St. Augustine, Florida

May 24, 2013

We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.
Christmas Eve 2012
NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten
Luck Be A Lady
Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth
Nina June 2013
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy Thursday Speakies:
Hoping you all had a pleasant Wednesday evening and your Thursday is getting off on the right foot. We have some neat holiday today so let’s got started taking a look at some.
BOYS CLUB DAY – The first Boys’ Club was founded in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut. The purpose was to teach young boys to reach their full potential as productive responsible citizens. As of 2010 there were about 4,000 clubs in US. I was a member of the Boys’ Club when I was younger, the building was a converted old school and I truly enjoyed the times I spent in there and the friends I made and the activities I enjoyed.
BE A MILLIONAIRE DAY – I play Lotto and Power Ball twice a week and I’m still waiting for my ship to come in. Come on JoeyZ needs a little cold cash for retirement.
GARAGE SALE DAY- The big Saturday shopping spree or see what kind of junk I can buy. We all know that old saying “ONE MAN’S JUNK IS ANOTHERS FORTUNE.” I like watching Antiques Road Show and surprised how many items of value where purchased at garage sales. I don’t feel the need to go looking for junk buy but maybe one day I’ll take a shot at it. Maybe a Picasso hiding under a clown painting would be nice.
NATIONAL DEVILS FOOD CAKE DAY – Any chocolate cake is a favorite of this writer just make it nice and moist, hate dry cake. I would like to wish my Dad a “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” up above today, I will always remember and love you. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY POP.” HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO ALL MY GUYS AND DOLLS CELEBRATING THEIRS TODAY. Have a great day see you tomorrow.
Hoping you all had a pleasant Wednesday evening and your Thursday is getting off on the right foot. We have some neat holiday today so let’s got started taking a look at some.
BOYS CLUB DAY – The first Boys’ Club was founded in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut. The purpose was to teach young boys to reach their full potential as productive responsible citizens. As of 2010 there were about 4,000 clubs in US. I was a member of the Boys’ Club when I was younger, the building was a converted old school and I truly enjoyed the times I spent in there and the friends I made and the activities I enjoyed.
BE A MILLIONAIRE DAY – I play Lotto and Power Ball twice a week and I’m still waiting for my ship to come in. Come on JoeyZ needs a little cold cash for retirement.
GARAGE SALE DAY- The big Saturday shopping spree or see what kind of junk I can buy. We all know that old saying “ONE MAN’S JUNK IS ANOTHERS FORTUNE.” I like watching Antiques Road Show and surprised how many items of value where purchased at garage sales. I don’t feel the need to go looking for junk buy but maybe one day I’ll take a shot at it. Maybe a Picasso hiding under a clown painting would be nice.
NATIONAL DEVILS FOOD CAKE DAY – Any chocolate cake is a favorite of this writer just make it nice and moist, hate dry cake. I would like to wish my Dad a “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” up above today, I will always remember and love you. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY POP.” HAPPY BIRTHDAYS TO ALL MY GUYS AND DOLLS CELEBRATING THEIRS TODAY. Have a great day see you tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Good Morning Guys and Dolls:
Grab that coffee and donut and give a cheer Hump Day is here. A Polish man bought a zebra for a pet. What does he call the zebra? Spot! BAROOM BOOM. We have some holidays to look at today and raise our beer and wine glasses to.
INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY – I’ve only been there once and that was on a school trip when my boys were in grammar school the place was the Smithsonian and I could have spent all day there and probably the rest of the week. If you ever have a chance make it a first stop on your list. If you are visiting St. Augustine there is the Lightner Museum featuring costumes, furnishings, mechanical musical instruments and other artifacts that give you a glimpse into the 19th century life. In Sarasota do visit the Ringling Museum it is absolutely fantastic place to see.
NO DIRTY DISHES DAY – So today everyone uses paper plates, plastic utensils, paper cups and no mess will be ours to clean up.
May is also “ASPARAGUS MONTH.” Asparagus is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial plant, once classified in the lily family like its cousin’s onions and garlic. It is one of my favorite vegetables to eat but I like it to be cooked well done so I can eat the stalk and all. I am not a fan of al dente cooked vegetables or macaroni. So I recommend some asparagus as a vegetable for your dinner tonight. Have a great day Guys and Dolls and please be careful out there.
