Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:
Well it’s the last day of work for JoeyZ and I’m looking forward to that Thanksgiving Holiday and a four day weekend. I hope you all are getting in the spirit of season and remember Christmas is only 31 days away from today. Where did the year 2010 go? I think as one gets older time goes faster, hey slow it down for me I say.
Now I won’t be writing this weekend as I’m taking my break and just enjoying the days and evenings off with a little decoration work planned. I found out when I’m off or over the weekend I have developed a new habit “THE AFTERNOON NAP”, and does that feel good so I plan a few of those also.
Have you seen that new Target commercial with the blonde lady in that red outfit? At first I hated it, but the more I watch it and catch the ads on the net with her in it she plays a good part. Catch it if you can and judge for yourself. Well I’m finished for today, “HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL YOU GUYS AND DOLLS AND YOUR FAMILIES TOO.” ENJOY THE WEEKEND.
St. Augustine, Florida

May 24, 2013

We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.
Christmas Eve 2012
NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten
Luck Be A Lady
Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth
Nina June 2013
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Good Morning Speakies:
Well it is Tuesday and the office here is getting ready for the Thanksgiving Luncheon. I just had a taste of a homemade nut/cheeseball and crackers, some sharp cheese and I heard the shrimp and cocktail sauce will be out around 10 a.m. I spotted some great stuff to eat, all the trimmings are here and the turkeys will be arriving around 11:00 a.m. with lunch scheduled for 11:30. It's a party day today however I still have my work to do but I am taking a short break to wish you all a great day and a wonderful evening. See you tomorrow for a Thanksgiving wish and get you in the mood for Mr. Tom Turkey. Have a great one Guys and Dolls.
Well it is Tuesday and the office here is getting ready for the Thanksgiving Luncheon. I just had a taste of a homemade nut/cheeseball and crackers, some sharp cheese and I heard the shrimp and cocktail sauce will be out around 10 a.m. I spotted some great stuff to eat, all the trimmings are here and the turkeys will be arriving around 11:00 a.m. with lunch scheduled for 11:30. It's a party day today however I still have my work to do but I am taking a short break to wish you all a great day and a wonderful evening. See you tomorrow for a Thanksgiving wish and get you in the mood for Mr. Tom Turkey. Have a great one Guys and Dolls.
Monday, November 22, 2010

Good Day Speakies:
Well another Monday is upon us and I have to say the weather here in Central Florida is beautiful. We have a nice breeze and the temps will be around 80 this afternoon with lows in the 60’s tonight. Last night I watched a little of the Eagles game, nice victory boys however I saw some chilly folks in Philly. People on the field were wearing heavy coats and scarves. Winter is coming for the folk up North and I wish you warmer temps and less snow to shovel.
Tomorrow we are having our Office Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, turkeys were purchased and everyone contributes side dishes and we have a very nice lunch and an enjoyable time with good people. Can’t each too much turkey cause Thursday is the true day for turkey pig-out as I call it and JoeyZ is ready to feast.
People have certain things they do over the Thanksgiving Holidays, for us it’s having a nice Thanksgiving with family. At night just relaxing and maybe catching one of those Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel. On Black Friday I stay home no traveling for me. I clean the windows and get my Christmas decorations ready to put up, lights around the windows and candles inside. Roe decorates the trees and the interior and we get the Christmas spirit going at JoeyZ’s house with a little Christmas music in the background.
Well I’m calling it quits for now, have a great day and a wonderful evening. Always be careful. One more thing I want to throw a big candy kiss out there to my two grandkids. Love you little ones.
Well another Monday is upon us and I have to say the weather here in Central Florida is beautiful. We have a nice breeze and the temps will be around 80 this afternoon with lows in the 60’s tonight. Last night I watched a little of the Eagles game, nice victory boys however I saw some chilly folks in Philly. People on the field were wearing heavy coats and scarves. Winter is coming for the folk up North and I wish you warmer temps and less snow to shovel.
Tomorrow we are having our Office Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, turkeys were purchased and everyone contributes side dishes and we have a very nice lunch and an enjoyable time with good people. Can’t each too much turkey cause Thursday is the true day for turkey pig-out as I call it and JoeyZ is ready to feast.
