Guys and Dolls:
News Flash – Story out of Davie, Florida. Authorities have arrested a 21-year-old woman accused of having her boyfriend killed. Get this the going price for this hit was $200 not a penny more, not a penny less. Her boyfriend was shot on his living room couch six months ago. The girlfriend along with 2 other males have been charged with premeditated murder and are being held with no bond. Let’s figure this out, these 2 bozos received $100 apiece for a hit and now face the injection table along with the girlfriend. Can we say STUPID, yes we can Speakies.
St. Augustine, Florida

May 24, 2013

We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.
Christmas Eve 2012
NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten
Luck Be A Lady
Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth
Nina June 2013
Monday, August 31, 2009
Good Morning Speakies:
Well it's Monday and the last day of August, so let us say goodbye to the last month of summer.
September starts tomorrow and I'll be posting my holidays, birthdays etc., but first a little history of September. September's flowers are the Aster and Morning Glory. The Zodiac Sign is Libra and the name for the moon of September is the "Harvest Moon." September reminds me of changing leaves, pumpkins, crisp apples, apple cider, Indian corn and cooler days, well not down here. Have a great day and I may return you never know.
Well it's Monday and the last day of August, so let us say goodbye to the last month of summer.
September starts tomorrow and I'll be posting my holidays, birthdays etc., but first a little history of September. September's flowers are the Aster and Morning Glory. The Zodiac Sign is Libra and the name for the moon of September is the "Harvest Moon." September reminds me of changing leaves, pumpkins, crisp apples, apple cider, Indian corn and cooler days, well not down here. Have a great day and I may return you never know.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Dear Speakies:
I bring you a summer tale from Tallahassee, Florida. Tallahassee that fairy land city, home to Governor Do Nothing and his Knights of Political Favorites but that’s a story that comes later. This fascinating tale is of a 55-year old man (Richard) known around Tallahassee for wearing nothing but a thong when riding his bicycle. Poor Richard was booked into the Leon County Jail on Thursday for allegedly exposing himself three different times. Police also responded to a mobile park earlier in August where Richard was walking around in the same thong and bouncing about. I guess you can say Richard likes to air it out.
I bring you a summer tale from Tallahassee, Florida. Tallahassee that fairy land city, home to Governor Do Nothing and his Knights of Political Favorites but that’s a story that comes later. This fascinating tale is of a 55-year old man (Richard) known around Tallahassee for wearing nothing but a thong when riding his bicycle. Poor Richard was booked into the Leon County Jail on Thursday for allegedly exposing himself three different times. Police also responded to a mobile park earlier in August where Richard was walking around in the same thong and bouncing about. I guess you can say Richard likes to air it out.
Happy Friday Guys and Dolls,
Grab another cup of coffee, if you are at the office lean back in that chair, bite into that donut and chat with your friends. It’s Friday and you’re allowed to do that because you busted your butts all week. Well maybe you didn’t but I’m not the one to judge.
Today we celebrate:
Dream Day
National Bow Tie Day – I wore a few in my days, but to me right now bow ties are FARFALLE PASTA. And over the weekend we observe: More Herbs, Less Salt Day and National Toasted Marshmallow Day. So go ahead and celebrate. If I find my brain lazy today and do not return to my blog for any more posts, I wish all of you a great and safe weekend. Be careful out there.
Grab another cup of coffee, if you are at the office lean back in that chair, bite into that donut and chat with your friends. It’s Friday and you’re allowed to do that because you busted your butts all week. Well maybe you didn’t but I’m not the one to judge.
Today we celebrate:
Dream Day
National Bow Tie Day – I wore a few in my days, but to me right now bow ties are FARFALLE PASTA. And over the weekend we observe: More Herbs, Less Salt Day and National Toasted Marshmallow Day. So go ahead and celebrate. If I find my brain lazy today and do not return to my blog for any more posts, I wish all of you a great and safe weekend. Be careful out there.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Hello Speakies:
I’m still winding down from the excitement of receiving my first book. I hope all my readers respond and pick-up a couple dozen, they’ll make great Christmas gifts. Well it is Thursday, August 27, 2009; let’s see what observances there are today:
Tarzan Day – All you Jane’s put on those leopard outfits and hang around some trees.
Banana Lover’s Day – Good source of potassium, eat one a day.
Motorist Consideration Day – In Florida are you kidding, this has to be the Number 1 state for road rage and idiots who were issued a license.
Let’s Say Happy Birthday To:
Martha Raye – One Funny Lady
Mother Teresa – A True Saint
Tommy Sands – Bring Back those Beach Movies
Pee Wee Herman – Mr. Movie Theatre
Here’s Some History:
26 BC – The Egyptian Era begins.
1896 – Zanzibar loses to England in a 38 minute war.
1912 – Edgar Rice Burroughs publishes “Tarzan.”
1961 – Francis “The Talking Mule” is the mystery guest on “What’s My Line.”
Have a great day Speakies and be careful out there.
I’m still winding down from the excitement of receiving my first book. I hope all my readers respond and pick-up a couple dozen, they’ll make great Christmas gifts. Well it is Thursday, August 27, 2009; let’s see what observances there are today:
Tarzan Day – All you Jane’s put on those leopard outfits and hang around some trees.
Banana Lover’s Day – Good source of potassium, eat one a day.
Motorist Consideration Day – In Florida are you kidding, this has to be the Number 1 state for road rage and idiots who were issued a license.
Let’s Say Happy Birthday To:
Martha Raye – One Funny Lady
Mother Teresa – A True Saint
Tommy Sands – Bring Back those Beach Movies
Pee Wee Herman – Mr. Movie Theatre
Here’s Some History:
26 BC – The Egyptian Era begins.
1896 – Zanzibar loses to England in a 38 minute war.
1912 – Edgar Rice Burroughs publishes “Tarzan.”
1961 – Francis “The Talking Mule” is the mystery guest on “What’s My Line.”
Have a great day Speakies and be careful out there.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Happy Evening Speakies:
Yesterday while enjoying a delicious dinner a knock was heard on my front door. As I opened our patio door I discovered a package on the steps delivered by the UPS driver. It was my book, I received my author’s copy of “I Hate Everybody (And Other Things).” I’m truly excited and want to thank my wife Rosemary for her support in seeing one of my ambitions come true. I will give you all the details on how to obtain a copy and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Have a wonderful evening whatever you do.
Yesterday while enjoying a delicious dinner a knock was heard on my front door. As I opened our patio door I discovered a package on the steps delivered by the UPS driver. It was my book, I received my author’s copy of “I Hate Everybody (And Other Things).” I’m truly excited and want to thank my wife Rosemary for her support in seeing one of my ambitions come true. I will give you all the details on how to obtain a copy and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. Have a wonderful evening whatever you do.
OK Speakies:
The kids down South are back in school, so let's do a little history lesson for today. Remember you have to keep those minds sharp and ready for the questions the little ones may throw your way.
Died Today:
1974 - Charles Lindbergh dies at age 72 in Hawaii.
On This Day:
55 BC - Julius Caesar invades Britain.
1903 - Phillies walk 17 Dodgers in a game. - Typical Phillies move. Gotta love them.
1920 - 19th Amendment passes, women's suffrage granted.
1939 - 1st Major League baseball telecast, Red vs. Brooklyn Dodgers (Bums).
1964 - LBJ nominated at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, NJ.