Grab that coffee and donut and give a cheer Hump Day is here. A Polish man bought a zebra for a pet. What does he call the zebra? Spot! BAROOM BOOM. We have some holidays to look at today and raise our beer and wine glasses to.
INTERNATIONAL MUSEUM DAY – I’ve only been there once and that was on a school trip when my boys were in grammar school the place was the Smithsonian and I could have spent all day there and probably the rest of the week. If you ever have a chance make it a first stop on your list. If you are visiting St. Augustine there is the Lightner Museum featuring costumes, furnishings, mechanical musical instruments and other artifacts that give you a glimpse into the 19th century life. In Sarasota do visit the Ringling Museum it is absolutely fantastic place to see.
NO DIRTY DISHES DAY – So today everyone uses paper plates, plastic utensils, paper cups and no mess will be ours to clean up.
May is also “ASPARAGUS MONTH.” Asparagus is a spring vegetable, a flowering perennial plant, once classified in the lily family like its cousin’s onions and garlic. It is one of my favorite vegetables to eat but I like it to be cooked well done so I can eat the stalk and all. I am not a fan of al dente cooked vegetables or macaroni. So I recommend some asparagus as a vegetable for your dinner tonight. Have a great day Guys and Dolls and please be careful out there.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Good Morning Guys and Dolls:
Nice to be back and chatting with you all. Hope everyone had a great weekend and a passable Monday. JoeyZ had some business to take care of yesterday but I’m back and seeing what we missed yesterday and what we can celebrate today. Yesterday Spam made its food debut, so did Spaghetti-O’s and it was also Sea Monkey Day. Now for my comments on these debuts and holidays.
SPAM - is a precooked meat product made by Hormel Foods. The ingredients in the classic variety of Spam are chopped pork shoulder meat, with ham meat added, salt, water, and modified potato starch as a binder. Spam has become part of many jokes and urban legends. JoeyZ ate a lot of Spam in his younger days. If you have never tried it go ahead it does not hurt.
What can you say about Spaghetti –O’s everybody ate them as a kid for a quick lunch or dinner and they are as popular today as they were when I was a kid. My boys loved hot dogs cut up in theirs. Come on Moms’ if your little ones never had them, give them a treat nothing like Spaghetti-O’s all over the table and that red sauce all around their mouths.
SEA MONKEY DAY – What are they? They are the brand name for brine shrimp sold in hatching kits as aquarium pets. Sea-Monkeys are often sold in plastic aquariums which include a water purifier and food. I had one as a kid it never worked so that’s the end of Sea Monkeys for me.
Today is “CHILD SAFETY AWARENESS DAY.” To me this means not only to teach the rules of safety to your children but as adults keeping your eyes open sharp so as not to injure the little ones. JUST THINK BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING FIRST. By the way it is also Cherry Cobbler Day so if that’s a dessert you like have some today. Gotta run have a great day and a wonderful evening.
Nice to be back and chatting with you all. Hope everyone had a great weekend and a passable Monday. JoeyZ had some business to take care of yesterday but I’m back and seeing what we missed yesterday and what we can celebrate today. Yesterday Spam made its food debut, so did Spaghetti-O’s and it was also Sea Monkey Day. Now for my comments on these debuts and holidays.
SPAM - is a precooked meat product made by Hormel Foods. The ingredients in the classic variety of Spam are chopped pork shoulder meat, with ham meat added, salt, water, and modified potato starch as a binder. Spam has become part of many jokes and urban legends. JoeyZ ate a lot of Spam in his younger days. If you have never tried it go ahead it does not hurt.
What can you say about Spaghetti –O’s everybody ate them as a kid for a quick lunch or dinner and they are as popular today as they were when I was a kid. My boys loved hot dogs cut up in theirs. Come on Moms’ if your little ones never had them, give them a treat nothing like Spaghetti-O’s all over the table and that red sauce all around their mouths.
SEA MONKEY DAY – What are they? They are the brand name for brine shrimp sold in hatching kits as aquarium pets. Sea-Monkeys are often sold in plastic aquariums which include a water purifier and food. I had one as a kid it never worked so that’s the end of Sea Monkeys for me.
