St. Augustine, Florida

St. Augustine, Florida
May 24, 2013


We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.

Christmas Eve 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

NINA HULA 7/28/2012

NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian
Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten

Luck Be A Lady

Luck Be A Lady

Little GQ 12/12

Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth

Joey and Elizabeth

Nina June 2013

Nina June 2013

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Being April is tomorrow, listen to a little song by Simon and Garfunkel, it's from the movie "The Graduate." Enjoy my Guys and Dolls!


Happy Hump Day Speakies:

Well the weather is turning around here in Central Florida, highs in the upper 70’s and lows in the 50’s with plenty of sunshine in the forecast. That should make all the Northern visitors happy after spending time locked in from those long winter days and nights. We have a couple of holidays today:

Bunsen Burner Day – A Bunsen burner, named after Robert Bunsen is a common piece of laboratory equipment that produces a single open gas flame which is used for heating, sterilization, and combustion.

National “She’s Funny That Way Day” - How do the women in your life make you laugh? Pay tribute to the female funny bone today by making a list of the things your favorite ladies do to make you laugh.

Let’s look at some Birthdays, Passing On and Stuff That Happened on March 31, not a lot I’ll try to pick the most important ones for you to retain. Here we go:

1847 – Jarolslaw Zielinski – Polish Composer, of course I have to mention a Polak.
1903 – Arthur Godfrey – TV host.
1924 – Leo Buscaglia – “Dr. Hug”, the Love Psychologist.
1927 – Cesar Chavez – That Lettuce Labor Leader.
1948 – Al Gore – 45th US VP. Now into Earth saving.

1931 – Knute Rockne – Famed Notre Dame football coach.
1980 – Jesse Owens – 1936 Berlin Olympic hero, showed the perfect race who was boss on the track.
1995 – Selena – Mexican singer, killed by a fan.

Stuff That Happened:
1870 – Thomas P. Mundy – 1st black to vote in US (Perth Amboy, NJ).
1889 –Eiffel Tower opens.
1921 – Albert Einstein – lectures in New York on his new theory of relativity.
1932 – 150 wild swans die in Niagara Waterfall – wrong place, wrong time.
1968 – LBJ says “No more President stuff for me.”
1982 – The Doobie Brothers split up – My My.
1990 – Carol and Company featuring Carol Burnett premieres on TV – One funny show to watch.
1991 – Danny Bonaduce attacks a transvestite in Arizona – it’s all downhill for Danny after that one.

That’s it for today March 31. Have a great day; you’ll never know if I will return with more stuff.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Good Morning Guys and Dolls:

Hope you all had a pleasant evening with your loved ones or by yourself. Tourists are down here in Central Florida for the Easter vacation, the roads are becoming crowded and one needs eyes in back of their heads. We have people from all over the world driving down here and some are not too quick on the roadways. Enough of my complaining let’s check out what we can celebrate today.

Doctor’s Day – Life savers of Mankind, it’s your day to shine in the sun.

Grass Is Always Browner On The Other Side Of The Fence Day – It's a day to honor all those who did not quit the “same old job” or did not leave the ”same old relationship” because things seemed to look better somewhere else.

Pencil Day – This is your day pushers enjoy. And for the Pencils my favorite is a Number 2.

It’s time for “Dumb State Laws.” Today I’ll pick on Florida’s northern neighbor state of Georgia. Now some of these laws are state-wide and some just city ordinances. Here Y’All go:

If an organization non registered as “non-profit” fails to register their raffle with the local sheriff, that group risks paying up to $10,000 in fines and five years in jail. – Sounds fishy to me.

All citizens must own a rake.

Adult book stores may not sell alcohol – that could get ugly if they did.

Goldfish may not be given away to entice someone to enter a game of bingo – no comment on that one.

Persons under the age of 16 may not play pinball after 11:00 p.m. - they should be home by 10:00 p.m. anyway.

It is illegal for one to make a disturbing sound at a fair – I guess that would be a fart.

No tattooing on Sunday.

Blow guns are not allowed to be used within the city limits – you may get into a law suit with the Pygmies over this one.

Stink bombs are not allowed in the city limits – ruins all the 4th of July fun.

Picnics are prohibited in graveyards – never thought about planning one there.

No one may tease an idiot – the village could get cruel.

Well Speakies have a great day, be careful out there and enjoy the evening.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Good Morning Speakies:

Well it is our favorite day of the week, MONDAY. I know some of you are off this week. Here in Florida it is Spring Break for a lot the kids and I’m sure they are pretty happy to be off this week. I hope you all had a nice weekend, so let’s start off with the holidays we celebrate today:

Knights of Columbus Founders Day – Of which I am a member in good standing.