1972 - Summer Olympics opens in Munich, Germany.
1978 - Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice becomes Pope John Paul I. Dies after 33 days of being Pope.
Thought of the Day: "You're smart when you only believe half of what you hear, Wise is when you know which half to believe."
The kids down South are back in school, so let's do a little history lesson for today. Remember you have to keep those minds sharp and ready for the questions the little ones may throw your way.
Died Today:
1974 - Charles Lindbergh dies at age 72 in Hawaii.
On This Day:
55 BC - Julius Caesar invades Britain.
1903 - Phillies walk 17 Dodgers in a game. - Typical Phillies move. Gotta love them.
1920 - 19th Amendment passes, women's suffrage granted.
1939 - 1st Major League baseball telecast, Red vs. Brooklyn Dodgers (Bums).
1964 - LBJ nominated at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, NJ.
1972 - Summer Olympics opens in Munich, Germany.
1978 - Cardinal Albino Luciani of Venice becomes Pope John Paul I. Dies after 33 days of being Pope.
Thought of the Day: "You're smart when you only believe half of what you hear, Wise is when you know which half to believe."
Here’s the News Speakies:
A story right out of Pinellas County, Florida, the Stun Gun Granny is arrested. A 59 year old granny was taken into custody by Largo Police after using a stun gun to rob local businesses. On Sunday granny ordered sandwiches from a local hoagie shop and at the check-out told the clerk she needed money to feed her starving grandchildren. She proceeded to pull out a stun gun forcing the clerk to flee, granny than dropped the sandwiches and took off with no cash. Granny was successful earlier that day robbing a local gas station and even zapping the clerk. Grannies sure have changed. I’m glad I had an old fashion Granny who was really loving, sweet and made great Polish food.
A story right out of Pinellas County, Florida, the Stun Gun Granny is arrested. A 59 year old granny was taken into custody by Largo Police after using a stun gun to rob local businesses. On Sunday granny ordered sandwiches from a local hoagie shop and at the check-out told the clerk she needed money to feed her starving grandchildren. She proceeded to pull out a stun gun forcing the clerk to flee, granny than dropped the sandwiches and took off with no cash. Granny was successful earlier that day robbing a local gas station and even zapping the clerk. Grannies sure have changed. I’m glad I had an old fashion Granny who was really loving, sweet and made great Polish food.
Hello Guys and Dolls:
A Happy Hump Day to all. First of all let’s see what holidays we celebrate today:
Children’s Day – Their day is every day to me.
National Dog Day – Always be kind, they are not around us for very long.
National Cherry Popsicle Day – My favorite was vanilla or root beer
Toilet Paper Day – That’s a definite holiday everyday.
Speaking of National Dog Day, I was given these 10 Commandments a long time ago. We had a dog named Luee, to us he was family. Here are those 10 Commandments and if only one person reads and follows them it was worth posting them here.
My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me.
Give me time to understand what you want of me.
Place your trust in me - - it's crucial to my well being.
Don't be angry at me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you.
Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it's speaking to me.
Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget.
Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand but I choose not to bite you.
Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, or I've been out in the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and weak.
Take care of me when I get old; you too will grow old.
Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say "I can't bear to watch it," or, "Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember I love you.
I'll Never Forget You Luee.
A Happy Hump Day to all. First of all let’s see what holidays we celebrate today:
Children’s Day – Their day is every day to me.
National Dog Day – Always be kind, they are not around us for very long.
National Cherry Popsicle Day – My favorite was vanilla or root beer
Toilet Paper Day – That’s a definite holiday everyday.
Speaking of National Dog Day, I was given these 10 Commandments a long time ago. We had a dog named Luee, to us he was family. Here are those 10 Commandments and if only one person reads and follows them it was worth posting them here.
My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me.
Give me time to understand what you want of me.
Place your trust in me - - it's crucial to my well being.
Don't be angry at me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you.
Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when it's speaking to me.
Be aware that however you treat me, I'll never forget.
Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand but I choose not to bite you.
Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food, or I've been out in the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and weak.
Take care of me when I get old; you too will grow old.
Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say "I can't bear to watch it," or, "Let it happen in my absence." Everything is easier for me if you are there. Remember I love you.
I'll Never Forget You Luee.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
HEY GUYS: Here's a picture of your old grammar school back home from Mack's site.

Hello Speakies:
Here is a good story out of Cocoa, Florida. An adult strip club has come under investigation for having two teenagers reportedly working there. The teens are ages 15 and 17. A local news team went looking for one of the teenagers but was met by a furious grandmother swinging a garden hoe. One swing landed directly on the camera. I guess grandma didn’t like the HO idea.
Here is a good story out of Cocoa, Florida. An adult strip club has come under investigation for having two teenagers reportedly working there. The teens are ages 15 and 17. A local news team went looking for one of the teenagers but was met by a furious grandmother swinging a garden hoe. One swing landed directly on the camera. I guess grandma didn’t like the HO idea.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Guys and Dolls:
My blog pal Mack and I were corresponding about a gentleman we both knew, Nick Tomasulo, a realtor from my home town. I was sorry to hear he passed on about 9 years ago according to Mack. I sold men’s wear at a specialty shop called Frank’s Big and Tall for a number of years. Mack thought it would be a good idea to remember the customers I had and the people who I worked with. Mack’s Dad was a customer if I could only remember his face I would know him off the bat. Nick was also a customer of mine. I told Mack, when it comes to names, my grey matter does not function in overdrive. I have some stories to write about the place, but I think I can add some pages to my second book with those. As for the people, Al was the owner of the shop along with other stores throughout New Jersey with his brothers Hy and Marty. They were very nice people to work for and they rewarded their employees for the services rendered. Some of the people I worked with were Gary, Steve, Alan, Frank, a wonderful girl named Susan, Tom, Ken, Abe, Lou, Max and how can I forget Boris the Tailor.
The customers were the true characters of the shop and I’ll try to mention a few I remember. There was Sam Blumenthal, who owned Dave’s Bar on Centre St., really comical guy and when I delivered something to him at the bar after work, a drink was always on the house. There was Nunzi, an Italian gentleman who always told me if I didn’t get it right he’d break my legs. I never knew if he was kidding or not. Karl Duven, he worked for PSE&G and tended bar at E.J.’s over the weekend, super guy. Carl Weike, a pleasant gentlemen we became friends and he had dinner and drinks a few times with my girlfriend and me. He passed away while I still worked there. There was Jack the butcher from West Trenton who was a very funny guy and he use to mock me out in Yiddish. I’ll try to remember some more names but there you go Mack for a start.
A picture of the men's shop courtesy of Mack's photo collection. Thanks Mack for the use.
My blog pal Mack and I were corresponding about a gentleman we both knew, Nick Tomasulo, a realtor from my home town. I was sorry to hear he passed on about 9 years ago according to Mack. I sold men’s wear at a specialty shop called Frank’s Big and Tall for a number of years. Mack thought it would be a good idea to remember the customers I had and the people who I worked with. Mack’s Dad was a customer if I could only remember his face I would know him off the bat. Nick was also a customer of mine. I told Mack, when it comes to names, my grey matter does not function in overdrive. I have some stories to write about the place, but I think I can add some pages to my second book with those. As for the people, Al was the owner of the shop along with other stores throughout New Jersey with his brothers Hy and Marty. They were very nice people to work for and they rewarded their employees for the services rendered. Some of the people I worked with were Gary, Steve, Alan, Frank, a wonderful girl named Susan, Tom, Ken, Abe, Lou, Max and how can I forget Boris the Tailor.