Today is “CHILD SAFETY AWARENESS DAY.” To me this means not only to teach the rules of safety to your children but as adults keeping your eyes open sharp so as not to injure the little ones. JUST THINK BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING FIRST. By the way it is also Cherry Cobbler Day so if that’s a dessert you like have some today. Gotta run have a great day and a wonderful evening.
Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:
The best work day of the week is finally here and for me it seemed to be a long time coming. There are a few neat holidays today to celebrate:
TULIP DAY – Very pretty and colorful flowers usually seen at Easter.
WINDMILL DAY – I always think of Holland when I see windmills and tulips too.
COUGH DROP DAY – I like the old fashion ones, Smith Brothers cherry or licorice flavored. Ludens cough drops with honey and those chewy Pine Brother’s cough drops. They all were like candy but did the job of soothing your throat.
I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU DAY – That’s a nice thought for today, call the ones you love and tell them so. To my family I Love You All.
APPLE PIE DAY – One of my favorite pies, homemade or store bought does not matter. Growing up I loved those Tasty Kake apple pies and even their French Apple pie with the icing and raisins.
This weekend we celebrate “CRAZY DAY”, plenty of those in this state.
And finally for my daughter-in-law Elizabeth a special holiday “DINOSAUR DAY” or better known as the “DOMESTICATED PET” never mentioned in the Bible. I love you! I never laughed so hard. Well gang have a great weekend, I may not be writing on Monday want to give the grey matter a rest. Be careful out there.
The best work day of the week is finally here and for me it seemed to be a long time coming. There are a few neat holidays today to celebrate:
TULIP DAY – Very pretty and colorful flowers usually seen at Easter.
WINDMILL DAY – I always think of Holland when I see windmills and tulips too.
COUGH DROP DAY – I like the old fashion ones, Smith Brothers cherry or licorice flavored. Ludens cough drops with honey and those chewy Pine Brother’s cough drops. They all were like candy but did the job of soothing your throat.
I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU DAY – That’s a nice thought for today, call the ones you love and tell them so. To my family I Love You All.
APPLE PIE DAY – One of my favorite pies, homemade or store bought does not matter. Growing up I loved those Tasty Kake apple pies and even their French Apple pie with the icing and raisins.
This weekend we celebrate “CRAZY DAY”, plenty of those in this state.
And finally for my daughter-in-law Elizabeth a special holiday “DINOSAUR DAY” or better known as the “DOMESTICATED PET” never mentioned in the Bible. I love you! I never laughed so hard. Well gang have a great weekend, I may not be writing on Monday want to give the grey matter a rest. Be careful out there.
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Happy Thursday Speakies:
Funny story the other day here in Florida from the great city of Pensacola. A convicted felon escaped from police custody however he was again apprehended in a Home Depot a mile away trying to find tools to break his handcuffs. Store officials thought he looked suspicious and called the police. Can we all say the word “BOOB?”
How about some interesting history facts for today, I know those little ones are getting ready for final exams so this is to sharpen up you brains to spread the knowledge I will provide to you. And away we go:
1777 – First ice cream advertisement in the NY Gazette. (Bet they only had vanilla).
1792 – Toilet that flushes itself at regular intervals is patented.
Funny story the other day here in Florida from the great city of Pensacola. A convicted felon escaped from police custody however he was again apprehended in a Home Depot a mile away trying to find tools to break his handcuffs. Store officials thought he looked suspicious and called the police. Can we all say the word “BOOB?”
How about some interesting history facts for today, I know those little ones are getting ready for final exams so this is to sharpen up you brains to spread the knowledge I will provide to you. And away we go:
1777 – First ice cream advertisement in the NY Gazette. (Bet they only had vanilla).
1792 – Toilet that flushes itself at regular intervals is patented.
1865 – Last land battle of the Civil War fought at Palmito Ranch, Texas.
1910 – Second NAACP Conference held in NYC.
1921 – National Hospital Day is 1st observed.
1928 – Mussolini ends woman’s rights in Italy. (Italian women in protest quit stomping grapes and making pizza thanks to II Duce’s dumb decree).
1932 - Goofy, Alias Dippy Dawg first appears in a Disney film.
1932 – Charles Lindbergh son’s body found in Hopewell, NJ. (Some conflict to this story).
1942 – American cargo ship sunk by Nazi U-Boat at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
1949 – West begins Berlin Airlift to get supplies around Soviets. (Should we say Cold War started).
