Good Tuesday Morning Guys and Dolls:
If you want to raise your glasses today let’s have a Brandy Alexander because you guessed it “BRANDY ALEXANDER DAY.” This cocktail is a sweet brandy based one consisting of cognac and crème de cacao. Legend has it was created at the time of the wedding of Princess Mary and Viscount Lascelles, in London, in 1922. Another version claims that the drink could be named after the Russian tsar Alexander II. Who really cares have one and celebrate the holiday.
We also celebrate the following:
BACKWARDS DAY – Do we walk backwards or just do everything backwards today? Just have fun doing backwards things all day long.
EAT BRUSSEL SPROUTS TODAY – I felt sick every time I looked or smelled them. I finally gave them a try a few years ago. Now they only make me half sick, I can eat some but I limit my amount. Little green cabbages from space.
JACKIE ROBINSON’S BIRTHDAY – I saw the story of his break through into baseball in the movie “The Jackie Robinson Story” when I was young and through the years have seen it several times on TMC or ESPN. It’s a moving story of man struggling to prove his ability to play professional baseball being blocked by racism not only from the fans but team members. It stars the real Jackie Robinson and if it is ever on I suggest watching it.
Have a great day gang and as always thanks for stopping by.
St. Augustine, Florida

May 24, 2013

We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.
Christmas Eve 2012
NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten
Luck Be A Lady
Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth
Nina June 2013
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Happy Monday Speakies:
Here is a good one to celebrate today and I’m sure we all had a fun message that we placed on the good old answering machine. So celebrate with me today “INSANE ANSWERING MACHINE MESSAGE DAY.” If you haven’t done it in years and still have that type of machine come up with a good one and record it.
I’d like to wish Happy Birthdays and Anniversaries to all my Guys and Dolls celebrating theirs today. Well Monday work is a calling so I wish you all a pleasant day and evening. Have fun and be careful.
“HEAVENS TO MURGATROYD” and who can forget “EXIT STAGE LEFT.” You guessed it’s Snagglepuss that Hanna-Barbera mountain lion made its debut back in 1959. He first appeared in several episodes of the Quick Draw McGraw Show and later became a regular on the Yogi Bear Show. Yes I remember him well; we need those kinds of cartoons back to make you laugh. Today is also “Bubble Wrap Day” that plastic sheet filled with little bubble pockets just made for popping. My sons had a ball with that stuff and so did Dad. Here’s a good one to play on a friend, if you get the large size bubbles, put one under a friends tire and when they back up POW.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:
The weekend is nearing, the weather is great down here and I’m looking forward to some relaxation this weekend. We have some holidays to take a look at so let’s begin with today.
CARNATION DAY – Roe’s favorite they last the longest in a vase.
Have a great weekend, see you soon.

PUNCH THE CLOCK DAY – I don’t punch a clock at work and the only clock I’m sure most of us would like to sock is the good old alarm clock.
THOMAS CRAPPER DAY – Was a plumber who founded the Thomas Crapper & Co. in London. Tommy did not invent the flush toilet; he did increase the popularity and developed with some important inventions for the toilet. He was famous for the quality of his work and products.
Over the weekend raise your mugs to:
DAISY DAY – The flower or those shorts?
NATIONAL BLUEBERRY PANCAKE DAY – I have to have pancakes on my next cruise. I haven’t had pancakes in years.
NATIONAL KAZOO DAY – Love that crazy little instrument, it’s the only one I could ever play.
Have a great weekend, see you soon.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Happy Thursday Speakies:
Good to be back but then there are too many things one has to catch up on. Today is “CLASHING CLOTHES DAY” I guess that’s the one you wear a striped shirt with plaid pants or better yet to get a true sense of fashion enjoy one of those Wal*Mart e-mails that get passed along with those zombies from another planet dressed in their glory. It is also “PEANUT BRITTLE DAY” that sugar covered piece of glass with the nuts inside. Maybe one piece for me every two years but not a favorite of mine. So put on some clashing clothes, grab some peanut brittle and enjoy the day.
On my blog site I have a MixPod Playlist that contains some funny opening videos that I like to start the Blog off with, followed by the music I love. I’m a big fan of the late George Carlin and I found two short out takes of his that I put on this site for you to enjoy. Now George to me knew politics, people, parents and the world to a tee and spoke the truth. The man should have been president but he enlightened people through his shows and concerts. To say George is a potty mouth is true, but I’m going to play some of his takes on my blog for you to be the judge. If the language offends you shut your sound off, if not enjoy his wisdom.