National Mom and Pop Business Owner’s Day – Let’s give them a salute for hanging in there in these hard times. We had a lot of those stores in my neighborhood growing up and it was a sorry sight to see them go. I remember the deli’s, candy stores, mom and pop groceries, meat markets, shoe makers, five and dime stores and even small department stores all family run. Most of all I can’t forget the family owned Tomato Pie places.

Passover – Holiday for our Jewish Speakies begins at sundown.

Texas Loves The Children Day – I’m sure they do.

Being it is Easter Week, do you remember your Easters as a kid. This week I want you to make comments on this post of your Easter memories, so think hard and send them to me. If you can read you can post.

Being Polish, Easter was a big thing in our family. My Grandmother and Mother had to start cleaning 2 weeks before the holiday. Being an altar boy I had to attend the Easter preparation services on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, blessing of the Easter food on Saturday and then Sunrise Services on Easter Sunday. The food, the food Polish ham, kielbasa, colored hard boiled eggs, homemade bread, potato salad and coleslaw. The list could go on and on and I can still taste them all. I also remember having to be dressed up all day, new sport coat with the works. I recall going shopping with Mom and Dad to a store called Robert Hall’s a clothier for the entire family, what an experience, I hated it but what could a little tyke do. So there you go some of my memories, let me hear yours. Have a great day Guys and Dolls.

Friday, March 26, 2010


Good Afternoon Speakies:

Poked a little fun at those crazy Country Music titles, so I'm leaving you with 2 songs from one of my favorite country singers George Strait. Enjoy the music over the weekend.


TGIF Speakies:

Well Friday is upon us again and the start of the weekend is a few hours away. Do I detect laughter and joy from my Guys and Dolls; I know I feel that way. Two days off with things I want to do or not to do. Well we do have some holidays, so let’s see what we can toast:


Legal Assistants Day – What would lawyers do without them? Give them all a raise.
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day – OK it’s JoeyZ Appreciation Day.


Earth Hour – This holiday means turn off the lights that you are not using, don’t waste energy.
Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day – I’ll have more about this further down the post.
Viagra Day- I’m sure a lot of guys will get a rise out of this holiday.


Palm Sunday – The start of Easter Week.
Weed Appreciation Day – Breakout the Round-Up and start the celebration.

Now back to Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day, these are for real; you know JoeyZ could not give this holiday a rest. Here we go:

She Got The Ring And I Got The Finger.
Get Your Tongue Outta My Mouth, Cause I’m Kissing You Goodbye.
If I Can’t Be Number One In Your Life, Then Number Two On You.
If I Had Shot You When I Wanted To, I’d Be Out By Now.
You’re The Reason Our Kids Are So Ugly.
I Thought She Was Out Jogging, But She Was Running Around On Me.
If Love Were Oil, I’d Be A Quart Low.
Her Teeth Were Stained, But Her Heart Was Pure.
At The Gas Station Of Love, I Got The Self-Service Pump.
And Finally – How Come Your Dog Don’t Bite Nobody But Me.

Have A Great Weekend Guys and Dolls.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Guys and Dolls,

A little tribute to a great singer Johnny Maestro who died of cancer late Wednesday in Cape Coral, Florida. He performed the 1958 doo-wop hit "16 Candles" with The Crests and enjoyed a long career with The Brooklyn Bridge. He was often seen performing on the PBS Doo-Wop Specials. We all know 16 Candles, but one of my favorites was "The Angels Listened In", Johnny is singing with them now, rest in peace.


Good Morning Speakies:

A Happy Thursday to you all. First of all we have a news story out of Scottsmoor, Florida. A local community is getting ready for a big cat fight. Some of the residents are upset that a man will be moving into his new house along with his variety of 50 lions and tigers. He was booted out of his original residence because of a potential danger to the residents of that community. Eighty cages are being built to house these tame pets. The people in the neighborhood will have a chance to argue the move at the next commission meeting. Oh I see a CAT-ASTROPHE that may happen.

Today is also the celebration of the following holidays:

National Day of Celebration of Greek and American Democracy – Go hit your local Greek restaurant and have some Gyro, Mousaka, Pastitisio, Dolmades and a little Tzatziki sauce.

Letting Go of Stuff Day – You can have fun with this day.

Old New Year’s Day – Sorry I only do the one that falls on January 1.

Pecan Day – A big Southern holiday, you all know, Pecan Pie, Pecan Cookies, Pecan and Beans, the list could go on. Enjoy the nuts.

Have a great day Guys and Dolls and as you are reading this my mouth will be wide open ready for my six-month check-up at the dentist. Peace!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:

The weather down here is turning warmer we should be in the 80’s by the weekend after a little rain on Friday. The forecast calls for lots of sun so if you are down here vacationing, enjoy the days. Today we celebrate the following strange holidays:

Kick Butts Day – I’m sure there is someone out there who’s Butt needs a beating, find it and kick it. Here’s a couple of Kick Butt Birthdays today:

1874 – Harry Houdini – Kick Butt escape artist.
1895 – Arthur Murray – Kick Butt dancer.
1906 – John Cameron Swayze – Kick Butt newsman and Timex watch salesman.
1930 – Steve McQueen – Just one Kick Butt Man’s Man.
1960 – Kelly LeBrock – One Fine Kick Butt Lady.

