St. Augustine, Florida

May 24, 2013

We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.
Christmas Eve 2012
NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten
Luck Be A Lady
Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth
Nina June 2013
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Thursday Speakies:
Today is going to be my weekend and holiday wishes for all of you. I’m taking a long weekend and writing is not included in my plans until after the 4th of July. I’m sure a lot of my Guys and Dolls will be cooking out over this holiday weekend or traveling to their favorite vacation haunts for a well-deserved rest. Whatever you do be careful out there.
There are some holidays to lift our glasses of cheer to so I have to remember them in this post. We have the following this weekend:
Early Bird Day – Is that one for the birds or for the Guys and Dolls who have to get up early for work each day?
Today is going to be my weekend and holiday wishes for all of you. I’m taking a long weekend and writing is not included in my plans until after the 4th of July. I’m sure a lot of my Guys and Dolls will be cooking out over this holiday weekend or traveling to their favorite vacation haunts for a well-deserved rest. Whatever you do be careful out there.
There are some holidays to lift our glasses of cheer to so I have to remember them in this post. We have the following this weekend:
Early Bird Day – Is that one for the birds or for the Guys and Dolls who have to get up early for work each day?
TV Commercial Day – There are good ones but some are really lame, I’ll attack some later on.
I Forgot Day – My kind of holiday, I forget stuff every day.
Air Conditioning Appreciation Day – Down here it is a must. Hey Northern Guys and Dolls on some days you can really use it too.
American Redneck Day – Their own breed.
Yankee Doodle Day – A dandy of a day, also one great movie with James Cagney if it comes on a station you watch catch it.
Independence Day – A great American holiday that should never be forgotten and the same for the men who made it possible.
There are some great food holidays this month and I will comment on those after the 4th of July. Have a great holiday, enjoy and be careful.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:
How about a little summer school today, we have to keep those minds sharp and ready for September when those little tykes start asking questions. So today we will check to see what famous people were born, died and important stuff that happened on this date.
How about a little summer school today, we have to keep those minds sharp and ready for September when those little tykes start asking questions. So today we will check to see what famous people were born, died and important stuff that happened on this date.
1858 – George Washington Goethals – Engineer who built the Panama Canal.
1901 – Nelson Eddy – Actor and Singer “I’ll be Calling You Sweetheart.”
1919 – Slim Pickens – Actor Dr. Strangelove, Blazing Saddles and many more movies.
1936 – Harmon Killebrew – Baseball great with the Minnesota Twins.
1944 – Gary Busey – Actor, liked him in the Buddy Holly Story and Stephen King’s “Silver Bullet”. Looks like he sort of flipped out of it now.
1948 – Fred Grandy – Actor turned politician, was Gopher on the Love Boat.
1941 – Ignace Paderewski – Polish statesman and pianist.
1967 – Jayne Mansfield – Actress, dies in car crash.
1978 – Bob Crane – That Hogan Hero man murdered. I know nothing.
1863 – Lee orders his troops to concentrate near Gettysburg, not a good move for Lee.
1916 – First Boeing aircraft flies.
1927 – First air flight from the West Coast arrives in Hawaii, wonder how long that took.
1941 – Jolting Joe DiMaggio extends hitting streak to 42 games.
1956 – Federal interstate highway system act signed.
1969 – First Jewish worship service held in the White House.
1989 – Poor Susan Lucci loses the Daytime Emmy for the 10th straight year. Don’t fret ladies and gents she finally will win one.
I don’t want to overload those circuits today so that’s all the info you have to absorb. Have a great day and be careful out there.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Good Morning Speakies:
Sorry for the short note yesterday, but I do believe a stomach virus has invaded the body of JoeyZ and I’m still not up to battle speed. I believe my posts will be short ones for a few days as I try to recover and also spend time with family visiting. Hoping you all had a pleasant evening and your day is off to a fine start.
Today we celebrate “HANDSHAKE DAY”; this is not a great holiday for Howie Mandell as he has a phobia for shaking one’s hand. If you ever meet Howie just bump elbows instead. As far as food goes it’s “TAPIOCA DAY.” Tapioca is a beady starch obtained from the root of the cassava, used for puddings and as a thickening agent in cooking. Pearl tapioca is used mainly to make pudding and comes in several sizes, regular or instant forms and in a variety of pre-packaged flavors. Pearl tapioca is available in most supermarkets, whereas the other forms are more commonly found in natural food stores and Asian markets. If stored in a cool, dark place, all types of tapioca will keep indefinitely. Now there is a little tapioca information for you Guys and Dolls. My favorite form of tapioca is pudding; I find it rich and very favorable to JoeyZ’s taste buds so if you are also a fan get some for dessert tonight.
Have a great day Guys and Dolls and be careful out there.
Sorry for the short note yesterday, but I do believe a stomach virus has invaded the body of JoeyZ and I’m still not up to battle speed. I believe my posts will be short ones for a few days as I try to recover and also spend time with family visiting. Hoping you all had a pleasant evening and your day is off to a fine start.
Today we celebrate “HANDSHAKE DAY”; this is not a great holiday for Howie Mandell as he has a phobia for shaking one’s hand. If you ever meet Howie just bump elbows instead. As far as food goes it’s “TAPIOCA DAY.” Tapioca is a beady starch obtained from the root of the cassava, used for puddings and as a thickening agent in cooking. Pearl tapioca is used mainly to make pudding and comes in several sizes, regular or instant forms and in a variety of pre-packaged flavors. Pearl tapioca is available in most supermarkets, whereas the other forms are more commonly found in natural food stores and Asian markets. If stored in a cool, dark place, all types of tapioca will keep indefinitely. Now there is a little tapioca information for you Guys and Dolls. My favorite form of tapioca is pudding; I find it rich and very favorable to JoeyZ’s taste buds so if you are also a fan get some for dessert tonight.
Have a great day Guys and Dolls and be careful out there.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011

Happy Friday Speakies:
Just making a quick stop to wish you all a great Friday and a wonderful weekend. Hoping good weather, good friends and family make it a special one for each of you. Not sure what the weather will be like here in Florida, the forecasters are calling for storms today through Sunday. I will believe that when I see that rain falling. We really need some rain to help combat the various brush fires across the state.