1958 – “Nee Nee Na Na Na Na Nu Nu” by Dicky Doo and the Don’t’s hits #40 on the charts. (I remember that song).
1963 – Bob Dylan walks off the Ed Sullivan Show. (Strange fellow that Dylan, I bet Ed never asked him back).
1970 – Ernie Banks hits his 500th home run. (Or as Harry K would say “There’s a shot to deep right field, this ball is out of here.”
1978 – The Commerce Dept. says hurricane names will no longer be only female. (What’s fair is fair).
Well that’s enough of stuff that happened this day in May. There is one food holiday we can celebrate today “NATIONAL NUTTY FUDGE DAY.” I’m not a fan of fudge so fudge that. Have a great day and evening Guys and Dolls.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:
First of all I would like to start by wishing all you Guys and Dolls out there celebrating their birthdays or anniversaries today a very happy one with many more to come. Also best wishes for those getting married, divorced, having a baby, getting a promotion, retiring and for all of you who called in sick to work to do something fun. I’m going to search the net or one of those Spencer’s Gift Shops for my machine gun sound blaster for those drivers who are getting on my nerves with their tailgating or the bonehead driving habits. It’s time they be blasted off the road with a Tommy Gun, Laser or Rocket Launcher. Those idiots must go in my book.
Do you know what today is? It’s “EAT ANYTHING YOU WANT DAY.” I gave this a long JoeyZ brain session and decided to make a list from the time I lived in NJ and food that I do miss now. So here we go, maybe you’re missing the same eats as me.
First of all I would like to start by wishing all you Guys and Dolls out there celebrating their birthdays or anniversaries today a very happy one with many more to come. Also best wishes for those getting married, divorced, having a baby, getting a promotion, retiring and for all of you who called in sick to work to do something fun. I’m going to search the net or one of those Spencer’s Gift Shops for my machine gun sound blaster for those drivers who are getting on my nerves with their tailgating or the bonehead driving habits. It’s time they be blasted off the road with a Tommy Gun, Laser or Rocket Launcher. Those idiots must go in my book.
Do you know what today is? It’s “EAT ANYTHING YOU WANT DAY.” I gave this a long JoeyZ brain session and decided to make a list from the time I lived in NJ and food that I do miss now. So here we go, maybe you’re missing the same eats as me.
Anything my Granny made.
My Mom’s homemade Christmas cookies.
My Dad’s fried potatoes.
A Rossi’s Cheeseburger.
An Ernie’s Cheeseburger and Draft.
Cheesesteak and Fries from Nino’s.
Sicilian Pie from Nino’s.
Tomato Pies from DeLorenzo’s, Top Road Tavern and Papa’s.
Here is going way back, tomato pies from LaRoma (Sam’s on So. Broad St.) and Cassianni’s on Brunswick Ave.
Pork Roll sandwich from Taylor Pork Roll on the boardwalk at Atlantic City.
A slice of tomato pie from Marruca’s on the boardwalk at Seaside Heights.
A steak sandwich or sausage sandwich from that Italian stand in the middle of the boardwalk in Seaside.
French fries in that cone cup loaded with salt on the boardwalk.
Shrimp Scampi from the old LaGondola, also their veal parm sandwich.
Veal Parm dinner from Georgine’s in Bristol, PA.
Clams Casino from Crecco’s along with an Aunt Angie salad. Angie was Roe’s aunt who made all the salads. One of the sweetest persons to walk the earth in our book.
Ice Cream from the Burg Diary on Home Ave.
Ice Cream from the Burg Diary on Home Ave.
A Casino Dog with the works.
Breakfast at any of the local diners.
Fish and Chips from the Top Road Tavern.
Roe I did not forget what you made up there, it was all delicious. I better stop now I feel like I weigh 450 pounds. If you are from the area, send me your favorite places and dish. To the rest of my readers your favorites from your home town eateries. Come on let me hear from Guys and Dolls out there. Have a great day and remember “EAT WHAT YOU WANT.”
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Tuesday Speakies:
Hope you all had a pleasant evening and are nice and relaxed to start a brand new day. The weather here Central Florida is getting hot, temps will be in the 90’s with lows in the 70’s and the chance of rain is not looking good. We sure can use some rain here now, but soon will come the rainy season. There are some holidays to mention today along with my usual comments to justify their existence.
