrated today.
MAGIC DAY – For all you upcoming magicians I guess this is your day to do your thing, like make people disappear, pull rabbits out of a hat and all the other cool magical things you do. If you love magic have a fun day doing it.
GAS MASK DAY – Joey Z will make this real easy for you. A gas mask is a mask that goes over your face to protect you from inhaling airborne bad boys like pollutants and gases. The only time I ever wore a gas mask was in the service and the total experience was truly delightful.
I have to say congratulations to all the little girls who loved to play baseball with the boys on an organized league you wish was granted in 1974. Little League baseball was opened up to girls. Have fun young ladies.
June is also “NATIONAL DAIRY MONTH” you have to love those cows for all that milk, cheese and the rest of the dairy products they produce along with the dairy farmers who raise them and all the hard work they do.
Well Guys and Dolls have a nice day and wonderful evening.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Happy Monday Speakies:
Good old Joey Z is a very busy man these weeks before retirement getting my replacement trained, personal things that must be completed, you catch the drift. Hoping you all had a great weekend. I was glad to see the Phillies finally win Friday night over the Orioles, sorry Mack but my boys are floundering in last place just like when I was a kid. Time to rebuild and I'm sure one day they will. Pretty hot and rainy in Florida, today is Saturday and I am posting for Monday but like I said lots to do. Tried a new pizza joint Roe went to the other day for lunch on Friday called the Original Anthony's Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant. We just order the pizza lunch special 2 slices and a drink and I can say the pizza was good. Thin crust, nice amount of sauce, cheese was soft as could be not chewy overall one of the best. If you are in Central Florida, near Disney attractions, the address is:
The Original Anthony's Pizzeria
1166 W. Osceola Pkwy.
Kissimmee, FL 34711
Website: www.anthonysoriginalpizza.com
On Friday night we tried a new Chinese restaurant over on the Orange Blossom Trail, average place nothing to rave about. The best Chinese food ever was in Trenton, NJ on Beatty St. one block before Lalor, can't think of the name but they were great, nice atmosphere, clean and great service and per Roe the best General Tao's Chicken done properly. I don't know if another Chinese restaurant still exists but it was on Brunswick Ave. right before the circle and near Top Road Barber Shop. Old Joey Z and Roe will be keeping posted on places to dine if you are visiting the area. Remember you have to find the small places that the locals go to not these chains they are all the same.
So much for today Guys and Dolls, have a great Monday and please be careful.
Good old Joey Z is a very busy man these weeks before retirement getting my replacement trained, personal things that must be completed, you catch the drift. Hoping you all had a great weekend. I was glad to see the Phillies finally win Friday night over the Orioles, sorry Mack but my boys are floundering in last place just like when I was a kid. Time to rebuild and I'm sure one day they will. Pretty hot and rainy in Florida, today is Saturday and I am posting for Monday but like I said lots to do. Tried a new pizza joint Roe went to the other day for lunch on Friday called the Original Anthony's Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant. We just order the pizza lunch special 2 slices and a drink and I can say the pizza was good. Thin crust, nice amount of sauce, cheese was soft as could be not chewy overall one of the best. If you are in Central Florida, near Disney attractions, the address is:
The Original Anthony's Pizzeria
1166 W. Osceola Pkwy.
Kissimmee, FL 34711
Website: www.anthonysoriginalpizza.com
On Friday night we tried a new Chinese restaurant over on the Orange Blossom Trail, average place nothing to rave about. The best Chinese food ever was in Trenton, NJ on Beatty St. one block before Lalor, can't think of the name but they were great, nice atmosphere, clean and great service and per Roe the best General Tao's Chicken done properly. I don't know if another Chinese restaurant still exists but it was on Brunswick Ave. right before the circle and near Top Road Barber Shop. Old Joey Z and Roe will be keeping posted on places to dine if you are visiting the area. Remember you have to find the small places that the locals go to not these chains they are all the same.