This weekend we celebrate “UFO DAY”, those unidentified objects being operated by little green men. I’m a fan of the old Twilight Zone TV shows; they had some great shows about aliens, flying saucers and outer space in general. Here are some of my favorite episodes that I recommend if you like outer space thrillers:
Just making a quick stop to wish you all a great Friday and a wonderful weekend. Hoping good weather, good friends and family make it a special one for each of you. Not sure what the weather will be like here in Florida, the forecasters are calling for storms today through Sunday. I will believe that when I see that rain falling. We really need some rain to help combat the various brush fires across the state.
This weekend we celebrate “UFO DAY”, those unidentified objects being operated by little green men. I’m a fan of the old Twilight Zone TV shows; they had some great shows about aliens, flying saucers and outer space in general. Here are some of my favorite episodes that I recommend if you like outer space thrillers:
If you have Turner Movie Classic Station on Thursday nights they have all Science Fiction movies on. If it’s a crummy weekend go rent some SCI-FI movies and relax. See you all next week. By the way if you like reading about UFO's there is a great website called UFO Center, they have reports of sightings and other interesting features. Their site is
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Good Morning Guys and Dolls:
Not very much in holidays to talk about today except if you are a YO-YO fan, the American version was started in 1928. The other holiday is “LET IT GO DAY”, meaning pack up all your problems and worries and ship them off for a day. There is not much going on in Central Florida except for the heat, no rain and the Casey Anthony trial for those who are familiar with it.
June is also “TURKEY LOVERS MONTH.” I like turkey but usually on Thanksgiving Day with all the trimmings. I prefer a couple nice slices of white breast meat, mash potatoes with gravy, stuffing and not that cornbread stuff, it has to be soft made with bread and all the rest of the good stuff that goes in it. Vegetable wise is a tough one for me, string beans, pearl onions and stuffed mushrooms. Add on a little sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce and you will have made a turkey lover out of me. Now if I’m out and in the mood for an open face sandwich I would have to choose an open face roast beef sandwich over a turkey one, sorry gobble lovers. So if you are a turkey lover, have some tonight, either at a local diner that always has turkey on the menu, buy some roasted turkey lunch meat or grab a TV dinner and enjoy.
I’m going to make it a short post today, have a great day and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Not very much in holidays to talk about today except if you are a YO-YO fan, the American version was started in 1928. The other holiday is “LET IT GO DAY”, meaning pack up all your problems and worries and ship them off for a day. There is not much going on in Central Florida except for the heat, no rain and the Casey Anthony trial for those who are familiar with it.
June is also “TURKEY LOVERS MONTH.” I like turkey but usually on Thanksgiving Day with all the trimmings. I prefer a couple nice slices of white breast meat, mash potatoes with gravy, stuffing and not that cornbread stuff, it has to be soft made with bread and all the rest of the good stuff that goes in it. Vegetable wise is a tough one for me, string beans, pearl onions and stuffed mushrooms. Add on a little sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce and you will have made a turkey lover out of me. Now if I’m out and in the mood for an open face sandwich I would have to choose an open face roast beef sandwich over a turkey one, sorry gobble lovers. So if you are a turkey lover, have some tonight, either at a local diner that always has turkey on the menu, buy some roasted turkey lunch meat or grab a TV dinner and enjoy.
I’m going to make it a short post today, have a great day and I’ll see you tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:
This day signifies officially that the work week is half over. Let’s hope we all have a great day no matter at work or just relaxing. I’m always giving you the holidays and my little comments about them. Today a little wisdom that was passed on to me via e-mail I thought I would like to share with you but especially for my Dolls.
How can you tell when you are in a room, restroom or a hotel with a true mirror or a 2-way glass? This information was given by a policewoman who gives seminars and techniques for women traveling for their safety. Just conduct a very simple test. Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a GAP between your fingernail and the image of the nail, then it is a GENUINE mirror. However, if your fingernail DIRECTLY TOUCHES the image of your nail, then BEWARE! IT IS A 2-WAY MIRROR. Just remember this little saying: “NO SPACE, LEAVE THE PLACE.” Please pass this along to your friends and family members for their information and safety.
JoeyZ is on a roll and for this next bit of information I would like to thank my cousin Tom for sending this to me. This is regarding that little sheet of fabric softener we all throw in the dryer. It has many uses besides in the dryer so I’m going to give you a few hints that I did not know and maybe you too.
Tie a sheet through your belt loop; it repels mosquitoes during the summer season.
This day signifies officially that the work week is half over. Let’s hope we all have a great day no matter at work or just relaxing. I’m always giving you the holidays and my little comments about them. Today a little wisdom that was passed on to me via e-mail I thought I would like to share with you but especially for my Dolls.
How can you tell when you are in a room, restroom or a hotel with a true mirror or a 2-way glass? This information was given by a policewoman who gives seminars and techniques for women traveling for their safety. Just conduct a very simple test. Place the tip of your fingernail against the reflective surface and if there is a GAP between your fingernail and the image of the nail, then it is a GENUINE mirror. However, if your fingernail DIRECTLY TOUCHES the image of your nail, then BEWARE! IT IS A 2-WAY MIRROR. Just remember this little saying: “NO SPACE, LEAVE THE PLACE.” Please pass this along to your friends and family members for their information and safety.
JoeyZ is on a roll and for this next bit of information I would like to thank my cousin Tom for sending this to me. This is regarding that little sheet of fabric softener we all throw in the dryer. It has many uses besides in the dryer so I’m going to give you a few hints that I did not know and maybe you too.
Tie a sheet through your belt loop; it repels mosquitoes during the summer season.
It takes the odor out of books and photo albums that don’t get opened too often.
Eliminate static electricity from your TV or computer screen.
Dissolves soap scum from shower doors, just clean with a sheet.
To freshen the air in your home, place a sheet in a drawer or closet.
To prevent thread from tangling, run a threaded needle through a sheet before beginning to sew.
Clean baked-on foods from a cooking pan; place a sheet in a pan, fill with water, let sit overnight and sponge clean. The anti-static agent apparently weakens the bond between the food and the pan.
For those living in Florida, wet a sheet, hose down your car and wipe love bugs off easily with the wet sheet. Do not use the fragrance kind.