National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day – I remember them from the movies along with the chocolate covered peanuts.

World Tuberculosis Day - Falls on March 24 each year, is designed to build public awareness about the global epidemic of tuberculosis and efforts to eliminate the disease. Today tuberculosis causes the deaths of about 1.6 million people each year, mostly in the Third World.

I’ll be checking for any news that deserves some KICK BUTT and if I find it, you’ll be the first to know. Have a great day and be careful out there.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hello Speakies:

This is JoeyZ’s Speakeasy and certain things tick me off, mostly politicians and this proposed lawsuit to block the Health Care Law. These bozos in Congress don’t pay a dime for health care coverage for them or their families and yet they snub their noses at the citizens of our nation who lost their jobs and their health care. These poor individuals had to declare bankruptcy because of no job and trying to foot their health care coverage costs. Not one bit of pity is shown from you boys in Washington. I don’t think our founding fathers would think too highly of the Congress today for not showing compassion for its citizens in their hour of need. I don’t think a few dollars of your tax money or mine will hurt as long as others receive the proper care as you do. Don’t worry members of Congress; I’m sure the pharmaceutical companies you have stock and interest in will make up your tax losses. You won’t suffer any real financial losses but the people who elected you will if you continue your lack of humanity for others.

Every recent president has tried to reform health care in one way or the other, all attempts failed, now that we have it give it a chance. Remember November could be your “IDES OF MARCH”, ET TU BRUTE.



Good Morning Guys and Dolls:

I’ve been lax for too long, it’s time for a history lesson to sharpen that remaining grey matter up there. You know your kids are going to pop questions and we may have some answers here for you today. Let’s see who was born, died and what happened this date in history:

1857 – Fannie Farmer – that famed candy maker.
1908 – Joan Crawford – Actress she was a spooky little woman to me.
1922 – Marty Allen – Comedian, “Hello Dere” fame, we met him on a cruise in January of 2008, put on a good show aboard and very friendly.

Died This Date:
1964 – Peter Lorre – Great character actor.
1983 – Barney Clark – 1st artificial heart transplant, lived 112 days.
1985 – The Singing Nun (Janine Deckers) – Commits suicide in Belgium, could not stand to be a one hit wonder.
1987 – Dean Paul Martin – Dino’s son killed in plane crash.

Stuff That Happened:
1775 – Patrick Henry proclaims “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death.”
1794 – Lt. General Tadeusz Kosciuszko returns to Poland, helped America in the Revolutionary War. You go Kosciuszko Baby.
1903 – Wright Brothers obtain an airplane patent.
1923 – Silver and Conn release that famous song, “Yes, We Have No Bananas.”
1942 – US moves native-born of Japanese ancestry into detention centers, they paid the price later.
1985 – Billy Joel weds supermodel Christie Brinkley – She’s that uptown girl.

That’s it for today’s lesson, let us not forget our holidays today: National Puppy Day, Near Miss Day, World Meteorological Day and last of all American Diabetes Association Alert Day – get checked for that one. Have a great day Speakies and be careful out there.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Good Morning Speakies:

Well Monday is upon us again, hoping you all had a nice weekend. If you are a basketball fan I hope your favorite teams won in the NCAA Tournament, if not there’s nothing you can do about it. I spent Sunday at my grandson’s third birthday; he’s my little buddy and a lovable little guy. Wishing you all a great week so enjoy and let’s start off with the holidays we celebrate today:

As Young As You Feel Day – I guess the secret is to think young and you’ll always feel young.

International Day of the Seal – Make up a seal, it will be your own power magnet.

International Goof-Off Day – I’m for this one every day.

World Day for Water – Hope we have enough to drink one day in the future.

I checked for a probable history quiz today, but there is nothing really exciting that happened that caught my eye so you guys are safe today. I’ll be checking around later if anything pops I’ll let you guys know. Have a great Monday.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:

First of all we have lots of holidays over this weekend, so let’s get started:


National Chocolate Caramel Day – A woman’s favorite holiday.
Swallows Return to San Juan Capistrano Day – They return every year on the Feast Day of St. Joseph, my Saint.


Kiss Your Fiancée Day – OK Joe get started.
Proposal Day – Alright Guys get down on those knees and break out that ring.
Snowman Burning Day – I’ll leave that one to the Mr. Sun.
Won’t You Be My Neighbor Day – Must be devoted to Mr. Rogers.
Corn Dog Day – Dogs belong on a bun with mustard, relish, onions, sauerkraut or chili AMEN.
Maple Syrup Day – I haven’t had pancakes and syrup in years.