People have certain things they do over the Thanksgiving Holidays, for us it’s having a nice Thanksgiving with family. At night just relaxing and maybe catching one of those Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel. On Black Friday I stay home no traveling for me. I clean the windows and get my Christmas decorations ready to put up, lights around the windows and candles inside. Roe decorates the trees and the interior and we get the Christmas spirit going at JoeyZ’s house with a little Christmas music in the background.
Well I’m calling it quits for now, have a great day and a wonderful evening. Always be careful. One more thing I want to throw a big candy kiss out there to my two grandkids. Love you little ones.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:
As my usual custom just stopping by to wish you a Happy Friday and a Great Weekend. This weekend we can raise our glasses to celebrate “WORLD TOILET DAY.” That wonderful invention by Mr. Thomas Crapper that allows us to sit on a throne, call it our office and conduct business in private.
Next week will be a short week due to the Thanksgiving Holidays, so do all your cooking needs shopping this weekend and than relax. Have a great one Speakies.
As my usual custom just stopping by to wish you a Happy Friday and a Great Weekend. This weekend we can raise our glasses to celebrate “WORLD TOILET DAY.” That wonderful invention by Mr. Thomas Crapper that allows us to sit on a throne, call it our office and conduct business in private.
Next week will be a short week due to the Thanksgiving Holidays, so do all your cooking needs shopping this weekend and than relax. Have a great one Speakies.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Good Day Speakies:
Well Thursday is here and not much happening in the Sunshine State, still waiting for rain and the forest fire threats are growing. What to write about today, maybe some more stuff that gets my gander boiling, hey that’s it more stuff that I hate. Let’s get going:
People dressing up their dogs for Christmas and submitting those stupid pictures to the internet or newspapers. A dog is a dog and should not be dressed up like an elf or Santa. Stop that nonsense.
Stores and the Internet are having Black Friday Sales before Thanksgiving, Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, don’t break tradition you money grabbing vultures.
Here is a story from Central Florida, two women leave their two children at Wal-Mart after they were spotted shop lifting there. Dumb Butts. Those children were taken away from the losers and placed with the grandparents. I think the crazies of the universe have settled in Florida.
Prince William gets engaged to be married to his fiancée Kate, gives her his mother’s ring. That’s nice and I’m happy for the couple, but it does not deserve an hour news special. The day they get married the show will last 24 hours and you can watch the love bird’s event all day and night. Kate is an attractive young woman and Prince Billy is better looking than his stuffed shirt daddy.
I saw a stupid commercial last night about some kind of meal, I can’t remember what it was but the family was sitting around the table and saying how good the food was. After they said it was good, they flew off their chairs into the walls, glass doors and the fireplace. Advertisers come up with this nonsense and make money, what are the rest of us doing wrong.
People that you give breaks to in traffic and never acknowledge you with a thanks or a wave. I plan to stop giving breaks shortly, I never get a thank you back but when I get one I give out the old big wave. Come on people know when to say Thank You after someone allows you into traffic.
I read a local article yesterday the content is not important, after reading it I scrolled down to read the different reader’s comments. Here was one response “You always say you would do it different in New York, New Jersey or Philadelphia, than why don’t you move back.” I say “Get out of the Stone Age Asshole and educate yourself.”
Well I better not offend anyone any more, so I bid you all a good day and evening and remember tomorrow is Friday.
Well Thursday is here and not much happening in the Sunshine State, still waiting for rain and the forest fire threats are growing. What to write about today, maybe some more stuff that gets my gander boiling, hey that’s it more stuff that I hate. Let’s get going:
People dressing up their dogs for Christmas and submitting those stupid pictures to the internet or newspapers. A dog is a dog and should not be dressed up like an elf or Santa. Stop that nonsense.
Stores and the Internet are having Black Friday Sales before Thanksgiving, Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving, don’t break tradition you money grabbing vultures.
Here is a story from Central Florida, two women leave their two children at Wal-Mart after they were spotted shop lifting there. Dumb Butts. Those children were taken away from the losers and placed with the grandparents. I think the crazies of the universe have settled in Florida.
Prince William gets engaged to be married to his fiancée Kate, gives her his mother’s ring. That’s nice and I’m happy for the couple, but it does not deserve an hour news special. The day they get married the show will last 24 hours and you can watch the love bird’s event all day and night. Kate is an attractive young woman and Prince Billy is better looking than his stuffed shirt daddy.