Well Speakies there you go with a few hints on dryer sheets. Thanks Tom for providing this information. Just so we don’t forget holidays, today is “STUPID GUY THING DAY”, so guys let’s all do something stupid to get the dolls a little perturbed. Have a great day everyone.
Well Speakies there you go with a few hints on dryer sheets. Thanks Tom for providing this information. Just so we don’t forget holidays, today is “STUPID GUY THING DAY”, so guys let’s all do something stupid to get the dolls a little perturbed. Have a great day everyone.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Tuesday Guys and Dolls:
I hope you like the music on my site, I had to switch, the last list cancelled their automatic turn-on feature so I went with this new one. I’m trying to build a special playlist only for this blog but you are hearing my oldie collection the true music I grew up with and still love today. I hope to have my new list completed in a week or so.
Pay attention here Speakies for today it is officially “BABY BOOMER RECOGNITION DAY.” It gives us Boomers the recognition we deserve. Don’t deny us our Social Security benefits and all those other good things we’ve paid into for years. They owe us so stand together my brothers and sisters and don’t waiver when it comes to our rights as Boomers. Three Cheers for all us Boomers and beer for everyone.
Dr. Pepper hit the streets today in 1857. The formula was founded by a pharmacist named Charles Alderton in Morrison’s Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas. To test his new drink mixture he gave it to Mr. Morrison who owned the store and really liked the flavor. Patrons learned of the new drink and began calling it a Waco. Alderton gave the formula to Mr. Morrison who named it Dr. Pepper as we know it today.
Today is also the first day of summer and I tell you it sure is summer here in Central Florida, the temps are in the high 90’s and the humidity is even greater. Best to stay in the air and relax or if you have errands to do early morning or in the evening is the time to do them.
Let’s check out some stuff that happened today, some birthdays, bucket kicks and maybe if any events of mentioning occurred here it comes:
Happy Birthday to:
I hope you like the music on my site, I had to switch, the last list cancelled their automatic turn-on feature so I went with this new one. I’m trying to build a special playlist only for this blog but you are hearing my oldie collection the true music I grew up with and still love today. I hope to have my new list completed in a week or so.
Pay attention here Speakies for today it is officially “BABY BOOMER RECOGNITION DAY.” It gives us Boomers the recognition we deserve. Don’t deny us our Social Security benefits and all those other good things we’ve paid into for years. They owe us so stand together my brothers and sisters and don’t waiver when it comes to our rights as Boomers. Three Cheers for all us Boomers and beer for everyone.
Dr. Pepper hit the streets today in 1857. The formula was founded by a pharmacist named Charles Alderton in Morrison’s Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas. To test his new drink mixture he gave it to Mr. Morrison who owned the store and really liked the flavor. Patrons learned of the new drink and began calling it a Waco. Alderton gave the formula to Mr. Morrison who named it Dr. Pepper as we know it today.
Today is also the first day of summer and I tell you it sure is summer here in Central Florida, the temps are in the high 90’s and the humidity is even greater. Best to stay in the air and relax or if you have errands to do early morning or in the evening is the time to do them.
Let’s check out some stuff that happened today, some birthdays, bucket kicks and maybe if any events of mentioning occurred here it comes:
Happy Birthday to:
Martha Washington – George’s old lady.
Actress Jane Russell – One body beautiful lady.
Maureen Stapleton – A fine actress in Airport, Cocoon, Plaza Suite.
Bernie Kopell – Doc of Love Boat.
Ron Ely – That newer Tarzan man.
Prince William of Wales – Prince Chuck’s kid.
Passed on Today:
Actress Jane Russell – One body beautiful lady.
Maureen Stapleton – A fine actress in Airport, Cocoon, Plaza Suite.
Bernie Kopell – Doc of Love Boat.
Ron Ely – That newer Tarzan man.
Prince William of Wales – Prince Chuck’s kid.
Passed on Today:
General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna – Kicked the bucket this date in 1876, he was 82 and that guy who over took the Alamo from Davy and the boys.
1879 – F.W. Woolworth opens its first store.
1893 – 1st Ferris wheel premieres at the Chicago Exposition.
1939 – Yankee Great Lou Gehrig is diagnosed with ALS.
1945 – Japanese forces surrender on Okinawa.
1964 – Phillies pitcher Jim Bunning throws perfect game against the Mets.
1987 – Mike Tyson was being a bad boy again harassing a parking attendant.
1990 – Little Richard gets a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. Good Golly Miss Molly.
1893 – 1st Ferris wheel premieres at the Chicago Exposition.
1939 – Yankee Great Lou Gehrig is diagnosed with ALS.
1945 – Japanese forces surrender on Okinawa.
1964 – Phillies pitcher Jim Bunning throws perfect game against the Mets.
1987 – Mike Tyson was being a bad boy again harassing a parking attendant.
1990 – Little Richard gets a star on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame. Good Golly Miss Molly.
Monday, June 20, 2011

Good Monday Morning Speakies:
Trusting you all had a great weekend and all you Dads out there a great day. I had a great day, I received a call from my younger son and his lovely wife Sam wishing me the best, later I received a call from my little granddaughter wishing me a Happy Father’s Day and telling me all about her trip to Bush Gardens on Saturday with the Brownies. Roe and I spent a lovely day together; I even took a nap in my chair before my son Joe and his lovely wife Elizabeth came over for a sandwich and potato salad feast along with chocolate covered strawberries. We played a game of Quelf and several games of Mexican Poker. Truly a great day and evening for JoeyZ. Thanks for the root beer barrels and my old time Phillies cap.
Today is “ICE CREAM SODA DAY.” An ice cream soda or float is a drink that consists of one or more scoops of ice cream in a soft drink or in a mixture of flavored syrup and carbonated water. I would have to say my favorite would be the old time Root Beer Float with vanilla ice cream and I haven’t had one in years. There was a place called Brunswick Drug Store where I lived and as a teenager we all hung out at the soda fountain. One of the guys Charlie who worked behind the counter whipped some great Coke drinks, like Vanilla, Cherry or Lemon Cokes; it was just a fun place to hang in the evenings. Some good old days.
Better get going for today, have a great day and evening and always remember to be careful out there and treat yourself to a nice ice cream soda today.