Memory Day – Do stuff like puzzles keep that brain material sharp.
National Common Courtesy Day – Something we really lost in this country.
Spring Fairy Run Day – Think I’ll put my Toga on and skip through the flowers in the park.
World Down Syndrome Day – God Bless them all.

Whatever you do this weekend, enjoy life and be careful. See you all next week, good Lord willing.


Thursday, March 18, 2010


Good Day Speakies:

Here's a news story out of Kissimmee, FL. A father or if you can call him that was arrested yesterday and being held without bond for child abuse. Seems this trash dad forced his son to kneel on bottle caps after he brought home a sad face on his work assignment. There was also a note stating he disturbed his class. The teacher noted bruises on the boy and proceeded to call the local authorities thus resulting in this scumbags arrest.

Maybe the kid was goofing, but if you were a real dad, help your son with his homework, give him some attention instead of sitting on your porch, smoking and drinking your cheap brand beer. You deserve what you are going to get butt munch. I'd bang nails into your knees.

Strictly the opinion of JoeyZ.


Happy Thursday Speakies:

Hope you all enjoyed your St. Patrick’s Day festivities, ate to your hearts content and drank your share of your favorite spirits. Yesterday was the birthday of one of my favorite singers Mr. Nat “King” Cole, so I placed a brief song of his for all of you to enjoy. He along with Johnny Mathis were two of my favorite male singers in the late 50’s and early 60’s and their songs still bring back special memories of those times.

We have some observances to acknowledge today so here they are:

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day – Those would be my granddaughter and grandson enjoy your Incredible Day kids.

Awkward Moments Day – I’m sure all of us had one of those days in our lives.

Companies That Care Day – I hope there are some left with all that greed for profit first.

National Biodiesel Day - Today is National Biodiesel Day, celebrated on the 151st anniversary of the birth of Rudolf Diesel the inventor, of course, of the diesel engine. But what you might not know is that Diesel’s first innovative engine ran on peanut oil.

Thought for Today: “Even a Hawk is an Eagle among Crows.”

Have a great day Guys and Dolls and be careful out there.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all my Irish Guys and Dolls with a special “Erin Go Bragh.” That phrase most translated means “Ireland Forever.” So today raise those glasses up, drink, eat and be merry. We also celebrate Camp Fire Girls Day today so don’t forget to give them a toast too. I thought I’d play a little Irish music on my site today, so I chose “Danny Boy” by Harry Connick, Jr. one of my favorite singers and a version by John McDermott, hope you all enjoy it and sing along if you like. Here’s a little background on the song Danny Boy.

The lyrics to "Danny Boy" were written by the English lawyer and lyricist by Frederick Weatherly in 1910. Although the lyrics were originally written for a different tune, Weatherly modified them to fit "Londonderry Air" in 1913 when his sister-in-law in America sent him a copy. Weatherly gave the song to the vocalist Elsie Griffin, who in turn made it one of the most popular songs in the new century. In 1928, Weatherly suggested that the second verse would provide a fitting requiem for the actress Ellen Terry.
"Danny Boy" was originally said to be intended as a message from a woman to a man. The song is actually sung by men as much as, or possibly more than, women. The song has been interpreted by some listeners as a message from a parent to a son going off to war. The song is widely considered an Irish anthem, although Weatherly was an Englishman.

So with all of that, enjoy the day Speakies, eat the Corn Beef and Cabbage, drink the green beer and be careful out there. If you go to Roe's site on my blog called Creative Liberties she made a "Happy St. Patrick's Day" sign, stop by and check it out, her work is great if I do say so.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Good Morning Speakies:

Hoping you all had a pleasant evening and ready bright eyed and bushy tailed for a new day. Today I’m poking fun at the Dumb Laws in West Virginia, so let’s see what’s on the books.

It is illegal to snooze on a train. – The best place to snooze.

Unmarried couples who live together and “lewdly associate” with one another may face up to a year in prison. – Tough choice to make.

If you wear a hat inside a theater, you may be fined. - JoeyZ would like to fine everyone who wears a baseball cap in a restaurant, hang them on the hook or leave them in the car.

Road kill may be taken home for supper. – The thought just makes one want to barf.

One may not walk a lion, tiger or leopard, even on a leash. I did not know these animals were indigenous to the folks of West Virginia.

Firemen may not whistle or flirt at any woman passing a firehouse.