I saw a stupid commercial last night about some kind of meal, I can’t remember what it was but the family was sitting around the table and saying how good the food was. After they said it was good, they flew off their chairs into the walls, glass doors and the fireplace. Advertisers come up with this nonsense and make money, what are the rest of us doing wrong.
People that you give breaks to in traffic and never acknowledge you with a thanks or a wave. I plan to stop giving breaks shortly, I never get a thank you back but when I get one I give out the old big wave. Come on people know when to say Thank You after someone allows you into traffic.
I read a local article yesterday the content is not important, after reading it I scrolled down to read the different reader’s comments. Here was one response “You always say you would do it different in New York, New Jersey or Philadelphia, than why don’t you move back.” I say “Get out of the Stone Age Asshole and educate yourself.”
Well I better not offend anyone any more, so I bid you all a good day and evening and remember tomorrow is Friday.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Hump Day Speakies:
I hope to find you all in a cheerful “Hump Day” mood that means the weekend is only a few days away. I forgot to mention those Eagles of mine yesterday, what a victory over those Skins. I only caught the scores as I was watching a food channel show on turkeys instead, dumb me.
Speaking of food today we honor bread, it is “HOMEMADE BREAD DAY.” The smell of bread baking in the oven, the excitement of it coming out of the oven and the joy of cutting a piece and tasting the moist warm texture melting in your mouth. That is good eating beyond a doubt. Being of Polish decent my granny and mother made a lot of homemade bread, granny made bobka’s and old mom made raisin and plain bread and I can still taste them both with butter and a cup of coffee in the morning. Roe has one of those bread making machines and has cranked out some delicious bread herself but with only the two of us home it does not pay to make that much bread, but she does surprise me once in awhile with a tasty loaf.
Polish people do a lot of bread baking over the Easter and Christmas holidays along with making a variety of cookies. Granny made Chrusciki but not the thin type; hers were fat, soft and covered in powder sugar. Mom made cookies over Christmas filled with apricots, prunes and nuts those cookies were flaky and soft crusted. She would bring them over in a green plastic bowl and cover and those boys of mine would dig right in, so did Roe and I. Talk about food and it just brings back memories of fun times and happy thoughts.
So with those memories of mine bake some bread tonight and have a cup of coffee or tea to go along with it. Most of all have a great day and evening.
I hope to find you all in a cheerful “Hump Day” mood that means the weekend is only a few days away. I forgot to mention those Eagles of mine yesterday, what a victory over those Skins. I only caught the scores as I was watching a food channel show on turkeys instead, dumb me.
Speaking of food today we honor bread, it is “HOMEMADE BREAD DAY.” The smell of bread baking in the oven, the excitement of it coming out of the oven and the joy of cutting a piece and tasting the moist warm texture melting in your mouth. That is good eating beyond a doubt. Being of Polish decent my granny and mother made a lot of homemade bread, granny made bobka’s and old mom made raisin and plain bread and I can still taste them both with butter and a cup of coffee in the morning. Roe has one of those bread making machines and has cranked out some delicious bread herself but with only the two of us home it does not pay to make that much bread, but she does surprise me once in awhile with a tasty loaf.
Polish people do a lot of bread baking over the Easter and Christmas holidays along with making a variety of cookies. Granny made Chrusciki but not the thin type; hers were fat, soft and covered in powder sugar. Mom made cookies over Christmas filled with apricots, prunes and nuts those cookies were flaky and soft crusted. She would bring them over in a green plastic bowl and cover and those boys of mine would dig right in, so did Roe and I. Talk about food and it just brings back memories of fun times and happy thoughts.
So with those memories of mine bake some bread tonight and have a cup of coffee or tea to go along with it. Most of all have a great day and evening.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Good Day Speakies and to Skip:
Well Skip today we go back in time and than come back to the present and talking nuts. I’ll leave the crazies alone for now and pick on them some other day. So now let JoeyZ take you back to the late 1950’s and early 60’s to downtown Trenton, NJ.