I have to get moving today so I’ll be back on Friday with my weekend wishes. Have a great day and as always thank you for stopping by and reading. Comments are always welcomed.
Good to be back but then there are too many things one has to catch up on. Today is “CLASHING CLOTHES DAY” I guess that’s the one you wear a striped shirt with plaid pants or better yet to get a true sense of fashion enjoy one of those Wal*Mart e-mails that get passed along with those zombies from another planet dressed in their glory. It is also “PEANUT BRITTLE DAY” that sugar covered piece of glass with the nuts inside. Maybe one piece for me every two years but not a favorite of mine. So put on some clashing clothes, grab some peanut brittle and enjoy the day.
On my blog site I have a MixPod Playlist that contains some funny opening videos that I like to start the Blog off with, followed by the music I love. I’m a big fan of the late George Carlin and I found two short out takes of his that I put on this site for you to enjoy. Now George to me knew politics, people, parents and the world to a tee and spoke the truth. The man should have been president but he enlightened people through his shows and concerts. To say George is a potty mouth is true, but I’m going to play some of his takes on my blog for you to be the judge. If the language offends you shut your sound off, if not enjoy his wisdom.
I have to get moving today so I’ll be back on Friday with my weekend wishes. Have a great day and as always thank you for stopping by and reading. Comments are always welcomed.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Happy Monday Morning Speakies:
If I did not wish you all a Happy Monday, you would not have a Happy Day. Consider me a ray of sunshine from the South. Hope all you football fans enjoyed the games over the weekend and if your team won congrats from Joey Z. Let’s take a peek at some holidays we celebrate today.
COMPLIMENT DAY – Sounds like a nice holiday to celebrate. With all the negativity and rage in this country today a compliment would be a change of pace. A simple you look lovely today to your wife or girlfriend would really make her day. A job well done to a fellow employee or student surely would make their day. Give it a try; I promise it does not hurt. “Roe, you are looking lovelier every day.”
SPOUSE DAY – Here’s a day for each Guy and Doll to take advantage of. Just make it special for your spouse. We can call this holiday a double header, you do something special for her and she does the same for you. Like that idea.
MEASURE YOUR FEET DAY – I remember going into shoe stores and looking at the different styles of shoes. After choosing the pair you would like to try on, out would pop that salesman removing your shoe and measuring your foot with that metal shoe thing, confirming that you wear a size 9. Bring back that kind of service I say and don’t forget to throw in that shoe horn. In my younger days it was made of metal.
PIE DAY – A dessert favorite of mine. Favorite of course is apple followed by blueberry, lemon, pumpkin, Boston Crème pie and chocolate. Roe makes some great impossible pies that are delicious hint, hint. I still crave those Tasty Kake pies from up North; I know I ate a Tasty Kake practically every day growing up.
Take advantage of all these holidays today, enjoy them and be safe.

Friday, January 20, 2012
Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:
The weekend is near and as usual I wish you all a great one. Championship football games are on tab and I’ll try to catch those on the tube. Here is my pet TV peeve “REALITY SHOWS”, yes those shows that make no sense in my opinion. How many can one really watch during the week? For instance we have The Bachelor, The Bachelorette combine them and call it “LOVE ISLAND FREE FOR ALL.” “SURVIVOR ISLAND” take the contestants give them some guns, limited supply of food and water, drop them off at some remote animal infested jungle island and the one who comes out alive first wins. I know those are strange ideas but what the hell. Mark the words of Joey Z one day on TV you will see the real life “RUNNING MAN REALITY SHOW.” I’ll stick to watching the History Channel to learn knowledge.
Today we also celebrate “CHEESE DAY.” Cheese is one of Joey Z’s favorite snack foods. Give me a nice slice of Sharp White Cheddar and a piece of Pepperoni and I’m sitting pretty. Some of my other favorites any kind of cheddar, Swiss, Monterey Jack, Gouda and one that I have acquired a taste for Provolone. So enjoy some cheese this weekend while watching those games.
We are also celebrating “SQUIRREL APPRECIATION DAY” along with “GRANOLA BAR DAY.” Here’s how we can truly appreciate the squirrels today, give them all the granola bars they can eat, that stuff is for squirrels anyway. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Happy Thursday Guys and Dolls:
SING OUT LOUD DAY – I find myself singing out loud at my desk, not real loud I don’t want anyone calling the guys with the white jackets on me. Bathroom singing is great getting a song in your head and can’t stop singing it? How about this one you have the whole house to yourself; the oldies or whatever music you like is playing and there you are singing like you are at Carnegie Hall. So sing out loud today and enjoy it.