Back to the subject of road kill, when I worked as a litigation examiner one of our defense lawyers told us a true story about road kill. His son was a student at some southern university, and when they had parties they created a drink called road kill punch. A group of guys would go out with a large wash tub and find road kill. Upon returning the road kill tub would be filled with water and frozen, it would than be placed in another larger tub filled with a concoction of various alcohol beverages. The idea was to drink the punch before the road kill ice melted into the liquor. NO THANKS. Have a great day guys and dolls.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Happy Monday Guys and Dolls:

At least it’s sunny here and that makes Mondays a little cheerier for me. I’m trying to recover from this time change, probably take another day or two, so I wish you the best in adjusting also. I hate getting up in the dark and driving to work in it also, but complaining will do no good. Adjust my guys and dolls, adjust we must.

See what we can clang our glasses to today:

Brutus Day – One of my favorite lines, “Et Tu Brute.”

Buzzards Day – “Even they got to eat”, a classic line from the Outlaw Josey Wales with Clint Eastwood.

Ides of March – Caesar’s last day in Rome.

Napping Day – What a great holiday, a Monday, right after Daylight Savings Time change, I’m for this one this afternoon.

True Confessions Day – To each his own on this celebration.

Finally like to wish My Mom up there a Happy Birthday. Have a great day Mom.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Hello Speakies:

News Flash from Volusia County, Florida came across JoeyZ’s attention last night on the local news. A man who calls himself “Prince Mongo”, obliviously not his real name painted a witch on his $300,000 home and hung women’s underwear all over his yard. It was a sight to see all the colors, pink, yellow, white and the various styles, bloomers, briefs and bikinis’ just blowing in the wind. His fight is over an outside deck he built without a permit and was forced to remove it. He says people on Earth don’t understand him, but only want to rule and govern him. I think it’s time for JoeyZ to call Flash Gordon and take Mongo back to the planet of “The Birdmen.”

The answer to yesterday’s riddle is “ONCE UPON A TIME.”


Happy Friday and Weekend Wishes Speakies:

Once again Friday is here and the weekend is near. Let’s see what we celebrate today, Saturday and Sunday.


Girl Scout Day – Sell them cookies girls.

Middle Name Pride Day – Don’t have one.


Donald Duck Day – Made lots of dough for Walt.

Earmuffs Day – I guess some of you Northern Speakies are still using them.

International Fanny Pack Day – Baby Got Back
Genealogy Day – Find those relatives who came ashore.

Good Samaritan Involvement Day – Some times if pays, some times it doesn’t.

K-9 Veterans Day – Let’s salute those honorable dogs. I always remember from my childhood on TV, Rin Tin Tin, “Go Rinny.”

National Open An Umbrella Indoors Day – I just did that 2 months ago when Roe bought me a new one, blew open like the size of a parachute.


Check Your Batteries Day - Get rid of that annoying bunny.

Daylight Saving Time Begins – Remember Spring forward one-hour.

MOTH-ER Day - A day set aside to honor moth collectors and specialists.

This last holiday is devoted to my future Daughter-in-Law Elizabeth – “POTATO CHIP DAY.” We love our chips any texture, any flavor.

Have a great weekend Speakies and be careful out there, I’ll be back later to give you the answer to the riddle. See Ya.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Hi Speakies:

I thought we would have a little fun with this puzzle or riddle today. Figure this one out and send me your answer. My answer or winning answer will be announced on Friday.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Good Morning Guys and Dolls:

Well it’s Thursday in the USA and Friday somewhere in the Pacific but to all welcome. We have a few observances to raise our glasses to today.

24-Hour Global Marathon For, By and About Women in Engineering and Technology – The dolls are getting their due this week.

Dream 2010 Day – That’s everyday for me.

Johnny Appleseed Day – Apples for everybody, nice juicy apples red, yellow, green who cares.

World Kidney Day – Bless all those that shared theirs with the ones who needed a kidney to survive.

We lost another young actor yesterday Corey Haim. The only movie I saw him in was “The Lost Boys”, a really enjoyable film with a good cast. Rest in Peace.

Spring Training is in full bloom here in Florida. Locally we have the Braves, Tigers and Astros. Kansas City had their spring training camp at Boardwalk and Baseball years ago however due to decline in attendance they closed in the 1990’s. I remember seeing games at the cost of around $10 a ticket, now only to pay anywhere from $29 to $60 per ticket. I remember when my sons were small; the Astros had a minor league team here. The highest price ticket was $6.00 and they had a club for the kids called “The Knot Hole Club.” As I remember it cost them a $1 per ticket, they received a membership card and a raffle coupon for a drawing held after the 7th inning. The kids received old bats and baseballs. A fun evening and not expensive as to break your budget.