NATIONAL NIGHT SHIFT WORKERS DAY – My son works night shift and if you think it’s easy no way, it took him a long time to adjust to those working hours and still at times if you can’t fall asleep you are in trouble at night. Proud of you buddy this is your day have a beer. And to all you night shifters enjoy your day and have a beer.
ROOT CANAL APPRECIATION DAY – No way do I appreciate this day, although I have to say it is such a relief to rid yourself of the pain of the tooth that needs it. I always hated to have that rubber net over your mouth and those little brushes that go into the root and get twisted around. My jaw was always sore after having that procedure done. To my brave souls having one done today be brave and fear no pain.
RECEPTIONIST DAY – I’m happy to give honor to those brave receptionists male or female today. Always having to greet people with a smile. Followed by kind words to those guests who enter their domain. I know I play the part most of the day too. Go ahead today hold your heads up high, be proud and utter those words you would like to say, “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?”
Last but not least my kind of holiday “SHRIMP DAY.” One of my favorite seafood delights, in fact there is a nice cold bowl of shrimp in my frig back home waiting to be dipped in some spicy cocktail sauce later this evening. Hear that Roe don’t eat them all. Give me shrimp anytime, on skewers with teriyaki sauce, boiled shrimp with cocktail sauce, fried shrimp, shrimp tempura, popcorn shrimp and shrimp scampi. The only time I get sick of shrimp is after I’ve been using them for bait while going fishing, just ask Jeff he and I agree on that smell.
Hope you all had a pleasant evening and are nice and relaxed to start a brand new day. The weather here Central Florida is getting hot, temps will be in the 90’s with lows in the 70’s and the chance of rain is not looking good. We sure can use some rain here now, but soon will come the rainy season. There are some holidays to mention today along with my usual comments to justify their existence.
NATIONAL NIGHT SHIFT WORKERS DAY – My son works night shift and if you think it’s easy no way, it took him a long time to adjust to those working hours and still at times if you can’t fall asleep you are in trouble at night. Proud of you buddy this is your day have a beer. And to all you night shifters enjoy your day and have a beer.
ROOT CANAL APPRECIATION DAY – No way do I appreciate this day, although I have to say it is such a relief to rid yourself of the pain of the tooth that needs it. I always hated to have that rubber net over your mouth and those little brushes that go into the root and get twisted around. My jaw was always sore after having that procedure done. To my brave souls having one done today be brave and fear no pain.
RECEPTIONIST DAY – I’m happy to give honor to those brave receptionists male or female today. Always having to greet people with a smile. Followed by kind words to those guests who enter their domain. I know I play the part most of the day too. Go ahead today hold your heads up high, be proud and utter those words you would like to say, “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?”
Last but not least my kind of holiday “SHRIMP DAY.” One of my favorite seafood delights, in fact there is a nice cold bowl of shrimp in my frig back home waiting to be dipped in some spicy cocktail sauce later this evening. Hear that Roe don’t eat them all. Give me shrimp anytime, on skewers with teriyaki sauce, boiled shrimp with cocktail sauce, fried shrimp, shrimp tempura, popcorn shrimp and shrimp scampi. The only time I get sick of shrimp is after I’ve been using them for bait while going fishing, just ask Jeff he and I agree on that smell.
Have a great day and be careful out there.
Monday, May 9, 2011

Good Monday Morning Guys and Dolls:
Hoping all my Dolls that are Moms had a great day yesterday, filled with family and love. Roe and I had a great day with my son Joe and his lovely wife Elizabeth. We were treated to a great homemade steak dinner and all the sides. We passed the evening away playing Quelf and laughing till we cried. Thanks Guys for a lovely day for Mom. We Love You.
In this second week of May we celebrate “NATIONAL PET WEEK” and “NATIONAL NURSING HOME WEEK.” If you love animals and have a chance and the room to adopt one this would be a good week to do so. We adopted our dog Luee from the humane society and he was part of our family for 14 years and to me the best dog in the world. If you have ever been to an Adopt-A-Pet event or seen those commercials on TV it breaks your heart to see the look in those pet’s eyes of how much they want to be a part of your family and the love they can give to you.