BREW A POTION DAY – Unless you are a certified witch or warlock I would strongly advise you not to. Just make a wish for the things you want.
FIND A NEW FRIEND DAY – You never know a stranger you meet along the way today could become a good friend. Be kind to everyone today and maybe a new friend you will find.
As far as food goes today it’s “POPCORN DAY.” I have to crave popcorn before I have it. Hot buttered is my favorite. Have a great day Guys and Dolls and be careful out there.
There are a few things I want you to do today and I’ll explain why later.
1. Wear a Hat.
2. Sing Out.
3. Brew.
4. Find Someone.
These are the holidays we celebrate today. First of all it is “NATIONAL HAT DAY” and I’m sure you gents and ladies up North are wearing yours today. I liked wearing hats when I was growing up. Remember when you were a kid and had those hats that came with the ear flaps that snapped on top. How about those wool caps you pulled down over your ears on a cold winter’s day or doing a snowball fight. I had a beret I liked wearing along with a British racing cap and of course the fancy dress hat. Now if I wear a hat it’s a baseball cap to go fishing or working outdoors.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Hump Day is Here Guys and Dolls:
We do have a different kind of food holiday today. It is “PEKING DUCK DAY” that famous duck dish from Beijing that has been made since the imperial era of China. Peking Duck is known for the thin, crisp skin, with the real versions of the dish serving mostly the skin and little meat, sliced in front of the diners by a cook. These ducks are bred especially for the dish and are slaughtered after 65 days and are seasoned before being roasted in a closed oven or hung oven. The duck is eaten with pancakes, onions and hoisin sauce or a sweet bean sauce. I had Peking Duck made by a friend a long time ago and it was excellent. I’ve eaten regular duck once on a cruise and found it to be too greasy to enjoy.
Now for a little look back in history for today. Remember Moms and Dads retain this material in case those little ones pop those questions to you.
1535 – Francisco Pizarro founds Lima, Peru.
1733 – 1st polar bear exhibited in America, Boston, Ma.
Enough knowledge for today. Have a great day and a wonderful evening Guys and Dolls, see you soon.
For all those visiting the Sunshine State on vacation, I hope you are all having a great time. It’s not the 80 degree weather but let’s face it you are not freezing those butts off either.
Now for a little look back in history for today. Remember Moms and Dads retain this material in case those little ones pop those questions to you.
1535 – Francisco Pizarro founds Lima, Peru.
1733 – 1st polar bear exhibited in America, Boston, Ma.
1795 – Captain Cook discovers the Hawaiian Islands.
1943 – Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto begin to resist the Nazis.
1943 – The Soviet Army breaks the long resistance of the Nazi siege of Leningrad.
1948 – Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour premieres on DuMont.
1964 – Plans for the World Trade Center in NYC are announced.
1967 – Albert DeSalvo (The Boston Strangler) sentenced to life in the pen.
1991 – Eastern Airlines goes out of business. The Wings of Man no longer operate; I flew Eastern a great deal while in the service.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Happy Tuesday Morning Speakies:
If you had the day off yesterday like Joey Z, I hope you had a great fun day. I was looking at the holidays today, zippo the only good one is “HOT BUTTERED RUM DAY.” Sounds like a good drink to have on a cold winter’s night. I loved going to Del Rio’s on Hamilton Ave. in Trenton in the evening, enjoying a nice cocktail and a good steak sandwich basket. They had a giant fire place that kept the room nice and cozy. Of course like everything else its history. We have not done any history lessons in a long time so I think it is time to sharpen your minds. Let’s see what happened on this date. I just checked it out, most of the births, deaths and stuff that happened is boring. I’ll find something else later to build your IQ’s. Here are some monthly national January holidays.
BALD EAGLE WATCH – now we have plenty of wetlands in Florida with an abundance of eagles, I’ve never seen an Eagle in 21 years of living here. Hawks yes, Eagles no. You’ll be the first to know when I spot one.
NATIONAL BOOK MONTH – Buy and read mine. Amen. Just kidding if you are an avid reader or want to become one this is the month to give you the incentive to start. As for me my books have to have pictures to look at.
For those planning to visit this week, temperatures will be in the 70’s, lows in the 50’s. Enjoy your vacation. I’m calling it quits for today, have a great evening and enjoy that Hot Buttered Rum.