On a local radio station this morning I heard a gentleman call in expressing his desire to have a professional baseball team here in Orlando. His idea was to level the Citrus Bowl and Tinker Field and build one beautiful stadium. Great idea buddy, but all the politicians here wanted a high speed rail line and guess what Orlando got a train to nowhere. Maybe in ten years express your desire again. Have a great day Speakies.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Happy Wednesday Guys and Dolls:

Two things today, first a list of the holidays we are celebrating today and secondly a history lesson will be given. Come on now it’s been a long time and I can hear your kiddies saying, “Man, Dad and Mommy aren’t on the smart train of late.” Well that stops today so get that grey matter ready. First of all the holidays:

Learn What Your Name Means Day – A good idea, I know mine.
International Day of Awesomeness – That’s my man Captain Awesome on Chuck.
Mario Day - This is a day for my grandson to enjoy. He loves Mario.
Salvation Army Day – Great organization of aid to all who need.

History Today:

1847 – 1st money minted in Hawaii, replaces the pineapple.
1874 – Purdue University admits its 1st student.
1876 – Alexander Graham Bell makes first phone call to Thomas Watson – Whazz Up.
1893 – New Mexico State University cancels its 1st graduation ceremony; its only graduate Sam Steele was robbed and killed the night before. – Have no words for that one.
1933 – Major earthquake in Long Beach, CA.
1951 – FBI director J. Edgar Hoover declines post of baseball commissioner, says he would not be able to wear a dress in the office.
1957 – Thousands of soccer fans riot in Italy – no more cannolis reported at the refreshment stands.
1963 – Pete Rose makes his spring training debut, gets 2 hits.

That is enough for your minds to absorb today. Have a great day and remember you’ll never know when I will pop up again. Be careful out there.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Happy Tuesday Speakies:

Look at it this way it’s no longer Monday and I hope your day has started off on the right foot. There are some neat observances of the day to salute so here they are and with comments from JoeyZ:

Barbie Day – Still around after all these years, I bet if you had the original Barbie, it would be worth a small fortune, but you played with her just like us guys put baseball cards in the spokes of our bike. Who would ever figure?

Get Over It Day – That’s what Barbie said to Ken.

Joe Franklin Day - Joe Franklin, the host of The Joe Franklin Show, started in radio when he was only seventeen years old. He entered into the television medium in 1950 when he invented the talk show. Franklin claims that the idea of a talk show came to him because of his love to talk. Joe Franklin interviewed hundreds of thousands of people. During interviews, Franklin often interrupted his guests with nonsensical questions.

Organize Your Home Office Day – At work tell them you’re not feeling well, go home and do this.

Panic Day – Have a stiff drink; I promise you will not panic all day.

Unique Names Day – I picked a Polish one “Jedrek” means strong and manly.

Have a great day Speakies.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Just stopping by to wish a hearty welcome to my first visitor from Denmark. Count yourself as an official Speakie be it Guy or Doll.

Well I checked out the news for crazies, there was one story about a guy trying to murder another person with a pitch fork, stories like that need not be commented on here. Have a great evening Speakies and be careful out there.


Good Monday Morning Speakies:

Hoping you all had a great weekend, your favorite actor or actress and movie won an Oscar. I watched the show till about 10:30 p.m. and could not keep my eyes open anymore; the old man needed his sleep. I’ll check Yahoo later to see who won. One thing I noticed they kept the acceptance speeches short instead of thanking everyone on the planet.

I have to welcome a new Speakie from Turkey who visited over the weekend; you are now an official Speakie.

The weather is improving for those who are planning to visit Florida. Highs will be in the mid 70’s and lows in the 50’s with lots of sunshine. By the weekend we should see temps in the 80’s, the good life returns. Shut off the heaters and no air conditioners for a good while I hope.

Looks like we celebrate a lot of girls holidays today, let’s look and see:

Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace – Peace with a woman?

Fun Facts About Names Day – Check out one of those name sites to find out the meaning of your first name, its origin and other interesting facts.

Girls Write Now Day

International Working Women’s Day – A great part of the American Work Force.

Well Guys and Dolls enjoy the day, I’ll be checking for Florida news and crazies later and if anything pops you will be the first to know.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:

The weekend is just around the corner and let’s look at what observances we can toast:

Today we celebrate:
Saint Piran’s Day - St Piran's Day started as one of the many tinners' holidays observed by the tin miners of Cornwall. There is little description of specific traditions associated with this day. However, many observers noted the large consumption of alcohol and food.

Nametag Day – I hate name tags.

World Day of Prayer – Make sure all you Guys and Dolls say yours before bedtime tonight.

U.S. Snowshoe Day – My Speakies in the Northeast earned their snowshoes this year. May warmth be upon you soon.

Academy Awards Day – No big deal who cares, should not be a holiday anyway.

Daughters’ and Sons’ Day – Let our children have their holiday.

National Be Heard Day – Go outside early in the morning and yell your lungs off.

I want to share a great toast I found and it goes like this:

For Every Wound, A Balm
For Every Sorrow, Cheer
For Every Worry, A Calm
For Every Thirst, A Beer

Have a great weekend Speakies and be careful out there, see you all next week.

