Happy Monday to you all and I promise not to brag about not working. Hope you all had a great weekend and are in a great mood to start the new week off right. Over the weekend we missed two good holidays so I have to honor them today.
HOT DOG DAY - I love hot dogs but now have to watch all that sodium on the good stuff you put on them but everything in moderation as Roe would say wisely. Honestly the best hot dog I ever had was a Italian hot dog at the Casino in Trenton, NJ. Good hard Italian roll, split dogs, topped with potatoes and peppers and coated with some mustard. The Casino has closed and gone to restaurant heaven but will always be remembered by those who dined there. The next time I visit my son on the coast and before we go fishing we are going to a place that has great Chicago Hot Dogs, I have never had one and sodium or not I'm going to polish one off. I could talk all day about hot dogs, give me a good chili dog with onions and mustard and I'm also in heaven. I have to stop this dog talk and move one but enjoy some dogs tonight.
CHERRY POPSICLE DAY - I may have been a fan of cherry popsicles when I was little, but as Joey Z grew his taste buds expanded to Root Beer and Vanilla as being my favorites. You always had to be careful splitting those twin pops in half to share with your best bud or girl at the time. I did pretty good in that art. So for nostalgia purposes today go out and have an ice popsicle and if cherry is your favorite you just hit a home run in popsicle park.
Now for a brief summary on today's holidays:
TARZAN DAY - How could one forget those famous words "ME TARZAN, YOU JANE." I must have seen every Tarzan movie on a Saturday when I was a kid. If it was pouring rain outside Tarzan came on the tube. Just good guy wins against the bad guys all the time. If you like Tarzan movies keep your eyes open on the Turner Movie Channel (TMC), recently they had a Tarzan marathon but I was not home to enjoy it.
BANANA DAY - Good old bananas, filled with potassium for your body and great to eat plain or in cereal like I love. When I was working, in the morning I never ate breakfast until I got to work. There a copy of coffee, a toaster strudel a piece of pie or cake or a donut would do. Since coming out of the hospital, I have changed my entire diet to ensure better health to my heart. I start off with a small glass of OJ, some cereal and black coffee. Believe me I would love to eat donuts but after shedding 30 pounds I fee the best ever since the 70's. Well so much for today Guys and Dolls hope you have a great one and I'll see you soon. Enjoy the blog, read all you want and enjoy the music as well.
Loved the Casino,especially in my Trenton High days :)))
Mack, one of the best ever eaten. They had a great breakfast too.
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