Trusting you all had a great weekend and all you Dads out there a great day. I had a great day, I received a call from my younger son and his lovely wife Sam wishing me the best, later I received a call from my little granddaughter wishing me a Happy Father’s Day and telling me all about her trip to Bush Gardens on Saturday with the Brownies. Roe and I spent a lovely day together; I even took a nap in my chair before my son Joe and his lovely wife Elizabeth came over for a sandwich and potato salad feast along with chocolate covered strawberries. We played a game of Quelf and several games of Mexican Poker. Truly a great day and evening for JoeyZ. Thanks for the root beer barrels and my old time Phillies cap.
Today is “ICE CREAM SODA DAY.” An ice cream soda or float is a drink that consists of one or more scoops of ice cream in a soft drink or in a mixture of flavored syrup and carbonated water. I would have to say my favorite would be the old time Root Beer Float with vanilla ice cream and I haven’t had one in years. There was a place called Brunswick Drug Store where I lived and as a teenager we all hung out at the soda fountain. One of the guys Charlie who worked behind the counter whipped some great Coke drinks, like Vanilla, Cherry or Lemon Cokes; it was just a fun place to hang in the evenings. Some good old days.
Better get going for today, have a great day and evening and always remember to be careful out there and treat yourself to a nice ice cream soda today.
Friday, June 17, 2011

Just making my short visit on Friday to wish you a Happy Friday and a great weekend to come. Tomorrow is a great holiday as it is “GO FISHING DAY.” I’m sure my son Jeff will take advantage of that reason; I wish I could join him but I’ll be there soon. Stay cool and be careful out there. I would also like to wish a “HAPPY FATHER’S DAY” to all my Guys this Sunday, may your day be filled with the love from your family.
Just making my short visit on Friday to wish you a Happy Friday and a great weekend to come. Tomorrow is a great holiday as it is “GO FISHING DAY.” I’m sure my son Jeff will take advantage of that reason; I wish I could join him but I’ll be there soon. Stay cool and be careful out there. I would also like to wish a “HAPPY FATHER’S DAY” to all my Guys this Sunday, may your day be filled with the love from your family.
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good Morning and Happy Thursday Speakies:
Today in 1959 it was a sad day for us youngsters for George Reeves (aka Superman) committed suicide. I remember where I was when I heard the news and it spread throughout the neighborhood like wildfire among us kids. Foul play is still suspected but cannot be proven, that’s Hollywood for you.
On a brighter note it is “FRESH VEGGIES DAY.” All veggies are collected fresh it’s what they do to them after they are picked. This day could mean they are honoring the veggies we eat raw, okay I like some raw vegetables but I’m picky. Tomatoes, lettuce, celery, green peppers, banana peppers are my favorites. You can have the raw broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus they are not my cup of tea. So have some of your favorites tonight if you like as a snack with a little ranch dressing.
NATIONAL FUDGE DAY – Too sweet for me never cared for fudge candy nor Salt Water Taffy.
And how could we forget “CRACKER JACK DAY.” Founded by a German immigrant named Frederick William Rueckheim, together with his brother Louis came up with a popcorn like candy and first mass produced it at the first Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. It was a mixture of popcorn, molasses and peanuts and the initial name was “Candied Popcorn and Peanuts.” The product was immortalized in 1908 in the lyrics of the song “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” The mascots Sailor Jack and his dog Bingo became the official trademark in 1919. Cracker Jack is still around today and owned by Frito-Lay Corporation.
Hope you all enjoyed a little history of food today and I wish you all a great day and a wonderful evening. Be careful out there.
Today in 1959 it was a sad day for us youngsters for George Reeves (aka Superman) committed suicide. I remember where I was when I heard the news and it spread throughout the neighborhood like wildfire among us kids. Foul play is still suspected but cannot be proven, that’s Hollywood for you.
On a brighter note it is “FRESH VEGGIES DAY.” All veggies are collected fresh it’s what they do to them after they are picked. This day could mean they are honoring the veggies we eat raw, okay I like some raw vegetables but I’m picky. Tomatoes, lettuce, celery, green peppers, banana peppers are my favorites. You can have the raw broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus they are not my cup of tea. So have some of your favorites tonight if you like as a snack with a little ranch dressing.
NATIONAL FUDGE DAY – Too sweet for me never cared for fudge candy nor Salt Water Taffy.
And how could we forget “CRACKER JACK DAY.” Founded by a German immigrant named Frederick William Rueckheim, together with his brother Louis came up with a popcorn like candy and first mass produced it at the first Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. It was a mixture of popcorn, molasses and peanuts and the initial name was “Candied Popcorn and Peanuts.” The product was immortalized in 1908 in the lyrics of the song “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” The mascots Sailor Jack and his dog Bingo became the official trademark in 1919. Cracker Jack is still around today and owned by Frito-Lay Corporation.
Hope you all enjoyed a little history of food today and I wish you all a great day and a wonderful evening. Be careful out there.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:
JoeyZ coming to you from a very hot and humid Florida where the temperatures have been in the upper 90’s and calling for thunderstorms each day, haven’t seen one yet in our area. I checked out the temps in the Northeast and see you guys are getting a little break from the heat. June is half way over and time keeps flying by and that means we are getting older by the minute. Let’s check out some holidays for the month:
LANE COURTESY MONTH – You’re not going to see that in the state of Florida often. I can count on the fingers of my one hand the times I motioned someone to proceed into the lane and never received the courtesy wave of thanks. Now no one gets by they can wait till hell freezes before I give them a break. So much for courtesy month on my part. Some more courtesy violators are the no signal nimyos who change lanes in front of you without the courtesy of signaling. Another gem of the road is the no signal guy just puts of his brakes and turns. These people must be ray gunned off the face of the Earth. I better stop my courtesy is fading with every word I’m writing now.
On a lighter note it is “NATIONAL DAIRY MONTH.” God bless those cows for the milk. All that good milk, butter and cheese comes from their milk. Keep it up cows.
NATIONAL CANDY MONTH – I’m not allowed to eat sweets that much but my favorite candy is still the old penny candy. Roe and I are in search for the old true watermelon slices, the ones that tasted like coconut and had the black seeds inside. There are ones that look like them but are not the real ones. Root beer barrels are another favorite along with black licorice the bite size kind.