Thursday, March 4, 2010



For us Floridians this week is Bike Week in Daytona Beach, Florida. What would Bike Week be with out the annual Coleslaw Wrestling Event in Samsula? Scantly clad ladies braving the cold, wind and rain to battle on a tarp covered with mounds of slaw. To those brave young mayo covered ladies, I say good luck, no sleeper holds allowed and stay warm. Have a bowl of chili after your match.


Happy Thursday Speakies:

Hope you all are having a nice day so far, for me it has been a very productive day to this point. Now let me see what I can poke fun at today. I know, the new line up for Dancing with the Stars. Roe and I use to love this show, but it became too predictable and at times we got ticked off on who they voted off, so let me give you the stars and my views. Of course they are strictly the opinions of Joey Z.

Buzz Aldrin – Retired Astronaut: His first dance will be the Bossa Nova to the song, “Fly Me To The Moon.”

Pamela Anderson – She will be very interesting to watch in those short costumes.

Erin Andrews – Months ago no one knew who she was. Can she dance is the question? I think she will perform well.

Shannen Doherty – Another pretty face to watch move around.

Kate Gosselin – Hear they are building a dance studio in her home so she can practice and not travel to California. I can hear it now, “Mommy when are you going to make dinner?”

Evan Lysacek – Olympic Gold Medal Skater – Those sports guys are always up in the top three.

Niecy Nash – Reno 911, never watched it, good luck.

Chad Ochocinco – NFL Wide Receiver, he’ll probably change his name with every new dance he does.

Jake Pavelka – A Bachelor Star – How many reality shows do you need Jake?

Nicole Scherzinger – Pussycat Dolls Singer – HUBBA HUBBA . She's my favorite.

Aiden Turner – Soap Opera Star – I never saw you on TV, good luck though.

And for my final view, I hope this Professional Dancer wins this year, my Polish girl Edyta Sliwinska. Go Edyta.

Have a great day Guys and Dolls.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Breaking News Speakies:

Out of our great state capital of Tallahassee, Florida comes this story. Lawmakers started on Tuesday to decide on one major issue, that impacts everyone behind the wheel of an auto or truck. Drivers in Florida at the present time can text and talk on the phone, but new information released indicates that 28 percent of all traffic accidents are caused by texting and yakking on the phone. My own eyes have seen these road texters pretending to drive with their eyes on the road but they are moving their fingers in a fast and furious pace over that cell phone putting us all in danger.

Lawmakers in Tallahassee do your thing, make it illegal to text while driving, we have enough people who can’t drive correctly and don’t text. Just think of all the lives that can be saved not only humans, but chickens crossing the roads, dogs and cats too and let us not forget those raccoons and armadillos.


Hi Speakies:

Just a short visit to give you the name of the Bar and soon to be restaurant in Samana, Dominican Republic that Roe and I visited. It is called Restaurant Rinconcito View and is owned by Terry Bandi and his lovely wife Carolina. Julian her father and cousin Jemima are part of the staff. The restaurant is open allowing the air to circulate and if you closed your eyes and let your mind drift you probably would imagine seeing Ernest Hemingway sitting at the bar downing his favorite cocktails.

Just wanted to wish Terry and Carolina and family the best of luck on their grand opening of the restaurant soon. Check out Roe’s blog “Creative Liberties” on my site for her review and pictures.


Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:

Hoping you all had a pleasant evening last night and I wish you all a great day today. Today is March 3 so let’s see what we can drink to today:

I Want You To Be Happy Day – We all should be, don’t worry be happy.

Peace Corps Day – A great volunteer group.

What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs Day – This is one for the books.

National Anthem Day – I have to tell you this true story that happened on board our cruise. Roe and I were in this club called Bliss, they have bowling alleys, some slot machines, all kinds of neat lounge chairs and beds, DJ’s at different times and of course Karaoke singing. This one night we were blessed to hear the opening rounds of a karaoke singing contest. I heard cats outside that sounded better than this group assembled. One young lady decided to sing the National Anthem. As her voice belted out that proud American song, I did not know if I should stand up or tell the bartender to cover all the glasses and bottles of booze behind the bar. For the first time I had to admit Roseanne Barr did a better job singing that song at the Padres game years ago.

Once again Speakies, have a great Wednesday.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Hello Again Speakies:

First of all I would like to welcome a new Speakie from the Dominican Republic who stopped by Joey Z’s to read the sacred words. The day down here started off cloudy with heavy rain storms and now the sun is shinning and highs should be in the 70’s for today.