The customers were the true characters of the shop and I’ll try to mention a few I remember. There was Sam Blumenthal, who owned Dave’s Bar on Centre St., really comical guy and when I delivered something to him at the bar after work, a drink was always on the house. There was Nunzi, an Italian gentleman who always told me if I didn’t get it right he’d break my legs. I never knew if he was kidding or not. Karl Duven, he worked for PSE&G and tended bar at E.J.’s over the weekend, super guy. Carl Weike, a pleasant gentlemen we became friends and he had dinner and drinks a few times with my girlfriend and me. He passed away while I still worked there. There was Jack the butcher from West Trenton who was a very funny guy and he use to mock me out in Yiddish. I’ll try to remember some more names but there you go Mack for a start.

Good Morning Speakies:
Hoping all of you had a nice weekend, here are a few celebrations for today:
Shooting Star Day
Strange Music Day – Inna Godda Davida Baby
Vesuvius Day – The big volcano blew its top.
School is almost here so we need a short history lesson to get you ready to answer those questions.
Born Today:
1890 – Duke Kahanamoku – Olympic Gold Medal winner 1912 and 1920, also a great surfer.
1958 – Steve Guttenberg – Actor Police Academy.
1961 – Cal Ripken Jr. – Shortstop Baltimore Orioles.
1965 – Marlee Matlin – Deaf actress.
Happened Today:
410 – Fall of the Roman Empire.
1853 – 1st potato chips prepared by Chef George Crum (Saratoga Springs, NY) – this one is for Elizabeth.
1891 – Thomas Edison patents motion picture camera.
1909 – Workers start pouring concrete for the Panama Canal.
1949 – NATO established.
1989 – Pete Rose is suspended from baseball for life. To me his suspension should be lifted. The man did goof by betting but if you can forgive drug abuse let’s be fair. Let me tell you what I saw one day in Philadelphia before a game. Pete Rose was playing for the Phillies at the time and I kept watching him as he was hanging by the dugout. There was a girl who appeared to be retarded clapping her hands as the Phillies were taking batting practice. Pete Rose came up to the girl, put his arms around her and had a picture taken with her. Afterwards he gave her a bat, hat and ball all which he signed. Here’s a man who took time to care for someone and made her have a special day she will always remember. Come on Commissioner, lift the suspension and put Pete in the Hall of Fame.
Hoping all of you had a nice weekend, here are a few celebrations for today:
Shooting Star Day
Strange Music Day – Inna Godda Davida Baby
Vesuvius Day – The big volcano blew its top.
School is almost here so we need a short history lesson to get you ready to answer those questions.
Born Today:
1890 – Duke Kahanamoku – Olympic Gold Medal winner 1912 and 1920, also a great surfer.
1958 – Steve Guttenberg – Actor Police Academy.
1961 – Cal Ripken Jr. – Shortstop Baltimore Orioles.
1965 – Marlee Matlin – Deaf actress.
Happened Today:
410 – Fall of the Roman Empire.
1853 – 1st potato chips prepared by Chef George Crum (Saratoga Springs, NY) – this one is for Elizabeth.
1891 – Thomas Edison patents motion picture camera.
1909 – Workers start pouring concrete for the Panama Canal.
1949 – NATO established.
1989 – Pete Rose is suspended from baseball for life. To me his suspension should be lifted. The man did goof by betting but if you can forgive drug abuse let’s be fair. Let me tell you what I saw one day in Philadelphia before a game. Pete Rose was playing for the Phillies at the time and I kept watching him as he was hanging by the dugout. There was a girl who appeared to be retarded clapping her hands as the Phillies were taking batting practice. Pete Rose came up to the girl, put his arms around her and had a picture taken with her. Afterwards he gave her a bat, hat and ball all which he signed. Here’s a man who took time to care for someone and made her have a special day she will always remember. Come on Commissioner, lift the suspension and put Pete in the Hall of Fame.
Friday, August 21, 2009
I could not let this story pass by. A news story right out of Wilton Manors, Florida. A man with a tattoo of Britney Spears allegedly stole a Chihuahua with pink earrings from a South Florida gay bar. The dog's owner spent weeks searching for his 4 month old pooch who was the size of a softball. The owner said he let a man hold the dog for a moment during a party, then both poofed away. The dog napper has been identified and authorities are deciding whether to issue a warrant. I wonder if the pooch was wearing a pink thong when abducted.
I could not let this story pass by. A news story right out of Wilton Manors, Florida. A man with a tattoo of Britney Spears allegedly stole a Chihuahua with pink earrings from a South Florida gay bar. The dog's owner spent weeks searching for his 4 month old pooch who was the size of a softball. The owner said he let a man hold the dog for a moment during a party, then both poofed away. The dog napper has been identified and authorities are deciding whether to issue a warrant. I wonder if the pooch was wearing a pink thong when abducted.
Hello Speakies:
It’s Friday once again and I’m happy to report the sun is shining in my backyard today. Chances are it will rain by the afternoon and once again turn sunny Florida into Guadalcanal by mid-afternoon, hot and steamy.
If you want to celebrate this weekend and throw back a few, here are a few observances you can drink to:
Saturday, August 22
Be An Angel Day
National Tooth Fairy Day – Put them false teeth under those pillows tonight, and don’t forget about the kiddies if one of theirs comes out.
Peppermint Patty’s Birthday – Is it the Charlie Brown girl or the liqueur?
Sunday, August 23
Buttered Corn Day
Eat a Peach Day – Big Time Celebration in Georgia, so to all my Georgia readers eat those peaches.
Whatever you do, have fun and be careful. I may return today. To all the kids in Florida enjoy the weekend because school is back on Monday.
It’s Friday once again and I’m happy to report the sun is shining in my backyard today. Chances are it will rain by the afternoon and once again turn sunny Florida into Guadalcanal by mid-afternoon, hot and steamy.
If you want to celebrate this weekend and throw back a few, here are a few observances you can drink to:
Saturday, August 22
Be An Angel Day
National Tooth Fairy Day – Put them false teeth under those pillows tonight, and don’t forget about the kiddies if one of theirs comes out.
Peppermint Patty’s Birthday – Is it the Charlie Brown girl or the liqueur?
Sunday, August 23
Buttered Corn Day
Eat a Peach Day – Big Time Celebration in Georgia, so to all my Georgia readers eat those peaches.
Whatever you do, have fun and be careful. I may return today. To all the kids in Florida enjoy the weekend because school is back on Monday.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Good Morning Speakies:
Just wanted to stop by early and wish you all a good morning. I have some personal matters which I must attend to today but did not want to forget my readers. Not much happened today for a history lesson but some famous people were born and some died on this day. All I can say is if it’s your birthday, you’re having a baby or expecting good things today that’s all that matters.
Now there are crazies out there, so be careful. Enjoy your day, kiss your wife or girlfriend, hug the kiddies and give thanks. See ya on Friday.
Just wanted to stop by early and wish you all a good morning. I have some personal matters which I must attend to today but did not want to forget my readers. Not much happened today for a history lesson but some famous people were born and some died on this day. All I can say is if it’s your birthday, you’re having a baby or expecting good things today that’s all that matters.