Well all I can say is grab some candy of your choice, a container of milk and hit the road of courtesy and keep cool. Have a great day and evening Speakies.
JoeyZ coming to you from a very hot and humid Florida where the temperatures have been in the upper 90’s and calling for thunderstorms each day, haven’t seen one yet in our area. I checked out the temps in the Northeast and see you guys are getting a little break from the heat. June is half way over and time keeps flying by and that means we are getting older by the minute. Let’s check out some holidays for the month:
LANE COURTESY MONTH – You’re not going to see that in the state of Florida often. I can count on the fingers of my one hand the times I motioned someone to proceed into the lane and never received the courtesy wave of thanks. Now no one gets by they can wait till hell freezes before I give them a break. So much for courtesy month on my part. Some more courtesy violators are the no signal nimyos who change lanes in front of you without the courtesy of signaling. Another gem of the road is the no signal guy just puts of his brakes and turns. These people must be ray gunned off the face of the Earth. I better stop my courtesy is fading with every word I’m writing now.
On a lighter note it is “NATIONAL DAIRY MONTH.” God bless those cows for the milk. All that good milk, butter and cheese comes from their milk. Keep it up cows.
NATIONAL CANDY MONTH – I’m not allowed to eat sweets that much but my favorite candy is still the old penny candy. Roe and I are in search for the old true watermelon slices, the ones that tasted like coconut and had the black seeds inside. There are ones that look like them but are not the real ones. Root beer barrels are another favorite along with black licorice the bite size kind.
Well all I can say is grab some candy of your choice, a container of milk and hit the road of courtesy and keep cool. Have a great day and evening Speakies.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Happy Tuesday Speakies:
Today is “FLAG DAY”, known as Old Glory, the Stars & Stripes and probably a few more names which I cannot bring to mind. So if you have a flag pole or even one of those hand held flags display it and give Old Glory its due honor today.
Today the U.S. Army was officially created in 1784 by the Congress of the Confederation after the end of the Revolutionary War to replace the disbanded Continental Army. The Army considers itself to be descended from the Continental Army and thus dates its inception from the origins of that force. Let us never forget those who gave their lives for the freedom we have today. Our local Home Depot store donated a Veterans Memorial Display for all those who served in the military from our community. Photos were sent and modified with the dates served and will be placed in slots for display. A very nice gesture from Home Depot and an honor to the veterans living in our community. A special thanks to Roe and Linda for a job well done.
For you food lovers it is “OFFICIAL STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE DAY.” I remember those strawberry shortcakes that were made with those little round cakes with the well in the center, filled in with strawberries and smothered with whip cream. It was a good dessert in a pinch and during the summer months Mom always had tons of strawberries in the house to make them. The only problem was she put too much sugar on them that they tasted like candy. So if you are near a good bakery or diner today have yourself a nice slice of cake.
Here’s a sports view from Joey Z’s “WHO CARES.” I was glad to see the Mavericks win the NBA Championship however I never watched a minute of the games. Pro basketball has a long season; it starts in November and ends in June. One can tune in the last minute to see who wins. There must also be joy in Cleveland today but I say “Who Cares.”
Today is “FLAG DAY”, known as Old Glory, the Stars & Stripes and probably a few more names which I cannot bring to mind. So if you have a flag pole or even one of those hand held flags display it and give Old Glory its due honor today.
Today the U.S. Army was officially created in 1784 by the Congress of the Confederation after the end of the Revolutionary War to replace the disbanded Continental Army. The Army considers itself to be descended from the Continental Army and thus dates its inception from the origins of that force. Let us never forget those who gave their lives for the freedom we have today. Our local Home Depot store donated a Veterans Memorial Display for all those who served in the military from our community. Photos were sent and modified with the dates served and will be placed in slots for display. A very nice gesture from Home Depot and an honor to the veterans living in our community. A special thanks to Roe and Linda for a job well done.
For you food lovers it is “OFFICIAL STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE DAY.” I remember those strawberry shortcakes that were made with those little round cakes with the well in the center, filled in with strawberries and smothered with whip cream. It was a good dessert in a pinch and during the summer months Mom always had tons of strawberries in the house to make them. The only problem was she put too much sugar on them that they tasted like candy. So if you are near a good bakery or diner today have yourself a nice slice of cake.
Here’s a sports view from Joey Z’s “WHO CARES.” I was glad to see the Mavericks win the NBA Championship however I never watched a minute of the games. Pro basketball has a long season; it starts in November and ends in June. One can tune in the last minute to see who wins. There must also be joy in Cleveland today but I say “Who Cares.”
Monday, June 13, 2011
Good Monday Morning Speakies:
Hope you all had a pleasant weekend and ready to start off a new week. For all of us who are not handy or a danger to society in the kitchen, this writer included we celebrate:
Hope you all had a pleasant weekend and ready to start off a new week. For all of us who are not handy or a danger to society in the kitchen, this writer included we celebrate:

“KITCHEN KLUTZES OF AMERICA DAY.” A day that pays honor to us klutzes very prone to accidents inside the kitchen. You know cutting yourself with a knife, breaking glasses or dishes, walking into open doors, and even slamming your fingers in drawers. The only way to celebrate this holiday is to go out and eat. Happy Klutz Day My Guys and Dolls.
This next holiday is one I’m craving for right now for it is “NATIONAL LOBSTER DAY.” The last time I had lobster was on a cruise ship over a year ago. Right now I’m picturing two nice lobster tails with a hot tub of melted butter ready for me to dip those delicacies of ocean into my mouth. Give me a little baked potato with butter and sour cream, some asparagus spears and you can slap my butt and call me Sally.
Speaking of lobster while Roe and I were on vacation we had lunch at Bahama Breeze. They have a great lobster salad sandwich served on a soft sort of hot dog bread with slices of tomatoes on top. It was a great light and tasty sandwich which also came as a combo with a choice of salad or soup. If you stop for lunch or dinner at a Bahama Breeze give it a try. Their menu is great and it is all fresh and tasty. Good tropical drinks too.