I know Roe is doing her review of the Norwegian Pearl, but I would like to put my own 2 cents in a little review. Being slightly handicapped, Roe was limited to the use of the ship. Except for the 12th deck where the food and pool were, none of the doors leading to the ship's deck had sensors working. The handicap buttons were there, but for whatever reason were locked off. This made it hard for Roe to slip out with her scooter and run over the toes of the other passengers. The family pool had 2 side ladders that even I would be hesitant to go down. When we asked the desk if there was a pool with easy access we were told no. Two days before the end of the cruise, while up on the 13th deck, Roe and I looked down to see a few steps on the side of the family pool that would have made it a little easier. Too bad the last two days were too cool to take advantage of our new found discovery. These ships need to accommodate the handicapped and the ship's personnel are more in tune to the vessel they are working on.
The staff aboard the ship was great, especially our 2 cabin stewards Connie and Peter. Walking around the ship you would always get a good morning or a hello from all the staff members. There were a few grumps at the Purser’s Desk.

Now for the food review, first of all I can’t believe how some of the passengers can stuff their plates at the buffet but more power to them. The upstairs buffet was very good with a variety of dishes featured everyday. The main dining rooms had a limited menu and to me the food was bland. There were a number of specialty restaurants with a fee to dine ranging from $10 to $25 per person. We enjoyed the steakhouse Cagney’s and the Mexican/Spanish Tapas Restaurant called Mambo’s. There was a 24/7 restaurant called The Blue Lagoon that served comfort food, good burgers, dogs, meatloaf, fries, wings, you name it. It was one of our favorites on board. Drinks went up in price; they averaged $8 to $9 for the drink of the day and all those other fancy drinks. Cocktails averaged around $6 to $7 and beer from $4.50 to $6.50 a glass or bottle.

Shows were good, saw the Las Vegas cast of the “Jersey Boys”, a great comedian named David Naster and the juggling act of Sharkbait.
Do NOT do the Mystery Dinner. For $20.00 a person, you are the entertainment as you sit around a table reading your character script from a folded paper 'book', trying to eat, talk to be heard (very noisy) and then decide from the 6 people at your table 'who did it'. And the food wasn't all that good either. I'm sure Roe will be writing more about this awful experience.
There you go Speakies, maybe one of the cruise lines will hire Roe and I to do reviews on their ships, and all I’m asking for is a balcony room and free cocktails.
See ya later Speakies hoped you enjoyed my little review. Now go cruising with your favorite Guy or Doll.


Good Morning Guys and Dolls:

A happy Tuesday to you all. March has made its arrival and still on the chilly side here in Central Florida with heavy rain storms expected today. Let’s take a look and see what we celebrate this month:

Adopt A Rescued Guinea Pig Month – As soon as I can find one.
American Red Cross Month – A great organization to support.
Employee Spirit Month – We truly need this one.
National Craft Month – Hey Roe, enjoy this month it’s dedicated to you.
National Umbrella Month – Don’t leave home without one.
National Frozen Food Month – Read that sodium content.
Optimism Month – I’ll try it out.
Finally this week is “YoYo and Skill Toys Week.” – I was never good at yoyo spinning and skilled toys like that hula hoop thing.

Have a great day and I’ll probably be back later with some news or something. Be careful out there.

Monday, March 1, 2010




Hello Speakies:

Joey Z is back and ready to write once again. Did you miss me Guys and Dolls? Well, like I said I was going to do a little work around the house, but took a 7 Day Cruise to the Eastern Caribbean with my best Doll and my son and future daughter-in-law. We left out the great port of Miami and set sail on Norwegian Cruise Line’s ship the “Norwegian Pearl”. We visited Samana, Dominican Republic, St. Thomas US Virgin Islands, Tortola in the British Virgin Islands and Norwegian Cruise Lines private island of Great Stirrup Cay. The entire cruise was a lot of fun, we had some ship moments but a vacation is still better than work. Roe is writing her review and if you are interested, I will tell you where to find it, I believe she will be posting on Cruise Critic.

I would like to tell you about a great excursion my son and his fiancée took in Samana, Dominican Republic. My son wanted to do a horseback ride on the beach and my wife found a gentleman who came highly recommended on Cruise Critic named Terry Lee Bandi. She communicated with him via e-mail and set up the excursion. Upon arriving on the ship, my son found out that 13 other guests were taking the same tour. Terry is an American who has lived in the Dominican Republic for several years. He specializes in personalized tours throughout the Samana Peninsula. These tours include horseback riding, beaches, waterfalls, and swimming, visiting a cigar plant, a coral church, plus food and drink. When my son returned to the ship, he could not stop talking about how great this tour was and how nice Terry was in general. So if you are ever visiting Samana, check out Samana Excursions by Terry Lee Bandi, you can find information on the web. Roe and I visited Terry’s wife at their restaurant to be and enjoyed a few “El Presidente” cervezas. I will post a picture of Roe and Terry’s wife and crew in a few days.