I remember going with Mom in the late 1950’s downtown to do our Christmas shopping, Trenton was a busy town. All the stores were open late and the streets filled with the usual hustle and bustle of Christmas shoppers. The cold wind blowing, the smell of hot dogs cooking inside the 5 & 10 cent stores but the most wonderful smell came from the Planter’s Peanut Store located on Broad Street near State Street. The aroma of the peanuts filled the air and the steam coming from the side walk grates made the craving even greater for a bag of hot peanuts. Mom never disappointed me we always shared a bag of hot cashews and of course being a Mom, I always wound up with the most to eat. I can picture it in my mind as if it occurred last week but that was over 50 years ago. Even in the 60’s taking the bus to granny’s house and waiting for it on Broad Street; I had to stop in the Mr. Peanut Store as I called it and purchase a bag of hot cashews. So there are my memories of nuts and now let’s list the nuts we love to eat.
I don’t eat very many nuts these days but my favorites are: whole cashews, pistachios already shelled don’t need the breaking open stuff, regular peanuts and being down South I acquired a taste for hot boiled peanuts. It must be because I come from the Southern part of Jersey Y’all. I love those Christmas nuts that we had as kids in a bowl, the walnuts, Brazil nuts, filberts, almonds and pecans. I’m not crazy for honey roasted nuts of any kind. So there you go Skip my thoughts and memories of nuts. I want to hear from my Speakies send your comments in; it’s easy and doesn’t hurt any. Have a great day.
Well Skip today we go back in time and than come back to the present and talking nuts. I’ll leave the crazies alone for now and pick on them some other day. So now let JoeyZ take you back to the late 1950’s and early 60’s to downtown Trenton, NJ.
I remember going with Mom in the late 1950’s downtown to do our Christmas shopping, Trenton was a busy town. All the stores were open late and the streets filled with the usual hustle and bustle of Christmas shoppers. The cold wind blowing, the smell of hot dogs cooking inside the 5 & 10 cent stores but the most wonderful smell came from the Planter’s Peanut Store located on Broad Street near State Street. The aroma of the peanuts filled the air and the steam coming from the side walk grates made the craving even greater for a bag of hot peanuts. Mom never disappointed me we always shared a bag of hot cashews and of course being a Mom, I always wound up with the most to eat. I can picture it in my mind as if it occurred last week but that was over 50 years ago. Even in the 60’s taking the bus to granny’s house and waiting for it on Broad Street; I had to stop in the Mr. Peanut Store as I called it and purchase a bag of hot cashews. So there are my memories of nuts and now let’s list the nuts we love to eat.
I don’t eat very many nuts these days but my favorites are: whole cashews, pistachios already shelled don’t need the breaking open stuff, regular peanuts and being down South I acquired a taste for hot boiled peanuts. It must be because I come from the Southern part of Jersey Y’all. I love those Christmas nuts that we had as kids in a bowl, the walnuts, Brazil nuts, filberts, almonds and pecans. I’m not crazy for honey roasted nuts of any kind. So there you go Skip my thoughts and memories of nuts. I want to hear from my Speakies send your comments in; it’s easy and doesn’t hurt any. Have a great day.
Monday, November 15, 2010

I’m Back Guys and Dolls:
I know its Monday but I’m glad to be back writing to you all. Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to start the new work week. Yeah Right! JoeyZ, well okay try your best gang.
I can’t believe it’s going to be Thanksgiving next week and Christmas soon behind. Let’s talk a little turkey today. I’m a white meat fan, mash potatoes with lumps, a few sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, the stuffing has to be soft made with sausage and those other good things not that dry corn bread stuff, string bean casserole is nice and lots of gravy to boot. Now that’s my Thanksgiving meal and a nice glass of wine. Save the pies for later with coffee. The day should also include enjoying the family you are sharing the day with, watching the Macy Parade from NYC, a little football and watching the original “Miracle on 34th Street.”
Now in the evening and I’ve mentioned this before get some dinner rolls and I don’t mean those soft oven baked things, I’m talking torpedo rolls. Slice one open, put down some of that turkey, some stuffing, pour a little gravy on top and a slice of cranberry sauce and you have the perfect Thanksgiving Night snack to enjoy and the end to a perfect holiday. The next day get ready to set up those Christmas decorations or if you are crazy enough go shopping. All kidding aside let us all be grateful for the things we have in life, the family that we love and share those moments with and the blessings from above. That truly is the meaning of Thanksgiving.