Let me get started with my day, hoping you all have a great Monday and a wonderful evening.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011

It’s here Speakies that favorite work day of the week FRIDAY. I feel like that dog on those TV commercials instead of bacon, bacon, bacon, it’s Friday, Friday, Friday. The weather remains hot and humid here and maybe we will have some rain over the weekend, we have not had any in two weeks and things are becoming bone dry with the threats of fires all over the state. Heard you guys up North are sweating some with the heat, take care and drink that water, best thing for you between beers. There are some holidays to celebrate so let’s check them out.
CHILDREN’S DAY – Being a parent and grandparent it’s Children’s Day every day. Love those little ones, give them all the hugs and kisses you can, they grow up fast but also provide them with the guidance to be good parents one day.
HUG DAY – I say hug the ones you love and if you think you won’t get slapped hug a hot babe because it’s also MAGIC DAY SO TAKE A CHANCE.
CORN ON THE COB DAY – Love corn on the cob, like both the yellow and the white corn. Just slap on that butter and I’m like a typewriter going to town.
BLACK COW DAY - To me it’s a Root Beer Float, haven’t had one in years.
And if you like Peanut Butter Cookies this is your day to enjoy them. Listen Speakies have a great weekend, take care and be careful.
It’s here Speakies that favorite work day of the week FRIDAY. I feel like that dog on those TV commercials instead of bacon, bacon, bacon, it’s Friday, Friday, Friday. The weather remains hot and humid here and maybe we will have some rain over the weekend, we have not had any in two weeks and things are becoming bone dry with the threats of fires all over the state. Heard you guys up North are sweating some with the heat, take care and drink that water, best thing for you between beers. There are some holidays to celebrate so let’s check them out.
CHILDREN’S DAY – Being a parent and grandparent it’s Children’s Day every day. Love those little ones, give them all the hugs and kisses you can, they grow up fast but also provide them with the guidance to be good parents one day.
HUG DAY – I say hug the ones you love and if you think you won’t get slapped hug a hot babe because it’s also MAGIC DAY SO TAKE A CHANCE.
CORN ON THE COB DAY – Love corn on the cob, like both the yellow and the white corn. Just slap on that butter and I’m like a typewriter going to town.
BLACK COW DAY - To me it’s a Root Beer Float, haven’t had one in years.
And if you like Peanut Butter Cookies this is your day to enjoy them. Listen Speakies have a great weekend, take care and be careful.
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy Thursday Guys and Dolls:
Do you know what today is? In the Land of Holidays today is “BEST FRIENDS DAY.” I wrote a part of this from another book I was writing but I thought I would like to share some of it with you today. Did you ever have a wish to go back in time to a part of your life if only for a day or a weekend? I do and I would go back to any weekend from 1962 to 1965 while I was in high school. I’m recalling the weekends I spent at my grandmother’s house and reunited with a great bunch of guys. She lived on Home Ave. and around the corner was Beatty Street and there lived my buddy Lou a tough guy half Italian and half Hungarian. Down the street lived my cousin Tommy and across from him lived Richie. We all seemed to reunite one Friday night at Lou’s front porch, just shooting the breeze, some of us smoking the cigs and all of us checking out the girls as they passed by. We formed a band that night and with each weekend our friendship grew becoming like brothers to each other. We would go for tomato pies at Sam’s on a Friday night, play basketball at the church lot on Saturdays and walk downtown to a movie that night and even go to church on Sunday. We had fun doing everything we wanted plus trying to meet all the girls we could.
Lou was the protector of our group, strong and did not take bull from anyone, Tommy my cousin was the joker, always coming up with wise cracks that made us all laugh and always kept a smile on our faces. Richie was the shy and silent type but a steadfast friend to each of us. As for me, I was just trying to be me growing up and thinking what life had in store. Along the way we adopted my friend Jack from high school, his brother Jim and another guy from the neighborhood good old Ralph. Jack loved hanging with us over the weekend that he made a point of missing the last bus on Saturday night so he could spend the night at my grandmother’s house. Good old granny never cared and always treated him like another grandson. I could probably write a book on the “BEATTY STREET BOYS” alone who knows maybe one day I will. To me life was simple then, a kinder world to live in and friendships that are hard to find now a days. As the years passed we each went our separate ways but recently, I have been in contact with Lou and Tommy, I’ve heard from Richie and maybe one day we could all hear from each other.
I cannot forget another best friend and that is my good buddy Joey G. who I worked with for a number of years. In fact two weeks ago he and his lovely wife Kim spent a week with Roe and I and we all had a ball. Joey is like a brother I never had and as long as I’ve been away from NJ our friendship has never wavered. Thanks Joe for being a good friend.
Do you know what today is? In the Land of Holidays today is “BEST FRIENDS DAY.” I wrote a part of this from another book I was writing but I thought I would like to share some of it with you today. Did you ever have a wish to go back in time to a part of your life if only for a day or a weekend? I do and I would go back to any weekend from 1962 to 1965 while I was in high school. I’m recalling the weekends I spent at my grandmother’s house and reunited with a great bunch of guys. She lived on Home Ave. and around the corner was Beatty Street and there lived my buddy Lou a tough guy half Italian and half Hungarian. Down the street lived my cousin Tommy and across from him lived Richie. We all seemed to reunite one Friday night at Lou’s front porch, just shooting the breeze, some of us smoking the cigs and all of us checking out the girls as they passed by. We formed a band that night and with each weekend our friendship grew becoming like brothers to each other. We would go for tomato pies at Sam’s on a Friday night, play basketball at the church lot on Saturdays and walk downtown to a movie that night and even go to church on Sunday. We had fun doing everything we wanted plus trying to meet all the girls we could.
Lou was the protector of our group, strong and did not take bull from anyone, Tommy my cousin was the joker, always coming up with wise cracks that made us all laugh and always kept a smile on our faces. Richie was the shy and silent type but a steadfast friend to each of us. As for me, I was just trying to be me growing up and thinking what life had in store. Along the way we adopted my friend Jack from high school, his brother Jim and another guy from the neighborhood good old Ralph. Jack loved hanging with us over the weekend that he made a point of missing the last bus on Saturday night so he could spend the night at my grandmother’s house. Good old granny never cared and always treated him like another grandson. I could probably write a book on the “BEATTY STREET BOYS” alone who knows maybe one day I will. To me life was simple then, a kinder world to live in and friendships that are hard to find now a days. As the years passed we each went our separate ways but recently, I have been in contact with Lou and Tommy, I’ve heard from Richie and maybe one day we could all hear from each other.
