Good Tuesday Morning Speakies:
Get ready to slide today and I don’t mean on sleds, water slides or any of those fun things. I’m talking food sliding for today is “GREASY FOODS DAY.” All those foods that are not good for you in excess or like me on a daily basis. Joey Z is talking the cream of the crop greasy foods here, comfort food that’s it, good old comfort food. I’m making a list with my comments and I want you to send me your favorite greasy delights. Here we go:
French Fries – hot and crispy with ketchup. The ones on the boardwalk at Seaside were some of the best; eat a few and you had to wipe your fingers.
Pepperoni pizza – pick up that slice baby, fold it in half and just watch the greasy oil slide down to the tip and hit the plate. Take that first bite and wipe your mouth you are in pizza heaven.
Pork Roll – fried up a little burn around the edges on a nice roll with cheese and spicy mustard.
Scrapple – God’s King of Grease, everything goes in it but who cares its great with eggs, potatoes and toast.
Bacon – nice and crisp, pick it up and feel the snap in your mouth. Can you say BLT?
White Castle Burgers – I call them nature’s own laxative.
Cheeseburger – right off the grill put it on a bun and see the grease stain, bite into it and the juices just drip down your chin.
Italian Sausage Sandwich – of course with peppers and onions, a true treat.
Polish Kielbasa – the Filet Mignon to us Polaks, add some horseradish and take us to the promised land.
Well those are some of my favorites, send me yours, don’t be shy you can make a comment on this blog about any subject I write about. Have a Greasy Day.