So much for today Guys and Dolls, have a great Monday and please be careful.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Happy Thursday Guys and Dolls:
June the 7th is here and the month is in full progress. The kids finish school here tomorrow and I’m plenty of graduations are in the air. To you graduates I say congratulations as you start your steps to the future. One thing, I know there are parties, use your heads drinking and driving and stay alive to enjoy the future.
June Bug Day – Do you know what a June Bug is? A plain old ordinary beetle Amen. So if you like June Bugs here’s your day to celebrate. I miss good old Lightning bugs down here in the summer; only saw one or two in 21 years. Remember those days catching them on the warm summer evenings; I could never step on them though as they laid on the sidewalk like the other kids did.
National Tailors Day – When I worked in the men’s wear business I received some tailoring experience, I learned to press, make cuffs on pants and the regular straight bottom hems. One of the nicest guys and tailors I ever met was when I worked part-time at F.W. Donnelly’s. His name was Pasquale Verde who lived on Butler St. He was a master tailor making his own suits, jackets and pants with great style. I read he passed away, God Bless Pat.
Chocolate Ice Cream Day – My favorite and I’m sure the choice of many of my Speakies. How could anyone go wrong with chocolate ice cream? Now there are so many varieties: Chocolate with chocolate chunks, chocolate fudge, chocolate and peanut butter and the list goes on. So have yourself some ice cream tonight even if it’s not chocolate, summer is here to enjoy the taste.
I’m going to wish you a very Happy Weekend today as Joey Z is tied up tomorrow with some personal matter to attend to. For those arriving in Florida tomorrow the weather will be wet over the next few days but one can never trust the good old weather men here. Have a great one and be careful out there.
June the 7th is here and the month is in full progress. The kids finish school here tomorrow and I’m plenty of graduations are in the air. To you graduates I say congratulations as you start your steps to the future. One thing, I know there are parties, use your heads drinking and driving and stay alive to enjoy the future.
June Bug Day – Do you know what a June Bug is? A plain old ordinary beetle Amen. So if you like June Bugs here’s your day to celebrate. I miss good old Lightning bugs down here in the summer; only saw one or two in 21 years. Remember those days catching them on the warm summer evenings; I could never step on them though as they laid on the sidewalk like the other kids did.
National Tailors Day – When I worked in the men’s wear business I received some tailoring experience, I learned to press, make cuffs on pants and the regular straight bottom hems. One of the nicest guys and tailors I ever met was when I worked part-time at F.W. Donnelly’s. His name was Pasquale Verde who lived on Butler St. He was a master tailor making his own suits, jackets and pants with great style. I read he passed away, God Bless Pat.
Chocolate Ice Cream Day – My favorite and I’m sure the choice of many of my Speakies. How could anyone go wrong with chocolate ice cream? Now there are so many varieties: Chocolate with chocolate chunks, chocolate fudge, chocolate and peanut butter and the list goes on. So have yourself some ice cream tonight even if it’s not chocolate, summer is here to enjoy the taste.
I’m going to wish you a very Happy Weekend today as Joey Z is tied up tomorrow with some personal matter to attend to. For those arriving in Florida tomorrow the weather will be wet over the next few days but one can never trust the good old weather men here. Have a great one and be careful out there.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Happy Hump Day Speakies:
Well we are at the half way mark of the good old work week and I thought today we could check out the calendar for some celebrations and the usual Joey Z comments.

NATIONAL HUG WEEK – Alright you know what to do, give the ones you love a hug today and always. Man hugs are appropriate also this week. I have always greeted my sons with a hug and kiss each time I see them and also as they leave. So Guys and Dolls never be ashamed to show affection to the ones you love.
TEACHER THANK YOU WEEK – They deserve all the thanks they can get with all the stuff that happens now-a-days in school. Soon you teachers will be on summer vacation and my suggestion is to relax, put your feet up, have a beer and chill.
June 6 is NATIONAL YO-YO DAY – I had several yo-yo’s in my younger days and could never master any of the them, in fact I can’t play an instrument, carry a tune I’m the all-around YO-YO. If your little ones never had one, purchase them a cheap one and see what happens, you never know.