National Nursing Home Week – Much needed care facilities for our seniors who need constant medical attention and have no one to help them as they age. The most important thing is that these homes provide the ultimate care for the elderly and be monitored for the abuse that occurs at times. There have been constant nursing home abuses in Florida and the state government must take measures to insure that the employees are checked for personal background and criminal records. Everyone must realize maybe one day you’ll be there so let’s make sure the best care will be provided.
Today we also celebrate “TEAR TAGS OFF THE MATTRESS DAY” and “LOST SOCK DAY.”
Hoping all my Dolls that are Moms had a great day yesterday, filled with family and love. Roe and I had a great day with my son Joe and his lovely wife Elizabeth. We were treated to a great homemade steak dinner and all the sides. We passed the evening away playing Quelf and laughing till we cried. Thanks Guys for a lovely day for Mom. We Love You.
In this second week of May we celebrate “NATIONAL PET WEEK” and “NATIONAL NURSING HOME WEEK.” If you love animals and have a chance and the room to adopt one this would be a good week to do so. We adopted our dog Luee from the humane society and he was part of our family for 14 years and to me the best dog in the world. If you have ever been to an Adopt-A-Pet event or seen those commercials on TV it breaks your heart to see the look in those pet’s eyes of how much they want to be a part of your family and the love they can give to you.
National Nursing Home Week – Much needed care facilities for our seniors who need constant medical attention and have no one to help them as they age. The most important thing is that these homes provide the ultimate care for the elderly and be monitored for the abuse that occurs at times. There have been constant nursing home abuses in Florida and the state government must take measures to insure that the employees are checked for personal background and criminal records. Everyone must realize maybe one day you’ll be there so let’s make sure the best care will be provided.
Today we also celebrate “TEAR TAGS OFF THE MATTRESS DAY” and “LOST SOCK DAY.”
In the early 20th century there was concern regarding the materials used to make mattresses. Some of the materials could contain nasty chemicals or materials that easily conducted illnesses or harbored pests like lice. The US government sought to address this by requiring manufacturers of mattresses to place tags on their products, clearly defining the contents of the mattress. Consumers now could make an informed choice and steer clear of mattresses stuffed with dangerous materials. But when you get that mattress home have a “Rip Off The Tag Party.”
Lost Sock Day – I only have one thing to say regarding this holiday, throw out the one that’s left and you’ll have no more worries. Have a great day and a wonderful evening.
Lost Sock Day – I only have one thing to say regarding this holiday, throw out the one that’s left and you’ll have no more worries. Have a great day and a wonderful evening.
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

The most beloved work day of the week is here at last and I wish it to be a speedy one for you. Couple of holidays I would like to mention today:
NATIONAL HOAGIE DAY – That great American sandwich that most men and women like to sink their teeth into. When I lived back in Trenton, WAWA stores made a great hoagie along with Italian Peoples Bakery. Down here we have Subway and Firehouse subs but the grocery chain Publix makes the best variety to me. For a good Italian hoagie, I like boiled ham, provolone and hard salami on mine. Topped with slices of tomato, shredded lettuce, hot peppers, onions and drenched in oil and vinegar. After a while the onions get to me but it’s a happy price to pay but not in Roe’s opinion, “Told you not to eat raw onions.” You know dear you are right I may have to delete them from my hoagies of the future.
SCRAPBOOK DAY – To Roe and all you Dolls who scrapbook enjoy the day and be proud to be called “SCRAPPERS.”
NO HOMEWORK DAY – It is Friday teachers of the world spare those kiddies from weekend assignments. Give them the freedom of this day.
Have a great day Guys and Dolls and a safe weekend.
The most beloved work day of the week is here at last and I wish it to be a speedy one for you. Couple of holidays I would like to mention today:
NATIONAL HOAGIE DAY – That great American sandwich that most men and women like to sink their teeth into. When I lived back in Trenton, WAWA stores made a great hoagie along with Italian Peoples Bakery. Down here we have Subway and Firehouse subs but the grocery chain Publix makes the best variety to me. For a good Italian hoagie, I like boiled ham, provolone and hard salami on mine. Topped with slices of tomato, shredded lettuce, hot peppers, onions and drenched in oil and vinegar. After a while the onions get to me but it’s a happy price to pay but not in Roe’s opinion, “Told you not to eat raw onions.” You know dear you are right I may have to delete them from my hoagies of the future.