Now there are crazies out there, so be careful. Enjoy your day, kiss your wife or girlfriend, hug the kiddies and give thanks. See ya on Friday.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Dear Speakies:
I wanted to start something awhile back a "Thank You" to those far away place people that visit my Blog, keep forgetting to do it. I guess that comes with getting older. Today I like to say thanks to the visitors from Frankfurt Am Main Hesse, Germany, Khobar, Ash Sharqoyah, Saudi Arabia and Washington, DC. To these visitors and others who read my Blog, tell me how you found me. It's a simple question, just sign-in and say how and hello. You are always welcome and post any questions or topics you may have. Thanks.
I wanted to start something awhile back a "Thank You" to those far away place people that visit my Blog, keep forgetting to do it. I guess that comes with getting older. Today I like to say thanks to the visitors from Frankfurt Am Main Hesse, Germany, Khobar, Ash Sharqoyah, Saudi Arabia and Washington, DC. To these visitors and others who read my Blog, tell me how you found me. It's a simple question, just sign-in and say how and hello. You are always welcome and post any questions or topics you may have. Thanks.
Happy Hump Day to all. Today you can celebrate these observances:
Potato Day - Fried, Mashed, Baked any way you like them day.
Spicy Food Day - I have my Mexican Lunch waiting for me.
Black Cow Root Beer Float Day - Stewart's Root Beer Floats, the best.
Speaking of sodas, back where I grew up we had a bottling company called Kerns Soda. They made the best sodas ever. I remember the wooden cases, bottles the size of the old Coke bottles, but the flavors they had were the best. Red Cream Soda, Root Beer, Orange and even their Ginger Ale was refreshing. We would open the bottle caps on the bumpers of cars. Us kids would go around and collect the empties and return them for spending cash at the local candy store. Now the candy stores in those day had all kinds of good stuff to choose from, one could fill that little white bag for 10 cents.
I hope you all have a great day, be careful out there and treat yourself to a soda and a piece of penny candy today. Found a picture of the old Kerns Soda.
Happy Hump Day to all. Today you can celebrate these observances:
Potato Day - Fried, Mashed, Baked any way you like them day.
Spicy Food Day - I have my Mexican Lunch waiting for me.
Black Cow Root Beer Float Day - Stewart's Root Beer Floats, the best.
Speaking of sodas, back where I grew up we had a bottling company called Kerns Soda. They made the best sodas ever. I remember the wooden cases, bottles the size of the old Coke bottles, but the flavors they had were the best. Red Cream Soda, Root Beer, Orange and even their Ginger Ale was refreshing. We would open the bottle caps on the bumpers of cars. Us kids would go around and collect the empties and return them for spending cash at the local candy store. Now the candy stores in those day had all kinds of good stuff to choose from, one could fill that little white bag for 10 cents.
I hope you all have a great day, be careful out there and treat yourself to a soda and a piece of penny candy today. Found a picture of the old Kerns Soda.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
School is just around the corner and I have to get your minds razor sharp to answer those questions your little kiddies will throw at you. You are sitting there and up comes little Kenny, “hey Daddy do you know anyone famous born on August 18?” Yes son in fact I do, Robert Redford that famous actor was born on this date in 1937. In Trenton, NJ, Nona Hendryx was born today; she was a rocker LaBelle – Lady Marmalade. See what I mean get those minds sharp.
Historical Happenings Today:
1587 – First English child born in America, Virginia Dare.
1834 – Mt. Vesuvius erupts upsets Mob business.
1835 – Last Pottawatomie Indians leave Chicago; they had enough of the Cubs.
1894 – Congress creates Bureau of Immigration – Still needs some work.
1920 – Tennessee ratifies 19th Amendment, guarantees women voting rights – at least they voted on something right.
1930 – Eastern Airlines begins passenger service “The Wings of Man” is born.
1958 – TV game shows scandal investigations begin. Say it ain’t so Bob Barker.
1976 – USSR’s Luna 24 soft-lands on the Moon. So what.
1981 – Jerry Lewis appears on Phil Donahue to defend his Telethon.
Keep these facts hidden in that grey matter you call a brain. Have a great evening, be careful out there.
School is just around the corner and I have to get your minds razor sharp to answer those questions your little kiddies will throw at you. You are sitting there and up comes little Kenny, “hey Daddy do you know anyone famous born on August 18?” Yes son in fact I do, Robert Redford that famous actor was born on this date in 1937. In Trenton, NJ, Nona Hendryx was born today; she was a rocker LaBelle – Lady Marmalade. See what I mean get those minds sharp.
Historical Happenings Today:
1587 – First English child born in America, Virginia Dare.
1834 – Mt. Vesuvius erupts upsets Mob business.
1835 – Last Pottawatomie Indians leave Chicago; they had enough of the Cubs.
1894 – Congress creates Bureau of Immigration – Still needs some work.
1920 – Tennessee ratifies 19th Amendment, guarantees women voting rights – at least they voted on something right.
1930 – Eastern Airlines begins passenger service “The Wings of Man” is born.
1958 – TV game shows scandal investigations begin. Say it ain’t so Bob Barker.
1976 – USSR’s Luna 24 soft-lands on the Moon. So what.
1981 – Jerry Lewis appears on Phil Donahue to defend his Telethon.
Keep these facts hidden in that grey matter you call a brain. Have a great evening, be careful out there.
Hello Speakies:
Here’s an interesting story I heard last night on the CBS Evening News. The great state of Tennessee has passed a law making it legal to bring concealed handguns into a restaurant or a bar. Here’s the most important part of that bill, the owner must be licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Tell me is every restaurant or bar owner going to check to see if a person has a gun and is licensed to carry a weapon, I think not.
Imagine, you are on vacation in Tennessee. It’s a Sunday afternoon and you decide to stop at a local sports bar. Guess what the Eagles are playing the Titans and you are downing suds and cheering on the Eagles. Some big bubba next to you doesn’t like your choice of teams and out comes a 9mm and you are on the floor with your Budweiser sitting on the bar missing you. Sounds like shades of the Old West to me. Would you really feel comfortable going to any restaurant or bar in Davy Crockettville? If I remember correctly didn’t Wyatt Earp have everyone who came to Dodge City check their guns in until they left town.
Why not give everyone a gun and holster and we can proudly display our manhood or womanhood by the notches we have on the handle. Imagine Granny Jones playing bingo and needing one number for the jackpot, out comes B-18 and little Annie Fanny cries out BINGO, Pow Pow down goes Annie Fanny. Granny really needed that jackpot money for some cigs and beer. See what I mean things like that can happen. With all the concerns we have in this country, the economy, health care, education and so forth, the idiot legislation of Tennessee voted on allowing this law to pass. I understand 21 other states have that same law on the books. Get with it Mr. Congressmen and vote for the real needs of the people.
Strictly the views of Joey Z.
Here’s an interesting story I heard last night on the CBS Evening News. The great state of Tennessee has passed a law making it legal to bring concealed handguns into a restaurant or a bar. Here’s the most important part of that bill, the owner must be licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Tell me is every restaurant or bar owner going to check to see if a person has a gun and is licensed to carry a weapon, I think not.