DRIVE-IN-MOVIE DAY – The drive movie was the creation of a chemical magnate Richard M. Hollingshead, Jr. of Camden, NJ. (GO JERSEY). He tested the original concept of the outdoor movie layout using his driveway. The first drive-in movie was opened on June 6, 1933, on Admiral Wilson Blvd. in Pennsauken, NJ. Now when we were teenagers and went to the drive-in we took in a little bit of the movie and rest of the attention was given to the Dolls we were with. Bring back memories Speakies?
D-DAY ANNIVERSARY – The 6th of June, began the Invasion of Normandy to free the European continent from the Nazis. Never forget all the lives lost by the Americans on Omaha Beach, along with the lives of all the nations that participated in the invasion.
For you food Speakies is you like Applesauce Cake today is your day to enjoy it. Have a great day everyone, enjoy and be careful.
Well we are at the half way mark of the good old work week and I thought today we could check out the calendar for some celebrations and the usual Joey Z comments.

NATIONAL HUG WEEK – Alright you know what to do, give the ones you love a hug today and always. Man hugs are appropriate also this week. I have always greeted my sons with a hug and kiss each time I see them and also as they leave. So Guys and Dolls never be ashamed to show affection to the ones you love.
TEACHER THANK YOU WEEK – They deserve all the thanks they can get with all the stuff that happens now-a-days in school. Soon you teachers will be on summer vacation and my suggestion is to relax, put your feet up, have a beer and chill.
June 6 is NATIONAL YO-YO DAY – I had several yo-yo’s in my younger days and could never master any of the them, in fact I can’t play an instrument, carry a tune I’m the all-around YO-YO. If your little ones never had one, purchase them a cheap one and see what happens, you never know.
DRIVE-IN-MOVIE DAY – The drive movie was the creation of a chemical magnate Richard M. Hollingshead, Jr. of Camden, NJ. (GO JERSEY). He tested the original concept of the outdoor movie layout using his driveway. The first drive-in movie was opened on June 6, 1933, on Admiral Wilson Blvd. in Pennsauken, NJ. Now when we were teenagers and went to the drive-in we took in a little bit of the movie and rest of the attention was given to the Dolls we were with. Bring back memories Speakies?
D-DAY ANNIVERSARY – The 6th of June, began the Invasion of Normandy to free the European continent from the Nazis. Never forget all the lives lost by the Americans on Omaha Beach, along with the lives of all the nations that participated in the invasion.
For you food Speakies is you like Applesauce Cake today is your day to enjoy it. Have a great day everyone, enjoy and be careful.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Happy Tuesdays Speakies:
Had the day off yesterday, another doctor appointment, things looking good I hope, came off some more medicine I don't need in the old body. Thanks to all my readers who sent me birthday wishes on Saturday, Mack, MaryJean, Noel, Roe, Joey, Elizabeth, Tom, The Quixley, Bonnie, Stephanie, Ralph and all the others I may have missed. 65 is grand is guess like to see many more years to come to do and to write and enjoy period. Roe and I visited my son Jeff and his family on the West Coast Saturday, my granddaughter wanted a Checker's Burger however we convinced her to go for a 5 Guys Burger and Fries. We had a nice lunch, the place was not crowded and the food was wiped out. For a little girl who only like macaroni, chicken nuggets and fries she's moving up to the east side of food.
Weather is getting very hot here today, highs are near 96 and maybe some rain in sight over the next few days.
I know a lot of kids will be heading to Disney soon with school being out so the traffic will be building in volume over the next few weeks. Just remember if you are planning to visit Central Florida and take in the attractions keep your patience, stay cool, drink lots of water and be careful on the roadways because traffic will be heavy and the lines at attractions long.
When I retire next month I may not be writing everyday but there will be posts from me about stuff, maybe me, the crazies, food or whatever I want to write about. The next month for me is hectic with doctors and getting everything ready for my big day. Funny when you are young that day never crosses your mind but it is here for me. Scary in a way, anticipation in another but hopes for a good life to come. Have to run Guys and Dolls, thanks as always for reading my blog and posts. Love you all.