SCRAPBOOK DAY – To Roe and all you Dolls who scrapbook enjoy the day and be proud to be called “SCRAPPERS.”
NO HOMEWORK DAY – It is Friday teachers of the world spare those kiddies from weekend assignments. Give them the freedom of this day.
Have a great day Guys and Dolls and a safe weekend.
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Break out those margarita’s and cerveza’s, tacos, beans, rice, salsa and dip and party for today we are celebrating “Cinco de Mayo.” Cinco de Mayo is a holiday held on May 5 that commemorates the Mexican Army’s victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Sequin. It is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla and in the US, as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. At work we throw together a Cinco de Mayo luncheon. Everyone brings in a variety of side dishes; we make our own tacos with all the toppings and enjoy a good lunch. Of course we all sneak in the break room and grab some nachos and salsa to tie us over until that magical hour comes. For those visiting Central Florida and liking Mexican food I recommend Garibaldi Mexican Restaurant, you can find the location on the internet. Another good Mexican restaurant is Azteca located on the So. Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando. Give them both a try for true authentic Mexican cuisine.
Break out those margarita’s and cerveza’s, tacos, beans, rice, salsa and dip and party for today we are celebrating “Cinco de Mayo.” Cinco de Mayo is a holiday held on May 5 that commemorates the Mexican Army’s victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Sequin. It is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla and in the US, as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. At work we throw together a Cinco de Mayo luncheon. Everyone brings in a variety of side dishes; we make our own tacos with all the toppings and enjoy a good lunch. Of course we all sneak in the break room and grab some nachos and salsa to tie us over until that magical hour comes. For those visiting Central Florida and liking Mexican food I recommend Garibaldi Mexican Restaurant, you can find the location on the internet. Another good Mexican restaurant is Azteca located on the So. Orange Blossom Trail in Orlando. Give them both a try for true authentic Mexican cuisine.
This month we also celebrate “SALAD MONTH.” There are so many varieties of salads at times you don’t know what to choose from and that also goes for the dressings. I like a very basic garden salad some nice lettuce, slices of tomato and onion, hardboiled egg slices, banana peppers or the Greek peppers topped off with Russian or Thousand Island dressing. I’m very fond of a good Caesar salad made at your table. There was a restaurant in Morrisville, PA called Villa Sorrento who made a great tableside Caesar. They started by crushing garlic cloves in the bottom of a bowel and mixing in all the ingredients including a raw egg. Man that salad was primo. If you are a salad freak there is a chain here in Florida called Sweet Tomatoes that offers one giant salad bar, soups and a few other dishes I imagine they are probably located across the US.
Well I’m going to head over to the break room and sneak some chips and salsa and soon I’ll be enjoying my lunch. Have a great day Guys and Dolls have some Mexican for lunch or dinner but be careful out there.
Well I’m going to head over to the break room and sneak some chips and salsa and soon I’ll be enjoying my lunch. Have a great day Guys and Dolls have some Mexican for lunch or dinner but be careful out there.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Happy Wednesday Speakies:
It’s half-time for the work week today and I hope you are all in fine spirits. Today is “SPACE DAY”, what does that mean? It could be a variety of space celebrations, most likely it means exploring the unknown galaxies where no man has gone. It could honor the triumphs that man has made so far in space exploration or it can be like JoeyZ; I went to college and took up space BAROOM BOOM.
The real definition of space is the following:
It’s half-time for the work week today and I hope you are all in fine spirits. Today is “SPACE DAY”, what does that mean? It could be a variety of space celebrations, most likely it means exploring the unknown galaxies where no man has gone. It could honor the triumphs that man has made so far in space exploration or it can be like JoeyZ; I went to college and took up space BAROOM BOOM.
The real definition of space is the following:
A quantity or portion of extension; distance from one thing to another; an interval between any two or more objects; as, the space between two stars or two hills; the sound was heard for the space of a mile. Sounds like something from the Twilight Zone. The hell with space for the rest of the day, let’s talk food.
May is “SALSA MONTH”, that great stuff we love to dive bomb with nacho chips and for me rippled potato chips. I prefer a medium salsa and my favorite is Pace’s Medium Picante Sauce as a dip. Roe’s friend makes a great homemade salsa and once in a while Roe brings a jar home for us to enjoy. Roe makes a great cheeseburger and tops it off with picante sauce; I enjoy that better than ketchup gives it lots of flavor. Here is a salsa recipe that I had several times and it is really good, try it if you like, I don’t mind sharing.