If you had the day off yesterday like Joey Z, I hope you had a great fun day. I was looking at the holidays today, zippo the only good one is “HOT BUTTERED RUM DAY.” Sounds like a good drink to have on a cold winter’s night. I loved going to Del Rio’s on Hamilton Ave. in Trenton in the evening, enjoying a nice cocktail and a good steak sandwich basket. They had a giant fire place that kept the room nice and cozy. Of course like everything else its history. We have not done any history lessons in a long time so I think it is time to sharpen your minds. Let’s see what happened on this date. I just checked it out, most of the births, deaths and stuff that happened is boring. I’ll find something else later to build your IQ’s. Here are some monthly national January holidays.
BALD EAGLE WATCH – now we have plenty of wetlands in Florida with an abundance of eagles, I’ve never seen an Eagle in 21 years of living here. Hawks yes, Eagles no. You’ll be the first to know when I spot one.
NATIONAL BOOK MONTH – Buy and read mine. Amen. Just kidding if you are an avid reader or want to become one this is the month to give you the incentive to start. As for me my books have to have pictures to look at.
For those planning to visit this week, temperatures will be in the 70’s, lows in the 50’s. Enjoy your vacation. I’m calling it quits for today, have a great evening and enjoy that Hot Buttered Rum.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Happy Friday Speakies:
The weekend is drawing closer and I wish you all a great one. Good weekend to watch those NFL playoff games or do anything you choose. Monday is a holiday for me. Monday honors Dr. Martin Luther King to me a man who tried to bring men of all color together, may he rest in peace. I think I will take a break from writing that day.
Over the weekend we celebrate the following holidays:
BLAME SOMEBODY ELSE DAY – That never worked for me I always got caught in a lie and I would have to confess up. Just call me Honest Joey Z; George Washington would be proud of me I guess.
PENGUIN AWARENESS DAY – Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living in the southern hemisphere. They are adapted for life in the water and on land. Most of them feed on krill, fish, squid and other forms of sea life. To me they will always be my little tuxedo birds.
Here’s a holiday I can’t stand “DRESS UP YOUR PET DAY.” Dogs and cats are what they are and don’t need some silly outfit on like sunglasses, hats, skirts, tee-shirts, boots or whatever else their owners believe makes them cute. Okay I can’t be that cruel, I’ll allow sweaters for those little pups.
Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Tuesday.
The weekend is drawing closer and I wish you all a great one. Good weekend to watch those NFL playoff games or do anything you choose. Monday is a holiday for me. Monday honors Dr. Martin Luther King to me a man who tried to bring men of all color together, may he rest in peace. I think I will take a break from writing that day.
Over the weekend we celebrate the following holidays:
BLAME SOMEBODY ELSE DAY – That never worked for me I always got caught in a lie and I would have to confess up. Just call me Honest Joey Z; George Washington would be proud of me I guess.
PENGUIN AWARENESS DAY – Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living in the southern hemisphere. They are adapted for life in the water and on land. Most of them feed on krill, fish, squid and other forms of sea life. To me they will always be my little tuxedo birds.
Here’s a holiday I can’t stand “DRESS UP YOUR PET DAY.” Dogs and cats are what they are and don’t need some silly outfit on like sunglasses, hats, skirts, tee-shirts, boots or whatever else their owners believe makes them cute. Okay I can’t be that cruel, I’ll allow sweaters for those little pups.
Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Tuesday.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Happy Thursday Guys and Dolls:
On this second week of January we pay honor to those brave men and women who are there in sun, rain, snow and freezing temperatures to protect our little ones. I’m talking SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS. Stand up and raise your glasses and give a mighty cheer for the services they provide. I say give them all a raise they desire it. They risk their own lives stepping out in traffic to cross the little tykes safely and truly deserve the recognition of this honor. Maybe stop and bring them a hot cup of coffee to enjoy. Down here in Florida we have more than our share of idiots who have driver’s licenses. A friend of ours is a crossing guard and told us of one bozo the troopers pulled over going 45 when the 20 mile per hour lights were flashing. A little advise from Joey Z make the guard’s job easier, slow down and watch out for the kids.
So much for today, have a great and safe day.

