Happy Friday Speakies:
I smell the weekend brewing and wish you all a good day today. Being its Friday how about some fish and chips for lunch or dinner, sounds good to me. I remember when I lived in Trenton, NJ there was a bar called Top Road Tavern across the street from my parents house. Every Friday morning when she was going to work my Mom stopped in and placed her order with the little Italian lady who worked the kitchen for pick-up at 5:00 p.m. Exactly at 5:00 p.m. little JoeyZ went to pick-up that order. For a $1.50 back then, each of us got 2 pieces of fresh flounder, French fries, coleslaw and hot Italian bread. What memories of Fridays.
We have a lot of holidays this weekend so lets get started:
National Hairball Awareness Day – Big day for cats.
Hairstylists Appreciation Day – Give them a bigger tip today.
Spank Out Day – Sounds interesting actually it was initiated in 1998 to give widespread attention to the need to end corporal punishment of children.
Walpurgis Night - Historically Walpurgisnacht is derived from various pagan spring customs. Bonfires were built to keep away the dead and chaotic spirits that were then widely believed to walk among the living.
Amtrak Day – I remember riding the train from South Carolina to home when I was in the service, long trip.
Lei Day – The soft breeze of the South Pacific are calling to me.
May Day – Was a big day in the Soviet Union once.
Kentucky Derby Day – I’m gonna get my derby and a mint julep around 5:00 p.m. that day.
National Scrapbooking Day – This one honors my wife Roe, check out her site posted on my blog called Creative Memories. Beautiful work, I’m proud of her.
Martin Z. Mollusk Day - If a hermit crab in Ocean City, New Jersey, sees its shadow today, summer will come one week early. Those Jersey guys know how to celebrate.
Mother Goose Day – Read some stories to those kiddies today.
National Dance Day – Get down boogie, boogie, boogie, there are no exceptions to the rule.
Motorcycle Mass and Blessing of the Bikes Day – St. Harley is coming to see and bless you.
National Play Your Ukulele Day – Tiny Tim where art thou?
Enough for the holidays Speakies, pour yourself a nice drink, relax and just chill.
I smell the weekend brewing and wish you all a good day today. Being its Friday how about some fish and chips for lunch or dinner, sounds good to me. I remember when I lived in Trenton, NJ there was a bar called Top Road Tavern across the street from my parents house. Every Friday morning when she was going to work my Mom stopped in and placed her order with the little Italian lady who worked the kitchen for pick-up at 5:00 p.m. Exactly at 5:00 p.m. little JoeyZ went to pick-up that order. For a $1.50 back then, each of us got 2 pieces of fresh flounder, French fries, coleslaw and hot Italian bread. What memories of Fridays.
We have a lot of holidays this weekend so lets get started:
National Hairball Awareness Day – Big day for cats.
Hairstylists Appreciation Day – Give them a bigger tip today.
Spank Out Day – Sounds interesting actually it was initiated in 1998 to give widespread attention to the need to end corporal punishment of children.
Walpurgis Night - Historically Walpurgisnacht is derived from various pagan spring customs. Bonfires were built to keep away the dead and chaotic spirits that were then widely believed to walk among the living.
Amtrak Day – I remember riding the train from South Carolina to home when I was in the service, long trip.
Lei Day – The soft breeze of the South Pacific are calling to me.
May Day – Was a big day in the Soviet Union once.
Kentucky Derby Day – I’m gonna get my derby and a mint julep around 5:00 p.m. that day.
National Scrapbooking Day – This one honors my wife Roe, check out her site posted on my blog called Creative Memories. Beautiful work, I’m proud of her.
Martin Z. Mollusk Day - If a hermit crab in Ocean City, New Jersey, sees its shadow today, summer will come one week early. Those Jersey guys know how to celebrate.
Mother Goose Day – Read some stories to those kiddies today.
National Dance Day – Get down boogie, boogie, boogie, there are no exceptions to the rule.
Motorcycle Mass and Blessing of the Bikes Day – St. Harley is coming to see and bless you.
National Play Your Ukulele Day – Tiny Tim where art thou?
Enough for the holidays Speakies, pour yourself a nice drink, relax and just chill.