I’m not forgetting Skip’s nut idea I’ll be working on it. So Speakies have a great day and evening and please be careful out there.
I know its Monday but I’m glad to be back writing to you all. Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready to start the new work week. Yeah Right! JoeyZ, well okay try your best gang.
I can’t believe it’s going to be Thanksgiving next week and Christmas soon behind. Let’s talk a little turkey today. I’m a white meat fan, mash potatoes with lumps, a few sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, the stuffing has to be soft made with sausage and those other good things not that dry corn bread stuff, string bean casserole is nice and lots of gravy to boot. Now that’s my Thanksgiving meal and a nice glass of wine. Save the pies for later with coffee. The day should also include enjoying the family you are sharing the day with, watching the Macy Parade from NYC, a little football and watching the original “Miracle on 34th Street.”
Now in the evening and I’ve mentioned this before get some dinner rolls and I don’t mean those soft oven baked things, I’m talking torpedo rolls. Slice one open, put down some of that turkey, some stuffing, pour a little gravy on top and a slice of cranberry sauce and you have the perfect Thanksgiving Night snack to enjoy and the end to a perfect holiday. The next day get ready to set up those Christmas decorations or if you are crazy enough go shopping. All kidding aside let us all be grateful for the things we have in life, the family that we love and share those moments with and the blessings from above. That truly is the meaning of Thanksgiving.
I’m not forgetting Skip’s nut idea I’ll be working on it. So Speakies have a great day and evening and please be careful out there.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:
Back to work but still taking it easy for a few more days. Thanks for all the well wishes they are really appreciated. I just wanted to stop by and wish you all a great weekend.
If you are really bored this weekend here is a challenge for you, how many dimples are there on a golf ball? I will give you the answer on Monday. So enjoy the weekend and just be careful out there.
Back to work but still taking it easy for a few more days. Thanks for all the well wishes they are really appreciated. I just wanted to stop by and wish you all a great weekend.
If you are really bored this weekend here is a challenge for you, how many dimples are there on a golf ball? I will give you the answer on Monday. So enjoy the weekend and just be careful out there.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Good Morning Speakies:
Sorry for not writing for a few days but old JoeyZ had to have a heart cath done yesterday to check on the old ticker. Happy to report all is fine but the heart is getting older so I'm under Federal orders to take it easy for the next week. I'm going to let my mind rest and come back strong next week. So to all my Speakies, have a great week, love each other and be careful out there.
Sorry for not writing for a few days but old JoeyZ had to have a heart cath done yesterday to check on the old ticker. Happy to report all is fine but the heart is getting older so I'm under Federal orders to take it easy for the next week. I'm going to let my mind rest and come back strong next week. So to all my Speakies, have a great week, love each other and be careful out there.
Friday, November 5, 2010

Happy Friday Speakies:
The weekend is coming closer and I wish you all the fun in the world Saturday and Sunday but remember Monday will be only 2 days away. There are two holidays I like this weekend one is “Hug a Bear Day” and the other is “I Love Nachos Day.” For me the only bear I want to hug is my bear Roe and if my grandkids were visiting I’d hug them like a big bear would. As far as nachos go Roe’s friend makes a homemade salsa that kicks butt more of a medium heat and I eat that with Ruffles when no nachos are in the Z’s kitchen cabinets. We just had dinner out on Monday night at this Mexican restaurant we like and they serve nacho chips and salsa and with the Dos Equis 2 for 1 that I enjoyed it could be a meal in itself. So hug those bears you love and eat nachos the way you like and down them with the brew you like and celebrate those holidays with JoeyZ.
One of my readers Skip suggested I may want to come up with a Nut Review, now Skip you have me thinking people or the food kind, I may do both. My son Jeff was telling me about Polish deli’s where he lives. Some have small tables that you can also eat inside so the next time we visit him I think I’ll take a trip down the Polish highway to enjoy a sampling.
I read yesterday that the City of San Francisco wants to ban toys in McDonald’s Happy Meals, eat healthy and all that stuff. Here we go again, remember when you were little tykes San Francisco political people and looked forward to that Cracker Jack Surprise. Let kids be kids soon this everything will come under the watchful eye of “BIG BROTHER.” You want healthy kids bring back physical education in schools, after school kick those tykes outside and play instead of protecting the universe on the computer or watching the boob tube.