Had the day off yesterday, another doctor appointment, things looking good I hope, came off some more medicine I don't need in the old body. Thanks to all my readers who sent me birthday wishes on Saturday, Mack, MaryJean, Noel, Roe, Joey, Elizabeth, Tom, The Quixley, Bonnie, Stephanie, Ralph and all the others I may have missed. 65 is grand is guess like to see many more years to come to do and to write and enjoy period. Roe and I visited my son Jeff and his family on the West Coast Saturday, my granddaughter wanted a Checker's Burger however we convinced her to go for a 5 Guys Burger and Fries. We had a nice lunch, the place was not crowded and the food was wiped out. For a little girl who only like macaroni, chicken nuggets and fries she's moving up to the east side of food.
Weather is getting very hot here today, highs are near 96 and maybe some rain in sight over the next few days.
I know a lot of kids will be heading to Disney soon with school being out so the traffic will be building in volume over the next few weeks. Just remember if you are planning to visit Central Florida and take in the attractions keep your patience, stay cool, drink lots of water and be careful on the roadways because traffic will be heavy and the lines at attractions long.
When I retire next month I may not be writing everyday but there will be posts from me about stuff, maybe me, the crazies, food or whatever I want to write about. The next month for me is hectic with doctors and getting everything ready for my big day. Funny when you are young that day never crosses your mind but it is here for me. Scary in a way, anticipation in another but hopes for a good life to come. Have to run Guys and Dolls, thanks as always for reading my blog and posts. Love you all.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Good Monday Morning Speakies:
Hoping you all had a great weekend. Old Joey Z celebrated his B-Day this weekend and now is at the official retirement age with only 57 more days till zero hour at work. The State of Florida offers a combination of free hunting and fishing licenses to those 65 and older and I’m going to dig into that offer this coming week. Well it is June 2012 and guess what in this first week of June we celebrate “NATIONAL FISHING WEEK.” The kid here is ready for some saltwater fishing soon.
On this 4th day of June let’s see what kind of holidays we can raise our glasses to.
CHEESE DAY – Joey Z loves his cheeses. A nice piece of extra sharp white cheddar, a little pepperoni, a thin rye cracker and of course a nice glass of wine to wash it all down. Roe is a big fan of good sharp provolone. When I first met her provolone was not appealing to me, smelled like old gym socks and the taste lasted forever. I have grown to love that cheese now in moderation of course. Like all cheeses they’ll get you in the end if you eat too much. When I was younger I always loved good American White Cheese, now they have Yellow American and White. When I want a sandwich that calls for cheese make mine White American.
Hoping you all had a great weekend. Old Joey Z celebrated his B-Day this weekend and now is at the official retirement age with only 57 more days till zero hour at work. The State of Florida offers a combination of free hunting and fishing licenses to those 65 and older and I’m going to dig into that offer this coming week. Well it is June 2012 and guess what in this first week of June we celebrate “NATIONAL FISHING WEEK.” The kid here is ready for some saltwater fishing soon.
On this 4th day of June let’s see what kind of holidays we can raise our glasses to.

NATIONAL CANCER SURVIVORS DAY – I had bladder cancer back in 2002 and have cancer free since then. It is a scary situation to be in and the thoughts that cross your mind can be so stressful not only to you but also on the ones you love. I thank God for having a great doctor whom I still see and my wife Roe who gave me all her support and snapped me back to reality at times because I am a big pain in the ass at times and probably always will be. Thanks Hon. For my Guys and Dolls going through cancer or treatment stay positive and say a little prayer each day, he’s listening. There may be times you think no one cares but your family really does always believe in that.
For my Food Speakies it is “Frozen Yogurt Day.” I’ve tried frozen yogurt ice cream and love the chocolate flavored one. It has less calories and sort of tastes like the old time fudgesicles to me. Enough for today have a great day and as always be careful out there.
Friday, June 1, 2012
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