Today is also “NATIONAL PHARMICIST DAY” those great dispensers of pills and advice. Most of the pharmacies down here are of the national chain variety, the food stores or the big chains Wal*Mart, Targets etc. I’m sure in the small towns one may find a family owned business which I personally miss the most. Growing up in my neighborhood I remember having Harbourt’s Drug Store, later changing to Scott Taylors. There was a small hole in the wall drug store called Brunswick Drugs; it was a hangout with a cool soda fountain and a place to have that secret cigarette. There was another drug store on the corner of Brunswick and Pine St right across from the fire station. I can’t remember the name, I want to say Rexall but I’m sure my reader the “Skipster” will come through with the right name. I can’t go on without naming Episcopo’s Pharmacy on Liberty and Chambers St. a great family owned pharmacy and the great service they provided when we lived in the Villa Park area.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Happy Hump Day Speakies:
Rain and colder weather is expected to greet Florida today. Joey Z prefers the warmer weather because this bouncing back between warm and cold is not the greatest for respiratory problems of which do not favor me. Enough of my bitching let’s see what’s going on today. Today is “MILK DAY” and make sure your kiddies are getting their share, white or chocolate doesn’t matter as long as they are sucking up that Vitamin D. Now don’t forget to make them that good old hot chocolate in the evening and throw in a Tasty Kake for good measure.
Today is also “SECRET PAL DAY” a strange holiday; one could have a secret love or a crush on someone or a pal no one knows about. So if you have a secret pal enjoy the friendship and the day. P.S. on this one, if it’s more than just a Secret Pal don’t let the wife or hubby find out.
Here is a good one for today “STEP IN A PUDDLE AND SPLASH YOUR FRIEND.” Who didn’t do that as a kid I know I did and with great joy. Riding your bike and splashing people was another way and being on a bike you had a chance to get-away faster. Riding home from work on this certain four lane road, I encounter on a weekly basis a group of bicycle riders. You know the type cute little tight pants and jerseys with that helmet usually bright green or yellow, speeding along and not staying in the large bike lane that was provided for their safety. Instead of splashing water, I want to equip my car with that spring loaded boxing glove popping them off as I drive by. The Three Stooges would be proud.
Have a great day Guys and Dolls and splash somebody if it’s raining where you live today or hit them with a snowball.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Happy Tuesday Guys and Dolls:
Here we are on a Tuesday morning celebrating “PECULIAR PEOPLE DAY.” This is a day to honor uniquely different people. I am talking about the un-ordinary, the extraordinary, unusual, strange, oddballs that walk the earth every day among us. These characteristics can be seen as good or bad, so today look for the good over the bad in your acquaintances. Chances being we will find something peculiar in ourselves today.
January is also “NATIONAL OATMEAL MONTH.” Hot oatmeal for breakfast on a cold winter’s morning as a kid was my favorite. It was easier when I was young I did not have to make it, Mom did and she made it with milk not hot water like they do today. Certain things have to be made with milk oatmeal is one and the other is hot chocolate. So Moms and Dads if you have time make those little tykes of yours a hot breakfast of oatmeal before they face that 4 block walk to school like Joey Z had to do in his younger days.
In olden days when knights were bold oatmeal was alive and kicking however it was called “GRUEL.” It was found cooking all day in a black cauldron and it was a preparation often made from millet, hemp or barley and in times of real trouble chestnuts or acorns. Yes, Speakies gruel was poverty food in those days. Oatmeal now is just not for breakfast, one can make cookies and even oatmeal bread to enjoy. So my Guys and Dolls get on the oatmeal train this month and enjoy.
Have a great day and I’ll see you soon.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Good Monday Morning Speakies:
Making a quick stop today and hoping you all had a great weekend. Joey Z has a busy schedule today but I always try to make time for my Guys and Dolls and try to provide them with valuable information. Take for instance, January is National Polka Month so for all you Polka nuts grab your partner, put on some Polka music and go to town. When I was a kid in Trenton, NJ we had two famous Polka radio shows. Leon Fornel and the one my mother always listened to was Bernie Kosnoski. I can still hear the music playing as Mom or Granny made Sunday dinner at their houses. One always heard that great Polka sound at all those weddings we attended with our parents growing up. Take for instance your cousin was getting married the whole family was invited in those days, the adults dancing the Polka and us kids running around and even doing our own version of the Polka. Good memories.
Today is also “NATIONAL CLEAN OFF YOUR DESK DAY.” Now be good Speakies, get that work to be done off your desk and maybe you can just relax a little today and enjoy this holiday. I have to run but have a great day and evening and if you are a big college football fan watch the LSU vs. Alabama game tonight.
Making a quick stop today and hoping you all had a great weekend. Joey Z has a busy schedule today but I always try to make time for my Guys and Dolls and try to provide them with valuable information. Take for instance, January is National Polka Month so for all you Polka nuts grab your partner, put on some Polka music and go to town. When I was a kid in Trenton, NJ we had two famous Polka radio shows. Leon Fornel and the one my mother always listened to was Bernie Kosnoski. I can still hear the music playing as Mom or Granny made Sunday dinner at their houses. One always heard that great Polka sound at all those weddings we attended with our parents growing up. Take for instance your cousin was getting married the whole family was invited in those days, the adults dancing the Polka and us kids running around and even doing our own version of the Polka. Good memories.