So much for today Speakies, have a great day and a wonderful weekend and remember be careful out there.
The weekend is coming closer and I wish you all the fun in the world Saturday and Sunday but remember Monday will be only 2 days away. There are two holidays I like this weekend one is “Hug a Bear Day” and the other is “I Love Nachos Day.” For me the only bear I want to hug is my bear Roe and if my grandkids were visiting I’d hug them like a big bear would. As far as nachos go Roe’s friend makes a homemade salsa that kicks butt more of a medium heat and I eat that with Ruffles when no nachos are in the Z’s kitchen cabinets. We just had dinner out on Monday night at this Mexican restaurant we like and they serve nacho chips and salsa and with the Dos Equis 2 for 1 that I enjoyed it could be a meal in itself. So hug those bears you love and eat nachos the way you like and down them with the brew you like and celebrate those holidays with JoeyZ.
One of my readers Skip suggested I may want to come up with a Nut Review, now Skip you have me thinking people or the food kind, I may do both. My son Jeff was telling me about Polish deli’s where he lives. Some have small tables that you can also eat inside so the next time we visit him I think I’ll take a trip down the Polish highway to enjoy a sampling.
I read yesterday that the City of San Francisco wants to ban toys in McDonald’s Happy Meals, eat healthy and all that stuff. Here we go again, remember when you were little tykes San Francisco political people and looked forward to that Cracker Jack Surprise. Let kids be kids soon this everything will come under the watchful eye of “BIG BROTHER.” You want healthy kids bring back physical education in schools, after school kick those tykes outside and play instead of protecting the universe on the computer or watching the boob tube.
So much for today Speakies, have a great day and a wonderful weekend and remember be careful out there.
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Hello Speakies:
Well it’s Thursday and the chance of rain in Central Florida is at 90% we really need it due to dry season time. I was thinking what should I write about today, soup, chili, my favorite flavors of ice cream? NO! I’m going to write about stuff that gets my gander people, places, things, TV commercials, you name it I’m going after it today. Now in no logical order here we go:
The new governor of Florida, here is a guy whose company was charged with Medicare fraud and found guilty. He took the 5th all through the hearings later spends $73 million of his family money (or is it really) to finance his campaign and becomes governor. He should be in jail instead of going to Tallahassee. To the people who voted for him you should be placed in a rubber room and start banging your heads to get some sense. Nimyos.
That big headed Burger King guy running around like somebody poured acid in his pants, I’d like to take a waffle ball bat and club that plastic head over the center field wall. OUT OF HERE; HOME RUN JOEYZ.
Terrell Owens – Keep your mouth shut, if you played like a pro you may have one day gotten to the Hall of Fame, sorry T.O. I mean the Hall of Shame. Same to Randy Moss.
This Casey Anthony Case in Orlando. She is the accused mother of the little girl murdered over 2 years ago. Her defense team is dragging this case out with all kinds of hearings for this and that. Thank goodness the new judge is really putting his foot down with all these motions. It’s on the news here every night and now they are trying for more defense money and for the citizens to pay for it. BULL, start the trial tomorrow and quit wasting time. Bring back the Old West kind of justice, Hang Em High.
Dancing with the Stars – I use to love watching that show; now it is so predictable, how does anyone know how many votes were cast. Bag it.
Well it’s Thursday and the chance of rain in Central Florida is at 90% we really need it due to dry season time. I was thinking what should I write about today, soup, chili, my favorite flavors of ice cream? NO! I’m going to write about stuff that gets my gander people, places, things, TV commercials, you name it I’m going after it today. Now in no logical order here we go:
The new governor of Florida, here is a guy whose company was charged with Medicare fraud and found guilty. He took the 5th all through the hearings later spends $73 million of his family money (or is it really) to finance his campaign and becomes governor. He should be in jail instead of going to Tallahassee. To the people who voted for him you should be placed in a rubber room and start banging your heads to get some sense. Nimyos.
That big headed Burger King guy running around like somebody poured acid in his pants, I’d like to take a waffle ball bat and club that plastic head over the center field wall. OUT OF HERE; HOME RUN JOEYZ.
Terrell Owens – Keep your mouth shut, if you played like a pro you may have one day gotten to the Hall of Fame, sorry T.O. I mean the Hall of Shame. Same to Randy Moss.