Imagine, you are on vacation in Tennessee. It’s a Sunday afternoon and you decide to stop at a local sports bar. Guess what the Eagles are playing the Titans and you are downing suds and cheering on the Eagles. Some big bubba next to you doesn’t like your choice of teams and out comes a 9mm and you are on the floor with your Budweiser sitting on the bar missing you. Sounds like shades of the Old West to me. Would you really feel comfortable going to any restaurant or bar in Davy Crockettville? If I remember correctly didn’t Wyatt Earp have everyone who came to Dodge City check their guns in until they left town.
Why not give everyone a gun and holster and we can proudly display our manhood or womanhood by the notches we have on the handle. Imagine Granny Jones playing bingo and needing one number for the jackpot, out comes B-18 and little Annie Fanny cries out BINGO, Pow Pow down goes Annie Fanny. Granny really needed that jackpot money for some cigs and beer. See what I mean things like that can happen. With all the concerns we have in this country, the economy, health care, education and so forth, the idiot legislation of Tennessee voted on allowing this law to pass. I understand 21 other states have that same law on the books. Get with it Mr. Congressmen and vote for the real needs of the people.
Strictly the views of Joey Z.
Monday, August 17, 2009
My blog buddy Mack posted a picture Saturday of a Casino Italian Hot Dog. If your not from Trenton, NJ I can hear you saying "What is a Casino Hot Dog?" The Casino is a small hole in the wall restaurant serving their special dogs for years along with other tasty food, but the hot dog is what they are famous for. As I remember 2 hot dogs on a Italian Torpedo Roll, peppers and onions, fried potatoes and topped with mustard. A true belly delight. Now as I stated, Mack posted a picture of it, and our mouths started to water. I ran over to our local grocery store, secured a loaf of french bread which is the closest thing to an Italian Torpedo Roll down here, a green pepper and a nice sized baking potato. My Rosemary than proceeded to create her own Italian Hot Dog, I shall name it the "Roe Dog." Needless to say not a morsel was left on our plates. Posted below is the "ROE DOG." Guys beg your wives to create you one and have a nice cold brew with it.
To my sons, you move, you miss.
My blog buddy Mack posted a picture Saturday of a Casino Italian Hot Dog. If your not from Trenton, NJ I can hear you saying "What is a Casino Hot Dog?" The Casino is a small hole in the wall restaurant serving their special dogs for years along with other tasty food, but the hot dog is what they are famous for. As I remember 2 hot dogs on a Italian Torpedo Roll, peppers and onions, fried potatoes and topped with mustard. A true belly delight. Now as I stated, Mack posted a picture of it, and our mouths started to water. I ran over to our local grocery store, secured a loaf of french bread which is the closest thing to an Italian Torpedo Roll down here, a green pepper and a nice sized baking potato. My Rosemary than proceeded to create her own Italian Hot Dog, I shall name it the "Roe Dog." Needless to say not a morsel was left on our plates. Posted below is the "ROE DOG." Guys beg your wives to create you one and have a nice cold brew with it.
To my sons, you move, you miss.
Here's hoping all my Guys and Dolls had a nice weekend. Roe and I enjoyed a wonderful day at our son's house celebrating my granddaughter's sixth birthday. Today being the 17th of August, let's see what we celebrate today:
The Meaning of "Is" Day - Whatever that IS
National Thrift Shop Day
Happy Birthdays to:
1786 - Davy Crockett - Had all his stuff when I was a kid.
1921 - Maureen O'Hara - Actress Original Miracle on 34th Street.
1943 - Robert DeNiro - Actor
1960 - Sean Penn - Hollywood Bad Boy
1896 - Gold is discovered on Klondike River.
1939 - "The Wizard of Oz" opens at Loew's Capitol Theater in NY.
1948 - Alger Hiss says "I'm no Commie."
1948 - Phillies commit 8 errors in one game. Those guys are always making history, that why they are my team.
1961 - Building of the Berlin Wall begins. Sad day in history.
Have a great day Speakies, I shall return.
Here's hoping all my Guys and Dolls had a nice weekend. Roe and I enjoyed a wonderful day at our son's house celebrating my granddaughter's sixth birthday. Today being the 17th of August, let's see what we celebrate today:
The Meaning of "Is" Day - Whatever that IS
National Thrift Shop Day
Happy Birthdays to:
1786 - Davy Crockett - Had all his stuff when I was a kid.
1921 - Maureen O'Hara - Actress Original Miracle on 34th Street.
1943 - Robert DeNiro - Actor
1960 - Sean Penn - Hollywood Bad Boy
1896 - Gold is discovered on Klondike River.
1939 - "The Wizard of Oz" opens at Loew's Capitol Theater in NY.
1948 - Alger Hiss says "I'm no Commie."
1948 - Phillies commit 8 errors in one game. Those guys are always making history, that why they are my team.
1961 - Building of the Berlin Wall begins. Sad day in history.
Have a great day Speakies, I shall return.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Update on a story out of Seminole County, Florida I wrote about on July 29th. The school teacher arrested and accused of abusing his disabled son will not be charged with any crime. You remember this bozo dad who choked his cerebral palsy son for soiling his pants. The state attorney says that with no other witnesses, the father’s denial and the son’s difficulty communicating it can not prove the case.
I wonder if they ever checked with the neighbors for past abuse of any kind. His wife no longer lives with him, I wonder why. Let’s hope they never find this young man dead one day.
Well there’s only one thing as parents we can do, that is love our children and never abuse them one bit. Have a nice weekend everyone and be careful out there.
Update on a story out of Seminole County, Florida I wrote about on July 29th. The school teacher arrested and accused of abusing his disabled son will not be charged with any crime. You remember this bozo dad who choked his cerebral palsy son for soiling his pants. The state attorney says that with no other witnesses, the father’s denial and the son’s difficulty communicating it can not prove the case.
I wonder if they ever checked with the neighbors for past abuse of any kind. His wife no longer lives with him, I wonder why. Let’s hope they never find this young man dead one day.
Well there’s only one thing as parents we can do, that is love our children and never abuse them one bit. Have a nice weekend everyone and be careful out there.
Good Morning Speakies:
Friday is here and the weekend is near. We have a bunch of observances this weekend, so pick one out, lay some ribs on the Bar-B-Q, drink a few cold ones. So here you go:
Saturday, August 15
National Relaxation Day
National Homeless Animals Day – If you need a great pet, check out your local humane society, there are so many just waiting for you.
Angel Food Cake Day – Not one of my favorites, I’m a pound cake man.
Sunday, August 16
National Golf Day
Roller Coaster Day
Last but not least the most important day for someone special to me,
Friday is here and the weekend is near. We have a bunch of observances this weekend, so pick one out, lay some ribs on the Bar-B-Q, drink a few cold ones. So here you go:
Saturday, August 15
National Relaxation Day
National Homeless Animals Day – If you need a great pet, check out your local humane society, there are so many just waiting for you.
Angel Food Cake Day – Not one of my favorites, I’m a pound cake man.
Sunday, August 16
National Golf Day
Roller Coaster Day
Last but not least the most important day for someone special to me,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Guys and Dolls:
Here’s a real story out of Kissimmee, Florida. A handful of cows escaped from their pasture the other day. They decided to take a walk entering the main parking lot of a local Super Target. Deputies were called along with the owner to bring those wandering milk machines back to the farm. I wonder if any of the Target employees offered them a Target Credit Card saving them 10% off on their next visit.