Today is also “NATIONAL CLEAN OFF YOUR DESK DAY.” Now be good Speakies, get that work to be done off your desk and maybe you can just relax a little today and enjoy this holiday. I have to run but have a great day and evening and if you are a big college football fan watch the LSU vs. Alabama game tonight.
Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:
The first weekend of the New Year is approaching and after all that holiday celebration and being back to work and school I’m sure we are all looking forward to it. Today we celebrate the Epiphany the visitation to the Christ child by the three Magi named Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar. They were Kings from the East, a group of distinguished foreigners who visited after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They are regular figures in traditional accounts of the nativity celebrations of Christmas and are an important part of the Christian tradition. When I was in grammar school and served as an altar boy we would accompany the priest of our parish in blessings of the homes in which the initials of the Magi were written above the door. It was a nice tradition and I hope it still continues today in my old neighborhood.
Over the weekend we celebrate Pepe Le Pew’s birthday, I hated that cartoon and that skunk; I would have loved to see Tom and Jerry kick his butt. It is also Fruitcake Toss Day. I have never been a fan of fruitcake so I say “Toss it if you want to.”
Sunday is Bubble Bath Day, a good day for all you Dolls to soak in those soothing bubbles and hot water and let your minds drift far away. For the little ones it’s just another way to wet the entire floor. Well I’m finished for today, it is tough to write the first week back but I’ll get in the groove shortly. Have a great weekend and be careful out there.
The first weekend of the New Year is approaching and after all that holiday celebration and being back to work and school I’m sure we are all looking forward to it. Today we celebrate the Epiphany the visitation to the Christ child by the three Magi named Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar. They were Kings from the East, a group of distinguished foreigners who visited after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. They are regular figures in traditional accounts of the nativity celebrations of Christmas and are an important part of the Christian tradition. When I was in grammar school and served as an altar boy we would accompany the priest of our parish in blessings of the homes in which the initials of the Magi were written above the door. It was a nice tradition and I hope it still continues today in my old neighborhood.
Over the weekend we celebrate Pepe Le Pew’s birthday, I hated that cartoon and that skunk; I would have loved to see Tom and Jerry kick his butt. It is also Fruitcake Toss Day. I have never been a fan of fruitcake so I say “Toss it if you want to.”
Sunday is Bubble Bath Day, a good day for all you Dolls to soak in those soothing bubbles and hot water and let your minds drift far away. For the little ones it’s just another way to wet the entire floor. Well I’m finished for today, it is tough to write the first week back but I’ll get in the groove shortly. Have a great weekend and be careful out there.
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Thursday Guys and Dolls:
Let’s check out some more monthly holidays celebrated in January.
Poverty in America Month – a few weeks ago I saw a clip from a news channel show the day our troops were withdrawn from Iraq. Over 4,000 American lives were lost, 32,000 wounded and thousands upon thousands of Iraq citizens killed. The total cost of that war was in the upper billions. Profits were made by war contractors and the lobbyists pushing their support for those companies. The ironic thing was on that withdrawal date Iraqi citizens were burning our flag and the new government making agreements to merge a pact with Iran, what a crock of sh_ _ and a waste of life and money. Let’s face it haven’t we learned anything from Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and that other conflict in Afghanistan. All we are doing is losing more lives and draining our economy to do what, fill the pockets of companies profiting from those wars and the lobbyist who drum up their business. Take that money; invest it in jobs roads, bridges and other needs for Americans who are suffering from lack of work, food and medical care. Does it take a brain surgeon to figure this all out? That’s Joey Z’s opinion on Poverty Month.
It’s also National Bird Day – I feel sorry for our fine feathered friends in the winter. If I have stale bread, donuts, cereal or anything I think birds like to eat, out I go the back of our property and provide them with a good meal. So don’t forget our little friends in the upcoming cold months.
National Whipped Cream Day is celebrated on this date. Whipped cream on Pumpkin Pie or pudding is my favorite. My sons always loved shooting it straight from the can into their mouths. I’ll let you decide where you like your whipped cream to go.
Have a great day Speakies, talk to you soon.
Let’s check out some more monthly holidays celebrated in January.