Place all ingredients into medium-sized, plastic bowl as they are prepared.
1) Dice two medium-sized, fresh tomatoes
2) Dice one medium-sized, red onion
3) Mince two thumb-sized, jalapeno peppers (include seeds)
Note: Use young jalapeno peppers, which are characterized by their straight, blunt bodies. They are not as hot as older ones that generally appear much curlier and elongated.
4) Add one teaspoon table salt
5) Add two teaspoons of garlic powder
6) Stir to mix ingredients.
7) Add the juice of one 14.5 oz. can of Italian-style stewed tomatoes
8) Puree the stewed tomatoes in a food processor and add to bowl
9) Add one 7 oz. can of diced, mild, green chilies
10) Add one 8 oz. can of plain tomato sauce
11) Mince one handful of fresh cilantro
12) Add a few shakes of black pepper to taste
13) Let mixture stand overnight or in the case of emergency 2 hours.
So tonight get in the mood for some salsa and chips or try making the above recipe and enjoy. Have a great day and evening. See You All Soon.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Tuesday Speakies:
Hope your day has started off on a good note. I was checking out some birthdays today and we can say “Happy B-Day” to the following:
Zygmunt Noskowski – A Polish Composer, have to honor my fellow Polaks.
Hope your day has started off on a good note. I was checking out some birthdays today and we can say “Happy B-Day” to the following:
Zygmunt Noskowski – A Polish Composer, have to honor my fellow Polaks.
Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen – The Red Baron German Ace of World War I.
Bunk Gardner – Singer “Mothers of Invention.”
Happy Birthday to all my Guys and Dolls celebrating theirs today.
Came across this event that occurred in May of 1933 – “ADOLF HITLER BANS TRADE UNIONS.” Hmmmmm sounds like some governors and politicians in Washington are trying to do. Come on Tea Baggers and Repubs you know who you are. Remember what happen in Germany, I don’t want to live in a country where I’ll hear the following words being barked out “SHOW US YOUR PAPERS.” STRICTLY THE OPINION OF JOEYZ.
Have a great day Guys and Dolls and remember Hump Day is tomorrow.
Monday, May 2, 2011
It’s Monday but it is also the start of a new month. The spring month of May has arrived. When I was a kid I loved May, warmer weather up north, light enough to play baseball a little longer and I liked the smell of the grass and flowers and of course going fishing with my Dad after supper. I wonder if the Russians are still doing their big May Day Parade of all their weapons and troops in Moscow which was always a frightening sight on TV for me as a kid.
Here are some of the monthly celebrations in May:
It’s Monday but it is also the start of a new month. The spring month of May has arrived. When I was a kid I loved May, warmer weather up north, light enough to play baseball a little longer and I liked the smell of the grass and flowers and of course going fishing with my Dad after supper. I wonder if the Russians are still doing their big May Day Parade of all their weapons and troops in Moscow which was always a frightening sight on TV for me as a kid.
Here are some of the monthly celebrations in May:

Older Americans Month – I’m getting into that category; give me a little respect.
National Scrapbooking Month – This one is for you Roe. Check out her site under my blog listings “Creative Liberties”, she’s quite the artist in my eyes and does some wonderful and professional design work.
National Bike Month – Teach those kiddies the proper safety rules when riding their bikes. For those bozo speed racers with their spandex pants and little alien helmets stay in the bike lanes and don’t ride three abreast. WATCH OUT FOR THE SPRING LOADED BOXING GLOVE.

As far as this week goes we celebrate some holidays so I’m going to pick these:

Worthy Wage Day – Hopefully one day we will see that in this country again. The corporations who run this country and their overpaid executives, board members and rich stock holders would rather send their business overseas instead of paying decent wages to us Americans. This subject pisses me off. These companies want tax breaks while forcing Americans out of work and sending their manufacturing over to China, India and those other third world countries. If you have your products made outside the US; you pay a price to our government for doing that. Amen and strictly the opinion of JoeyZ.
Save a Rhino Day – There is not much I can do here about that situation except to tell those BWANA’S not to plug anymore rhinos. Well we have many more holidays and celebrations this month to look forward to and JoeyZ will not disappoint. Have a great day.
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