Here’s a real story out of Kissimmee, Florida. A handful of cows escaped from their pasture the other day. They decided to take a walk entering the main parking lot of a local Super Target. Deputies were called along with the owner to bring those wandering milk machines back to the farm. I wonder if any of the Target employees offered them a Target Credit Card saving them 10% off on their next visit.

Good Morning Speakies:
Well it’s Thursday, August 13 and today we celebrate:
International Left Hander’s Day – That includes my son and grandson. If you ever visit St. Augustine, Florida they have a great shop with all kinds of items just for left handers, a must see.
Trail Mix Day – I like the Japanese hot sesame sticks the best.
Eyeglasses Day – That’s me.
Herbert Hoover Day – Come out of the closet and put on a dress.
Blame Someone Else Day – Joey did it, not me.
We also celebrate “National Resurrect Romance Week”, so get busy put a little loving in your life.
Whatever you do today, have fun, be careful and remember I may return at any time with more. Of what I don’t know.
Well it’s Thursday, August 13 and today we celebrate:
International Left Hander’s Day – That includes my son and grandson. If you ever visit St. Augustine, Florida they have a great shop with all kinds of items just for left handers, a must see.
Trail Mix Day – I like the Japanese hot sesame sticks the best.
Eyeglasses Day – That’s me.
Herbert Hoover Day – Come out of the closet and put on a dress.
Blame Someone Else Day – Joey did it, not me.
We also celebrate “National Resurrect Romance Week”, so get busy put a little loving in your life.
Whatever you do today, have fun, be careful and remember I may return at any time with more. Of what I don’t know.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Dear Speakies:
I believe in an old saying, “Never discuss religion and politics with people.” I found those subjects can cause friends to become enemies. This one issue is really getting to me and it’s the health insurance issue facing us all. All the protests, name calling etc. needs to stop and as Americans we need to take a hard look at the whole issue and come up with a solution. How many millions of Americans have no health insurance? Those not employed, those workers whose companies do not provide for it because of the cost to the company. Let’s face it people, the insurance companies are a business and as a business they have to answer to the stockholders who are always awaiting their investment dividends. Tell me, would they be upset should the insurance companies give us a break and cut their earnings? You bet your sweet, you know what if they did. Why do you think all the hecklers are present, puppets of the insurance lobbyists.
Doctors, are they fond of the insurance companies? Ask them what they receive as a payment from the insurance companies when they submit their bills. Their fees are cut in half and they have to bite the bullet. Fact, my wife recently had surgery, the surgeon’s bill was over $50,000, he received around $24,000, there’s a loss of $26,000. Suppose she had no insurance, would he settle with us for the same figure? I do not think so; I’d be paying from the grave. Put yourself in this position and I’m sure this has happened to thousands. You have a cushy job, nice salary, 401 and health care paid for by your company. One day the CEO’s decide health insurance cost them too much, they won’t provide it next year. Figure out the cost for you, your wife and children, I bet it will cost you over $1,000 a month. Something has to be done. I say let’s all work together instead of all the bitching and come to a solution.
Our government systems are not perfect, but as human beings we need to provide affordable health care to all. So Congress and people of this nation put aside the liberal and the conservative bullshit and find a solution to help all of us in this great country.
Opinions strictly those of Joey Z.
I believe in an old saying, “Never discuss religion and politics with people.” I found those subjects can cause friends to become enemies. This one issue is really getting to me and it’s the health insurance issue facing us all. All the protests, name calling etc. needs to stop and as Americans we need to take a hard look at the whole issue and come up with a solution. How many millions of Americans have no health insurance? Those not employed, those workers whose companies do not provide for it because of the cost to the company. Let’s face it people, the insurance companies are a business and as a business they have to answer to the stockholders who are always awaiting their investment dividends. Tell me, would they be upset should the insurance companies give us a break and cut their earnings? You bet your sweet, you know what if they did. Why do you think all the hecklers are present, puppets of the insurance lobbyists.
Doctors, are they fond of the insurance companies? Ask them what they receive as a payment from the insurance companies when they submit their bills. Their fees are cut in half and they have to bite the bullet. Fact, my wife recently had surgery, the surgeon’s bill was over $50,000, he received around $24,000, there’s a loss of $26,000. Suppose she had no insurance, would he settle with us for the same figure? I do not think so; I’d be paying from the grave. Put yourself in this position and I’m sure this has happened to thousands. You have a cushy job, nice salary, 401 and health care paid for by your company. One day the CEO’s decide health insurance cost them too much, they won’t provide it next year. Figure out the cost for you, your wife and children, I bet it will cost you over $1,000 a month. Something has to be done. I say let’s all work together instead of all the bitching and come to a solution.
Our government systems are not perfect, but as human beings we need to provide affordable health care to all. So Congress and people of this nation put aside the liberal and the conservative bullshit and find a solution to help all of us in this great country.
Opinions strictly those of Joey Z.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
If you haven’t read the net or the newspapers, the annual Perseid meteor shower is expected to put on a good show this week. In North America, the best time to watch will be between midnight to 5 a.m. on Wednesday, August 12, but late Tuesday night and also Wednesday night could prove fruitful if the weather permits locally. I can usually catch a few around 11:00 p.m., so I may venture out this evening and take a peek.
It’s still summer vacation for most of the kids. So pull out a couple of lawn chairs, a glass of punch for them, a beer for your and strain your eye balls. It’s science with a first hand look. Who knows you may even see a UFO.
If you haven’t read the net or the newspapers, the annual Perseid meteor shower is expected to put on a good show this week. In North America, the best time to watch will be between midnight to 5 a.m. on Wednesday, August 12, but late Tuesday night and also Wednesday night could prove fruitful if the weather permits locally. I can usually catch a few around 11:00 p.m., so I may venture out this evening and take a peek.
It’s still summer vacation for most of the kids. So pull out a couple of lawn chairs, a glass of punch for them, a beer for your and strain your eye balls. It’s science with a first hand look. Who knows you may even see a UFO.

Hi Guys and Dolls:
Here's a story out of Tampa, Florida. A group of inmates at a minimum-security jail started to make hot sauces in 2005. Since then, the horticulture instructor estimates they have made $10,000 on the sauce. Each bottle costs $7.00 and the income keeps up the greenhouse and basic supplies. The name is "Jailhouse Fire Hot Sauce." It comes in "Original", "Smoke", and "No Escape." Gotta give the boys credit, maybe they learned their lesson and it could be their future.
Here's a story out of Tampa, Florida. A group of inmates at a minimum-security jail started to make hot sauces in 2005. Since then, the horticulture instructor estimates they have made $10,000 on the sauce. Each bottle costs $7.00 and the income keeps up the greenhouse and basic supplies. The name is "Jailhouse Fire Hot Sauce." It comes in "Original", "Smoke", and "No Escape." Gotta give the boys credit, maybe they learned their lesson and it could be their future.