Poverty in America Month – a few weeks ago I saw a clip from a news channel show the day our troops were withdrawn from Iraq. Over 4,000 American lives were lost, 32,000 wounded and thousands upon thousands of Iraq citizens killed. The total cost of that war was in the upper billions. Profits were made by war contractors and the lobbyists pushing their support for those companies. The ironic thing was on that withdrawal date Iraqi citizens were burning our flag and the new government making agreements to merge a pact with Iran, what a crock of sh_ _ and a waste of life and money. Let’s face it haven’t we learned anything from Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and that other conflict in Afghanistan. All we are doing is losing more lives and draining our economy to do what, fill the pockets of companies profiting from those wars and the lobbyist who drum up their business. Take that money; invest it in jobs roads, bridges and other needs for Americans who are suffering from lack of work, food and medical care. Does it take a brain surgeon to figure this all out? That’s Joey Z’s opinion on Poverty Month.
It’s also National Bird Day – I feel sorry for our fine feathered friends in the winter. If I have stale bread, donuts, cereal or anything I think birds like to eat, out I go the back of our property and provide them with a good meal. So don’t forget our little friends in the upcoming cold months.
National Whipped Cream Day is celebrated on this date. Whipped cream on Pumpkin Pie or pudding is my favorite. My sons always loved shooting it straight from the can into their mouths. I’ll let you decide where you like your whipped cream to go.
Have a great day Speakies, talk to you soon.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Hump Day of the Year Speakies:
And let me tell you there are plenty more to come this year. I hope you all are back in the swing of things so let’s check some stuff out for today. There are lots of monthly celebrations in January so let’s check some out.
NATIONAL SOUP MONTH – I love soup for lunch being it’s easy to heat up in the microwave at work. There is one drawback that I have to watch and that is the sodium count in those cans so it is becoming difficult to choose the right lunch to eat. Now I’m going to name my favorite kinds of soups, homemade of course. Chicken noodle with fresh pieces of shredded chicken, carrots and that good broth that Roe puts together. Roe loved my Mom’s Pea Soup; she had everything in there with a good pea broth, nice and thick almost like a stew. Tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich on a cold night can’t be beat. Potato soup warms me tummy on those chilly days and another favorite is that Italian Pasta e Fagioli. Roe and I differ on the temperatures of soup, she likes hers warm and ready to eat, mine has to be hot. How could I have forgotten this favorite sodium filled soup, French Onion is a real treat for me. Let’s move on to another topic, I’m craving French Onion soup right now.
NATIONAL THANK YOU MONTH – A habit that seems to be disappearing recently in my view. I’ve noticed when driving I signal the other driver to go and not even a simple wave of the hand. Opening a door for someone is a hit and miss with a Thank You. I was raised to say Thank You always when someone did you a favor, open a door or gave you a gift. So take a little advice from Joey Z and start practicing saying Thanks and start to teach those little ones too.
Have a great day and be careful out there.
And let me tell you there are plenty more to come this year. I hope you all are back in the swing of things so let’s check some stuff out for today. There are lots of monthly celebrations in January so let’s check some out.
NATIONAL SOUP MONTH – I love soup for lunch being it’s easy to heat up in the microwave at work. There is one drawback that I have to watch and that is the sodium count in those cans so it is becoming difficult to choose the right lunch to eat. Now I’m going to name my favorite kinds of soups, homemade of course. Chicken noodle with fresh pieces of shredded chicken, carrots and that good broth that Roe puts together. Roe loved my Mom’s Pea Soup; she had everything in there with a good pea broth, nice and thick almost like a stew. Tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich on a cold night can’t be beat. Potato soup warms me tummy on those chilly days and another favorite is that Italian Pasta e Fagioli. Roe and I differ on the temperatures of soup, she likes hers warm and ready to eat, mine has to be hot. How could I have forgotten this favorite sodium filled soup, French Onion is a real treat for me. Let’s move on to another topic, I’m craving French Onion soup right now.
NATIONAL THANK YOU MONTH – A habit that seems to be disappearing recently in my view. I’ve noticed when driving I signal the other driver to go and not even a simple wave of the hand. Opening a door for someone is a hit and miss with a Thank You. I was raised to say Thank You always when someone did you a favor, open a door or gave you a gift. So take a little advice from Joey Z and start practicing saying Thanks and start to teach those little ones too.
Have a great day and be careful out there.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Good Tuesday Morning, Jan. 3, 2012
Well Speakies we are in a new year and Joey Z wishes nothing but the best for all of you this year. Yesterday was considered a holiday due to New Year’s Day falling on Sunday. We missed a few holidays that I would like to mention:
Swiss Cheese Day – I like Swiss cheese on a nice torpedo roll with roast beef and a cup of hot au jus sauce for dipping, my kind of sandwich. It was also Science Fiction Day, now you all know I love those old Sci-Fi movies and I’ll be watching them as long as they come on the tube. Now let’s see what is happening for today.