I cannot forget another best friend and that is my good buddy Joey G. who I worked with for a number of years. In fact two weeks ago he and his lovely wife Kim spent a week with Roe and I and we all had a ball. Joey is like a brother I never had and as long as I’ve been away from NJ our friendship has never wavered. Thanks Joe for being a good friend.
I think that will wrap it up for today and with that let me add one more thing, “bums are with us each day trying to be friends; but best friends come around only once in a while.” Have a great day.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy Wednesday Guys and Dolls:
Sorry for the short blurb yesterday but when one gets backlogged there’s no time for fun. There are a couple of happy observances today that we can celebrate:
ICE CREAM DAY – I’d have to say we all love ice cream in one form or the other. Ice cream cones, in a bowl, sundaes, milkshakes whatever other forms that were created. My favorite flavors are chocolate, French vanilla with those beans in it, butter pecan but I hate the nuts and of course a good sundae. If you’re from the Trenton, NJ area there was a place called the “Burg Diary”, a small place that was a walk-in only place your order and out. Great homemade ice cream and plenty of it. They made a great walk-away sundae. Some other great ice cream places were Parfait House; Buxton’s Diary and for the best vanilla milkshake ever was Carl’s Candy store on the corner of Beatty and Home.
WATCH DAY – Based on a fantasy novel by Russian authors Sergey Lukyanenko and Vladimir Vasilyev. Walking the streets of Moscow and indistinguishable from the rest of the population are the Others possessed of super powers and capable of entering the Twilight a world that exists in parallel to our own. Each one owes allegiance to either The Dark (the Day Watch) or The Light (the Night Watch).
WORLD OCEANS DAY – A day set to honor the oceans for the products they provide, such as seafood, its various marine life and its value towards mankind.
There’s something’s to think about today. Have a great day and evening. See you soon.
Sorry for the short blurb yesterday but when one gets backlogged there’s no time for fun. There are a couple of happy observances today that we can celebrate:
ICE CREAM DAY – I’d have to say we all love ice cream in one form or the other. Ice cream cones, in a bowl, sundaes, milkshakes whatever other forms that were created. My favorite flavors are chocolate, French vanilla with those beans in it, butter pecan but I hate the nuts and of course a good sundae. If you’re from the Trenton, NJ area there was a place called the “Burg Diary”, a small place that was a walk-in only place your order and out. Great homemade ice cream and plenty of it. They made a great walk-away sundae. Some other great ice cream places were Parfait House; Buxton’s Diary and for the best vanilla milkshake ever was Carl’s Candy store on the corner of Beatty and Home.
WATCH DAY – Based on a fantasy novel by Russian authors Sergey Lukyanenko and Vladimir Vasilyev. Walking the streets of Moscow and indistinguishable from the rest of the population are the Others possessed of super powers and capable of entering the Twilight a world that exists in parallel to our own. Each one owes allegiance to either The Dark (the Day Watch) or The Light (the Night Watch).
WORLD OCEANS DAY – A day set to honor the oceans for the products they provide, such as seafood, its various marine life and its value towards mankind.
There’s something’s to think about today. Have a great day and evening. See you soon.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sorry for not writing yesterday, had some medical tests that needed to be done, and this morning I am tied up with a little bit of a back-log. If I have a chance to put some thoughts together later I will, if not I'll see you soon. Have a great day Speakies.
Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:
Well it’s the end of a short work week for most of us and the weekend is a few hours away. It’s going to be hot down here in Central Florida with no expectations of rain, unless a stray storm pops up other wise old JoeyZ will be pulling out the hose. I wish all your weekend plans come true, have a good time and remember always be careful out there. Let’s raise our mugs to some weekend observances:
EGG DAY – The best breakfast food ever, love them scrambled, over medium, omelet style or hard boiled. The only thing that turns my stomach are those eggs in a jar at the bar. Three cheers for eggs this weekend.
NATIONAL ITCH DAY – The only thing I have to say is “IF IT ITCHES; SCRATCH IT.” Roe loves her back to be scratched and I don't mind.
CANCER SURVIVORS DAY – I am one and very grateful to a great doctor who saved my life and a wife who took care of me through those times and my two sons who gave me all the help I needed. To all those suffering have faith and don’t give up and may God Bless You.
CHEESE DAY – Cheese the food of love goes with wine, French bread and a beautiful woman. My favorite with wine is a sharp White Cheddar. I like Provolone, Swiss, Gouda, Feta, American White Cheese only, there is too many I have a favorites, maybe tonight a nice glass of wine and some cheese for me.
Have a great weekend Speakies. See you soon.
Well it’s the end of a short work week for most of us and the weekend is a few hours away. It’s going to be hot down here in Central Florida with no expectations of rain, unless a stray storm pops up other wise old JoeyZ will be pulling out the hose. I wish all your weekend plans come true, have a good time and remember always be careful out there. Let’s raise our mugs to some weekend observances:
EGG DAY – The best breakfast food ever, love them scrambled, over medium, omelet style or hard boiled. The only thing that turns my stomach are those eggs in a jar at the bar. Three cheers for eggs this weekend.
NATIONAL ITCH DAY – The only thing I have to say is “IF IT ITCHES; SCRATCH IT.” Roe loves her back to be scratched and I don't mind.
CANCER SURVIVORS DAY – I am one and very grateful to a great doctor who saved my life and a wife who took care of me through those times and my two sons who gave me all the help I needed. To all those suffering have faith and don’t give up and may God Bless You.
CHEESE DAY – Cheese the food of love goes with wine, French bread and a beautiful woman. My favorite with wine is a sharp White Cheddar. I like Provolone, Swiss, Gouda, Feta, American White Cheese only, there is too many I have a favorites, maybe tonight a nice glass of wine and some cheese for me.
Have a great weekend Speakies. See you soon.
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Happy Thursday Speakies:
Well it is another hot sunny day in the Sunshine State and hoping for some rain to wet that lawn and my flowers. The kiddies will be out of school next week, the morning congestion should ease up a bit but the touristas are on their way. Remember their Mommies and Daddies made them a promise with these words, “WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD.” June is filled with all kinds of holidays daily, weekly and monthly so let’s take a look and I’ll try to poke some fun at them.