Well Speakies, this one is not the kind of number one you want to be. For the fourth straight year, an advocacy group has ranked Florida first in the nation in violence against the homeless. 30 attacks were cited last year, even more incidents are thought to go unreported. Mostly teenagers carry out the prejudices against the homeless. What a shame, when I was a teenager most of us guys spent our summers playing baseball and getting nerve up to say hello to girls. Times they are a changing.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hey Guys and Dolls:
Do you what time of the year it is? Your right it’s the Long Hot Summer. It’s also Beer Time. My sons argue with me on the different tastes of beer. My son Jeff likes the odd beers of the world, my son Joe has his own preferences, along with a variety of shots he likes. To me beer is beer. Sure I can taste differences in the imported stuff, but being from Jersey I have my personal favorites. Usually ordering a beer out, I’ll make mine a Bud draft. Here are some of my favorites, see if you remember them: Schlitz, Old Milwaukee, Rolling Rock in the small bottles, Piels (Bert and Harry Piels), Pabst Blue Ribbon, Iron City and Schaefer Beer just to name a few. When Rosemary and I honeymooned in Aruba, we enjoyed Amstel Beer, we have Amstel light in the US but not regular Amstel. In Belize, try a Belikin for your thirst; it was $1 a bottle the last time I had one. Let me know your favorites and enjoy a cold one after work today.
Do you what time of the year it is? Your right it’s the Long Hot Summer. It’s also Beer Time. My sons argue with me on the different tastes of beer. My son Jeff likes the odd beers of the world, my son Joe has his own preferences, along with a variety of shots he likes. To me beer is beer. Sure I can taste differences in the imported stuff, but being from Jersey I have my personal favorites. Usually ordering a beer out, I’ll make mine a Bud draft. Here are some of my favorites, see if you remember them: Schlitz, Old Milwaukee, Rolling Rock in the small bottles, Piels (Bert and Harry Piels), Pabst Blue Ribbon, Iron City and Schaefer Beer just to name a few. When Rosemary and I honeymooned in Aruba, we enjoyed Amstel Beer, we have Amstel light in the US but not regular Amstel. In Belize, try a Belikin for your thirst; it was $1 a bottle the last time I had one. Let me know your favorites and enjoy a cold one after work today.
Good Morning Speakies:
Trusting you all had a great weekend, I wish you a Happy Monday. I know for most of you in the work force like me Monday mornings are not the greatest. I’m not a great morning person, I need time to get ready and I mumble a lot in doing so. Let’s quit the complaining and get this day started. Let’s see what holidays we celebrate today:
Smithsonian Day – Neat place if you are ever in Washington, DC don’t miss it.
Smores Day – Send the kids outside tonight, light a fire and let them eat all the smores they want.
Spoil Your Dog Day – Dogs have the Life of Riley, spoil them some more.
National Ragweed Day – Here’s a holiday that will make the allergy people happy.
Kids here in Florida will be returning to school in a couple of weeks, I’ll have to start my history lessons up again. When your children start asking you questions like, “Dad, do you know what happen today in 1870?” you won’t be sitting there like a bump on the log. You can proudly answer, yes I do. I will be posing a question later today on a subject close to my taste.
Trusting you all had a great weekend, I wish you a Happy Monday. I know for most of you in the work force like me Monday mornings are not the greatest. I’m not a great morning person, I need time to get ready and I mumble a lot in doing so. Let’s quit the complaining and get this day started. Let’s see what holidays we celebrate today:
Smithsonian Day – Neat place if you are ever in Washington, DC don’t miss it.
Smores Day – Send the kids outside tonight, light a fire and let them eat all the smores they want.
Spoil Your Dog Day – Dogs have the Life of Riley, spoil them some more.
National Ragweed Day – Here’s a holiday that will make the allergy people happy.
Kids here in Florida will be returning to school in a couple of weeks, I’ll have to start my history lessons up again. When your children start asking you questions like, “Dad, do you know what happen today in 1870?” you won’t be sitting there like a bump on the log. You can proudly answer, yes I do. I will be posing a question later today on a subject close to my taste.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Well it’s Friday again and I hope all of you are getting ready to celebrate the weekend and these special holidays:
Saturday, August 8th
Sea Serpent Day – Break out those Peter, Paul and Mary memories.
Beach Party Day – Clothing optional.
National Garage Sale Day – Empty out that stuff you call junk you may make someone on Antiques Road Show very happy.
Sunday, August 9th
Dance a Polka Day – Who Stole the Kiszka (True Polish Spelling).
National Holding Hands Day – That’s nice.
Smokey the Bear’s Birthday – He debuted in 1944.
I have to run for now, please have a great weekend and be careful out there.
Well it’s Friday again and I hope all of you are getting ready to celebrate the weekend and these special holidays:
Saturday, August 8th
Sea Serpent Day – Break out those Peter, Paul and Mary memories.
Beach Party Day – Clothing optional.
National Garage Sale Day – Empty out that stuff you call junk you may make someone on Antiques Road Show very happy.
Sunday, August 9th
Dance a Polka Day – Who Stole the Kiszka (True Polish Spelling).
National Holding Hands Day – That’s nice.
Smokey the Bear’s Birthday – He debuted in 1944.
I have to run for now, please have a great weekend and be careful out there.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Hello Speakies:
Warm wishes to you today from Sunny Central Florida. Not many observances today. We have National Gossip Day, Wiggle Your Toes Day and Lucille Ball’s birthday. Crack open a bottle of wine or open a cold one, spread some news about a co-worker, kick off your shoes and wiggle the tootsies and watch reruns of I Love Lucy.
I heard a radio commercial today on the way to work that frosted my butt. Call me old fashion but I have the right to speak my mind here. The commercial started out with a girl pleading with her mother, “Mom, if I don’t have those designer jeans, how can I even face my friends in school?” Then a manly voice appears saying, “We have those mall store designer jeans at - - - - -, at half the price, so your children can face their friends when school starts in style.” What bullshit, jeans are jeans. Come over to my house kid, I have a pair with holes on the knees; you can have a Joey Z designer original. I wish these commercials and their sponsors quit putting pressure on kids, they have enough to worry about. When I was a kid I got my jeans at a local 5 & 10 cent store and was happy, no designer label and they were stiff as a board until Mom washed them. So parents next time your kids want a $50 pair of jeans, take them to a local Army and Navy store. They have a great designer label named “IRREGULARS”.
Warm wishes to you today from Sunny Central Florida. Not many observances today. We have National Gossip Day, Wiggle Your Toes Day and Lucille Ball’s birthday. Crack open a bottle of wine or open a cold one, spread some news about a co-worker, kick off your shoes and wiggle the tootsies and watch reruns of I Love Lucy.
I heard a radio commercial today on the way to work that frosted my butt. Call me old fashion but I have the right to speak my mind here. The commercial started out with a girl pleading with her mother, “Mom, if I don’t have those designer jeans, how can I even face my friends in school?” Then a manly voice appears saying, “We have those mall store designer jeans at - - - - -, at half the price, so your children can face their friends when school starts in style.” What bullshit, jeans are jeans. Come over to my house kid, I have a pair with holes on the knees; you can have a Joey Z designer original. I wish these commercials and their sponsors quit putting pressure on kids, they have enough to worry about. When I was a kid I got my jeans at a local 5 & 10 cent store and was happy, no designer label and they were stiff as a board until Mom washed them. So parents next time your kids want a $50 pair of jeans, take them to a local Army and Navy store. They have a great designer label named “IRREGULARS”.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hey Guys and Dolls:
I found a story for you out of North Port, Florida. A family in North Port claims something was lurking in the bushes behind their home and they believe it was aliens. They describe the creatures as being large with big bug eyes and possibly having wings. The family claims to have seen these creatures several times in the past few months. A UFO organization is planning to set up surveillance equipment and investigate.