Birthday of the Brooklyn Bridge – Now for the man who designed the bridge was John Augustus Roebling, a German born American civil engineer who was famous for his wire rope suspension bridge designs one in particular was the Brooklyn Bridge. A proud part to write about was that Roebling moved to Trenton, NJ and built a large industrial complex for wire production. His plant inspired the motto on Trenton’s Lower Trenton Bridge, “TRENTON MAKES, THE WORLD TAKES.”
It is also National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day and to me Cella’s Chocolate Covered Cherries are the best, especially the dark chocolate kind. I have to stop talking about sweets now, I’m sure most of us had our share over the holidays. Well it’s back to work for the most of us so let’s get started and I hope you all have a great day.
Well Speakies we are in a new year and Joey Z wishes nothing but the best for all of you this year. Yesterday was considered a holiday due to New Year’s Day falling on Sunday. We missed a few holidays that I would like to mention:
Swiss Cheese Day – I like Swiss cheese on a nice torpedo roll with roast beef and a cup of hot au jus sauce for dipping, my kind of sandwich. It was also Science Fiction Day, now you all know I love those old Sci-Fi movies and I’ll be watching them as long as they come on the tube. Now let’s see what is happening for today.
Birthday of the Brooklyn Bridge – Now for the man who designed the bridge was John Augustus Roebling, a German born American civil engineer who was famous for his wire rope suspension bridge designs one in particular was the Brooklyn Bridge. A proud part to write about was that Roebling moved to Trenton, NJ and built a large industrial complex for wire production. His plant inspired the motto on Trenton’s Lower Trenton Bridge, “TRENTON MAKES, THE WORLD TAKES.”
It is also National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day and to me Cella’s Chocolate Covered Cherries are the best, especially the dark chocolate kind. I have to stop talking about sweets now, I’m sure most of us had our share over the holidays. Well it’s back to work for the most of us so let’s get started and I hope you all have a great day.
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hey Speakies Guess What?
Besides being New Year’s Day it is also are you ready for this Z DAY. It is day to give recognition to all persons and places whose names begin with the letter Z. So all you Speakies along with Joey Z have two reasons to celebrate today. So if you are a Zachary, Zeke, Zazzo or you live in Zanesville have an extra glass of Spumante today and raise your glass high to us ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's.
Besides being New Year’s Day it is also are you ready for this Z DAY. It is day to give recognition to all persons and places whose names begin with the letter Z. So all you Speakies along with Joey Z have two reasons to celebrate today. So if you are a Zachary, Zeke, Zazzo or you live in Zanesville have an extra glass of Spumante today and raise your glass high to us ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's.

Well its January 1, 2012 and most of you I’m sure spent last night welcoming the New Year in with a bang. Hope you are not paying the price right now, but if you are I suggest a little hair of the dog to cure that hangover. How true the hair of the dog is, today’s food holiday is “BLOODY MARY DAY.” A Bloody Mary is a cocktail containing vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce or Tabasco sauce. One can also use horseradish and garnishes of celery, olives, black pepper, cayenne pepper, lemon juice or celery salt. When I have one I just order a Bloody Mary and how they make it, I’ll drink it. Some drink aficionados believe the drink was named after Queen Mary I of England, some believe it was named after Mary Pickford the actress and some a waitress named Mary who worked at a Chicago bar called the Bucket of Blood.
Being its New Year’s Day and recovery is required, pour yourself a Bloody Mary, relax and watch all the college bowl games on the TV today. Plenty to talk about in the New Year so enjoy the day and I’ll see you soon.
Well its January 1, 2012 and most of you I’m sure spent last night welcoming the New Year in with a bang. Hope you are not paying the price right now, but if you are I suggest a little hair of the dog to cure that hangover. How true the hair of the dog is, today’s food holiday is “BLOODY MARY DAY.” A Bloody Mary is a cocktail containing vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce or Tabasco sauce. One can also use horseradish and garnishes of celery, olives, black pepper, cayenne pepper, lemon juice or celery salt. When I have one I just order a Bloody Mary and how they make it, I’ll drink it. Some drink aficionados believe the drink was named after Queen Mary I of England, some believe it was named after Mary Pickford the actress and some a waitress named Mary who worked at a Chicago bar called the Bucket of Blood.
Being its New Year’s Day and recovery is required, pour yourself a Bloody Mary, relax and watch all the college bowl games on the TV today. Plenty to talk about in the New Year so enjoy the day and I’ll see you soon.
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