This Casey Anthony Case in Orlando. She is the accused mother of the little girl murdered over 2 years ago. Her defense team is dragging this case out with all kinds of hearings for this and that. Thank goodness the new judge is really putting his foot down with all these motions. It’s on the news here every night and now they are trying for more defense money and for the citizens to pay for it. BULL, start the trial tomorrow and quit wasting time. Bring back the Old West kind of justice, Hang Em High.
Dancing with the Stars – I use to love watching that show; now it is so predictable, how does anyone know how many votes were cast. Bag it.
All those commercials for diet loss by these Hollywood stars and sports figures. Get 4 meals a day for only $20. They don’t tell you about that personal trainer they have kicking their butts to loose those pounds. Here’s the line that gets me, “IF I CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU.” BULLSHIT YOU ARE RICH I’M NOT.
Charlie Sheen, Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton – I don’t care one thing about what you do and I’m sick of seeing you on the news every evening, get a real life.
To TMC SYFY and AMC – show some old Sci-Fi movies from the 50’s more often.
To many news channels on TV, they favor one political party or the other. Combine them internally and have political brawls on TV. I mean slug it out; it will be better than watching wrestling.
Cut those reruns of different sitcoms, the Golden Girls are dead I don’t want to see them anymore. Here’s another thing you have shows on prime time I don’t watch why do you show reruns of the same shows on different stations. Put something else on the tube.
Reality Shows – get them off the air, I don’t want to see a bunch of idiots argue in the jungle. Here’s an idea start the series and introduce the cast of nobodies, throw them in the jungle, don’t show any episodes and see who comes out in the end and there’s your winner. One day there will be a real “RUNNING MAN GAME SHOW.”
Well I’ve spoken my piece it’s your turn, send them in. Have a nice day and don’t upset me.
Charlie Sheen, Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton – I don’t care one thing about what you do and I’m sick of seeing you on the news every evening, get a real life.
To TMC SYFY and AMC – show some old Sci-Fi movies from the 50’s more often.
To many news channels on TV, they favor one political party or the other. Combine them internally and have political brawls on TV. I mean slug it out; it will be better than watching wrestling.
Cut those reruns of different sitcoms, the Golden Girls are dead I don’t want to see them anymore. Here’s another thing you have shows on prime time I don’t watch why do you show reruns of the same shows on different stations. Put something else on the tube.
Reality Shows – get them off the air, I don’t want to see a bunch of idiots argue in the jungle. Here’s an idea start the series and introduce the cast of nobodies, throw them in the jungle, don’t show any episodes and see who comes out in the end and there’s your winner. One day there will be a real “RUNNING MAN GAME SHOW.”
Well I’ve spoken my piece it’s your turn, send them in. Have a nice day and don’t upset me.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Wednesday Guys and Dolls:
My posts for the next two weeks might be far and few between as I have some issues to take care of in the way of medical tests, but have no fear JoeyZ will be posting as much as he can.
Today we celebrate “National Sandwich Day.” The sandwich was created today because of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. Today in fact we celebrate his 292 birthday. Legend has it that Montagu a heavy gambler did not want to leave the table for his meal, he ordered salted meat between two slices of bread and thus the sandwich became history. Maybe the guys around him called out, “Hey I’ll take one of those sandwiches.”
I read the number one sandwich in the US is the hamburger, but JoeyZ is going to give you a list of his favorite sandwiches and some he would love to try:
A Rossi’s Cheeseburger which I know I’m not having in the near future, so I’ll settle for Roe’s Chuck Cheeseburger, really tender and juicy with a slice of tomato, onion and salsa.
Cheese Pork Roll with Spicy Brown mustard. The roll could be a round hard roll or a hamburger bun.
Cheese Steak with Peppers and Onions on a torpedo roll.
Italian Sausage with Peppers and Onion the same roll as the cheese steak.
French Dip with onions and hot au jus sauce for dipping.
On Thanksgiving Night Turkey on a dinner roll with stuffing, hot gravy and cranberry sauce.
I want a Chicago Hot Dog on a poppy seed bun with the true Chicago works and I would also like to try one of those Chicago beef sandwiches dipped in sauce.