I’m not going to classify this story as a crazy. Can anyone explain the crop circles, building of the pyramids or disappearance of the Mayan civilization? I believe aliens have visited us and I’m sure the government has their secrets stashed somewhere. Let’s just hope they are friendly to the family in North Port. After all we have seen those Sci-Fi movies; Klattu comes down and wants Earth join in their federation of planets. We have a 7 foot alien on the Twilight Zone who rids Earth of all famine, war and disease only to find the book he leaves is a cookbook on how to prepare mankind for dinner.
Maybe the aliens don’t want to reveal themselves, maybe they have seen enough of how the human race can be and have no need for us. Do they really want to see poverty, greed, war, hatred and the lack of human feeling for one another? No, I think we are just a rest stop on the way to other galaxies.
I found a story for you out of North Port, Florida. A family in North Port claims something was lurking in the bushes behind their home and they believe it was aliens. They describe the creatures as being large with big bug eyes and possibly having wings. The family claims to have seen these creatures several times in the past few months. A UFO organization is planning to set up surveillance equipment and investigate.
I’m not going to classify this story as a crazy. Can anyone explain the crop circles, building of the pyramids or disappearance of the Mayan civilization? I believe aliens have visited us and I’m sure the government has their secrets stashed somewhere. Let’s just hope they are friendly to the family in North Port. After all we have seen those Sci-Fi movies; Klattu comes down and wants Earth join in their federation of planets. We have a 7 foot alien on the Twilight Zone who rids Earth of all famine, war and disease only to find the book he leaves is a cookbook on how to prepare mankind for dinner.
Maybe the aliens don’t want to reveal themselves, maybe they have seen enough of how the human race can be and have no need for us. Do they really want to see poverty, greed, war, hatred and the lack of human feeling for one another? No, I think we are just a rest stop on the way to other galaxies.
Good Day Speakies:
Well it is Wednesday, August 5, 2009 and I hope as usual my post finds everyone doing great. We have some pretty good observances to celebrate today so here they are:
International Beer Day – Stash those local brews and treat yourself to some foreign brewski's today. I suggest a good German beer called Spaten Premium Lager.
National Underwear Day – Guys get rid of those old boxers and live a little with boxer briefs in different colors. Maybe you ladies can purchase a little something special today. Beer Day and Underwear Day could lead to bigger things.
It is also Green Peppers Day – So put those good tasting peppers to use in tonight’s dinner.
Let’s say “Happy Birthday” to Little Orphan Annie, born this date in 1924.
It will be another day in the 90’s here in Central Florida with thunderstorms expected late this afternoon. They usually happen just when I leave work and I have to drive in it. For those coming to down on vacation, expect this type of weather on a daily basis until October at least. Have a great day people and be careful out there. I got a feeling there might be some crazies on the loose, have to check them out.
Well it is Wednesday, August 5, 2009 and I hope as usual my post finds everyone doing great. We have some pretty good observances to celebrate today so here they are:
International Beer Day – Stash those local brews and treat yourself to some foreign brewski's today. I suggest a good German beer called Spaten Premium Lager.
National Underwear Day – Guys get rid of those old boxers and live a little with boxer briefs in different colors. Maybe you ladies can purchase a little something special today. Beer Day and Underwear Day could lead to bigger things.
It is also Green Peppers Day – So put those good tasting peppers to use in tonight’s dinner.
Let’s say “Happy Birthday” to Little Orphan Annie, born this date in 1924.
It will be another day in the 90’s here in Central Florida with thunderstorms expected late this afternoon. They usually happen just when I leave work and I have to drive in it. For those coming to down on vacation, expect this type of weather on a daily basis until October at least. Have a great day people and be careful out there. I got a feeling there might be some crazies on the loose, have to check them out.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Good Morning Guys and Dolls: Hope you all had a pleasant Monday night and a good nights rest. Today, August 4th, we celebrate the following holidays:
National Chocolate Chip Day
Coast Guard Day
Hooray for the Kids Day – Let the little ones have fun, school is just around the corner down here in Sunny Florida.
I have been having fun with a fellow blogger Mack and some of the great guys on his site. Seems we are always on the subject of good food. We discuss burgers, tomato pies, cannoli’s and one of our favorites pork roll. My mouth waters with every comment posted, see I miss those great burgers from Rossi’s and our own Trenton, NJ tomato pies. Pork roll I can buy that here in Florida so I'm safe. So Mack and my fellow foodies, posted below is a great dish I enjoyed yesterday at Rosemary’s Italian Kitchen, along with a nice glass of red wine. For those who are asking, it's Linguine with Hot Italian Sausage. I'll be enjoying the rest at lunch today. Thanks Dear for a wonderful dinner.
National Chocolate Chip Day
Coast Guard Day
Hooray for the Kids Day – Let the little ones have fun, school is just around the corner down here in Sunny Florida.
I have been having fun with a fellow blogger Mack and some of the great guys on his site. Seems we are always on the subject of good food. We discuss burgers, tomato pies, cannoli’s and one of our favorites pork roll. My mouth waters with every comment posted, see I miss those great burgers from Rossi’s and our own Trenton, NJ tomato pies. Pork roll I can buy that here in Florida so I'm safe. So Mack and my fellow foodies, posted below is a great dish I enjoyed yesterday at Rosemary’s Italian Kitchen, along with a nice glass of red wine. For those who are asking, it's Linguine with Hot Italian Sausage. I'll be enjoying the rest at lunch today. Thanks Dear for a wonderful dinner.
Alright Speakies have a great day and if anything pops around here you'll be the first to know.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Dear Speakies: Had some responses from Mack and Ralph on a few of my posts, thanks guys. Having a pretty busy day and not much time to write. You guys from Trenton are making me hungry with all that cannoli tomato pie, burgers and pork roll talk. My mouth will probably be watering later on this evening as I watch Diners, Drive-In's and Dives on the Food Channel. He always has something I could sink my teeth into late at night.
To everyone, have a great night, be careful and we will talk tomorrow.
To everyone, have a great night, be careful and we will talk tomorrow.
Good Monday Morning Speakies:
Hoping you all had a great weekend, let’s start off the week by seeing what observances are to be honored this week. This week is National Clown Week, National Fraud Awareness Week, Single Working Women’s Week and National Smile Week.
On this day of August 3’rd we observe:
Watermelon Day
Sister’s Day
National Waffle Day
Airplane Crop Duster Day
We also say “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” Dead or Alive to:
Elisha Graves Otis – Elevator inventor
Ray Block – Orchestra Leader, the Jackie Gleason Show
Tony Bennett – Singer, “Left My Heart in San Francisco”
Martin Sheen – Actor
Jay North – Dennis “The Menance” TV Show
Here’s your thought of the day: “The best prophet of the future is the past.”
Hoping you all had a great weekend, let’s start off the week by seeing what observances are to be honored this week. This week is National Clown Week, National Fraud Awareness Week, Single Working Women’s Week and National Smile Week.
On this day of August 3’rd we observe:
Watermelon Day
Sister’s Day
National Waffle Day
Airplane Crop Duster Day
We also say “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” Dead or Alive to:
Elisha Graves Otis – Elevator inventor
Ray Block – Orchestra Leader, the Jackie Gleason Show
Tony Bennett – Singer, “Left My Heart in San Francisco”
Martin Sheen – Actor
Jay North – Dennis “The Menance” TV Show
Here’s your thought of the day: “The best prophet of the future is the past.”
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