NATIONAL BATHROOM READER MONTH – Come on we all do it, I call it a visit to my private office and instead of reading I play a hand held card game. Everyone needs their private times so don’t deny it.
NATIONAL ICED TEA MONTH – In restaurants now you can order sweet tea, unsweetened tea, flavored tea and you name it tea flavors. I found a new tea I enjoy Crystal Light Green Tea Peach flavored give it a try. I remember my grandmother making iced tea boiling water in a pot letting the tea bags sit then adding the ice and sugar.
NATIONAL BUBBA DAY – What kind of holiday is it? I did a little research on this and it’s a day to honor anyone called or named “Bubba.” So just call me “Bubba Z.”
LEAVE THE OFFICE EARLY DAY – My kind of holiday, lets plan an early break for today. We have the right to observe and take advantage of these holidays.
NATIONAL TAILORS DAY – I worked in the men’s wear business a number of years and learned some tailoring skills. There was this nice Italian gentleman I worked with named Pasquale who taught me some tricks of trade. He made all his suits from patterns and they were sharp looking. He’s gone now but I’ll never forget him.
NATIONAL STEAK MONTH – I like a good steak once in a while, last week on vacation Roe and our friends and my son and his wife went out to a good steak chain called Texas Roadhouse. We had nice filets and rib eyes all made to perfection and at a reasonable cost. The only problem before dinner was served in comes 3 Mommies with a birthday party for one of their little brats. Of course they had to be seated behind us, screaming yelling while the mom’s just sat there letting little Johnny and Sally jump all over the place. DO ME A FAVOR NEXT TIME TAKE THE TYKES TO CHUCKIE CHEESE. Have a great day Guys and Dolls and be careful out there.
Well it is another hot sunny day in the Sunshine State and hoping for some rain to wet that lawn and my flowers. The kiddies will be out of school next week, the morning congestion should ease up a bit but the touristas are on their way. Remember their Mommies and Daddies made them a promise with these words, “WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD.” June is filled with all kinds of holidays daily, weekly and monthly so let’s take a look and I’ll try to poke some fun at them.
NATIONAL BATHROOM READER MONTH – Come on we all do it, I call it a visit to my private office and instead of reading I play a hand held card game. Everyone needs their private times so don’t deny it.
NATIONAL ICED TEA MONTH – In restaurants now you can order sweet tea, unsweetened tea, flavored tea and you name it tea flavors. I found a new tea I enjoy Crystal Light Green Tea Peach flavored give it a try. I remember my grandmother making iced tea boiling water in a pot letting the tea bags sit then adding the ice and sugar.
NATIONAL BUBBA DAY – What kind of holiday is it? I did a little research on this and it’s a day to honor anyone called or named “Bubba.” So just call me “Bubba Z.”
LEAVE THE OFFICE EARLY DAY – My kind of holiday, lets plan an early break for today. We have the right to observe and take advantage of these holidays.
NATIONAL TAILORS DAY – I worked in the men’s wear business a number of years and learned some tailoring skills. There was this nice Italian gentleman I worked with named Pasquale who taught me some tricks of trade. He made all his suits from patterns and they were sharp looking. He’s gone now but I’ll never forget him.
NATIONAL STEAK MONTH – I like a good steak once in a while, last week on vacation Roe and our friends and my son and his wife went out to a good steak chain called Texas Roadhouse. We had nice filets and rib eyes all made to perfection and at a reasonable cost. The only problem before dinner was served in comes 3 Mommies with a birthday party for one of their little brats. Of course they had to be seated behind us, screaming yelling while the mom’s just sat there letting little Johnny and Sally jump all over the place. DO ME A FAVOR NEXT TIME TAKE THE TYKES TO CHUCKIE CHEESE. Have a great day Guys and Dolls and be careful out there.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Good Morning Guys and Dolls:
It’s nice to be back and writing once again. Maybe when I retire I’ll write the “Great American Novel” but until then you are stuck with my daily chatter. Well its June my birth month and is named after the Roman Goddess Juno, the birthstone is the pearl and the flower for the month is the rose. Let’s see what kind of holidays we can celebrate today:
DONUT DAY – As much as I like them I have to watch the sugar but now and then I have one. No making fun at the cops today, let them have their share. Down here we have the chain donut shops, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme and Publix makes some good ones too.
NATIONAL FISHING WEEK – Is celebrated in the first week of June. I had my fishing last week between my friend, sons and the kid here we boated about 40 one day. A day fishing is better than anything dealing with work.
NATIONAL HUG WEEK – Don’t forget to give the ones you love a big squeeze this week and tell them those words “I LOVE YOU.”
AMERICAN INDIAN CITIZENSHIP DAY – They were granted this in 1924. From my personal view they are the true American Citizen and it was a shame what they went through, homelands taken away and forced to live on reservations. Stand up for your rights and allow no one to take them away.
NATIONAL FROZEN YOGURT DAY – All I can say is good stuff and my favorite is chocolate. So have some donuts, eat a little frozen yogurt and enjoy the day.
It’s nice to be back and writing once again. Maybe when I retire I’ll write the “Great American Novel” but until then you are stuck with my daily chatter. Well its June my birth month and is named after the Roman Goddess Juno, the birthstone is the pearl and the flower for the month is the rose. Let’s see what kind of holidays we can celebrate today:
DONUT DAY – As much as I like them I have to watch the sugar but now and then I have one. No making fun at the cops today, let them have their share. Down here we have the chain donut shops, Dunkin Donuts, Krispy Kreme and Publix makes some good ones too.
NATIONAL FISHING WEEK – Is celebrated in the first week of June. I had my fishing last week between my friend, sons and the kid here we boated about 40 one day. A day fishing is better than anything dealing with work.
NATIONAL HUG WEEK – Don’t forget to give the ones you love a big squeeze this week and tell them those words “I LOVE YOU.”
AMERICAN INDIAN CITIZENSHIP DAY – They were granted this in 1924. From my personal view they are the true American Citizen and it was a shame what they went through, homelands taken away and forced to live on reservations. Stand up for your rights and allow no one to take them away.
NATIONAL FROZEN YOGURT DAY – All I can say is good stuff and my favorite is chocolate. So have some donuts, eat a little frozen yogurt and enjoy the day.
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