Rueben Sandwich had only one but I did like it.
I have never tried a Pastrami or Corn Beef on Rye, maybe one day.
Hot turkey or roast beef open faced sandwiches, love those with some mash potatoes or fries.
How could I forget a good BLT with the bacon nice and crisp, fresh red tomatoes, lettuce on good white toast with mayo.
Liverwurst with brown mustard on Italian bread.
Well Speakies there are a few on my favorites feel free to speak up and we have to say one thing “THANK YOU THE 4TH EARL OF SANDWICH.” Have a great day Speakies.
My posts for the next two weeks might be far and few between as I have some issues to take care of in the way of medical tests, but have no fear JoeyZ will be posting as much as he can.
Today we celebrate “National Sandwich Day.” The sandwich was created today because of John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. Today in fact we celebrate his 292 birthday. Legend has it that Montagu a heavy gambler did not want to leave the table for his meal, he ordered salted meat between two slices of bread and thus the sandwich became history. Maybe the guys around him called out, “Hey I’ll take one of those sandwiches.”
I read the number one sandwich in the US is the hamburger, but JoeyZ is going to give you a list of his favorite sandwiches and some he would love to try:
A Rossi’s Cheeseburger which I know I’m not having in the near future, so I’ll settle for Roe’s Chuck Cheeseburger, really tender and juicy with a slice of tomato, onion and salsa.
Cheese Pork Roll with Spicy Brown mustard. The roll could be a round hard roll or a hamburger bun.
Cheese Steak with Peppers and Onions on a torpedo roll.
Italian Sausage with Peppers and Onion the same roll as the cheese steak.
French Dip with onions and hot au jus sauce for dipping.
On Thanksgiving Night Turkey on a dinner roll with stuffing, hot gravy and cranberry sauce.
I want a Chicago Hot Dog on a poppy seed bun with the true Chicago works and I would also like to try one of those Chicago beef sandwiches dipped in sauce.
Rueben Sandwich had only one but I did like it.
I have never tried a Pastrami or Corn Beef on Rye, maybe one day.
Hot turkey or roast beef open faced sandwiches, love those with some mash potatoes or fries.
How could I forget a good BLT with the bacon nice and crisp, fresh red tomatoes, lettuce on good white toast with mayo.
Liverwurst with brown mustard on Italian bread.
Well Speakies there are a few on my favorites feel free to speak up and we have to say one thing “THANK YOU THE 4TH EARL OF SANDWICH.” Have a great day Speakies.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Stopping by again on a different kind of post. Our house this weekend was filled with fun. Everyone getting ready for the wedding, my son Jeff and daughter-in-law Sam and my two little grandchildren filled our home with love and laughter. We truly enjoyed having them stay with us and sharing that happy day with Joe and Elizabeth. I feel very blessed to have two wonderful sons and daughter-in-laws and those little ones who made Roe and I laugh all weekend long. I just wanted to say I love you all and to you Roe love and thanks for bringing them up and guiding them the right way.
I'm getting teary eyed so I better say goodbye. Have a great day Guys and Dolls, see you later.
Stopping by again on a different kind of post. Our house this weekend was filled with fun. Everyone getting ready for the wedding, my son Jeff and daughter-in-law Sam and my two little grandchildren filled our home with love and laughter. We truly enjoyed having them stay with us and sharing that happy day with Joe and Elizabeth. I feel very blessed to have two wonderful sons and daughter-in-laws and those little ones who made Roe and I laugh all weekend long. I just wanted to say I love you all and to you Roe love and thanks for bringing them up and guiding them the right way.
I'm getting teary eyed so I better say goodbye. Have a great day Guys and Dolls, see you later.

Good Morning Speakies:
This post is a special post to my son Joe and his new bride Elizabeth who were married on Sunday. Mom and I wish you again all the happiness, health, friendship and love on this earth. The wedding ceremony was beautiful, the reception fun and I’m sure you both will never forget those moments of the day. Elizabeth you now can officially call me PAPA Z.
This post is a special post to my son Joe and his new bride Elizabeth who were married on Sunday. Mom and I wish you again all the happiness, health, friendship and love on this earth. The wedding ceremony was beautiful, the reception fun and I’m sure you both will never forget those moments of the day. Elizabeth you now can officially call me PAPA Z.
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