Good Morning Speakies:
Well the long holiday weekend is over and the Christmas Rush in on. I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday, filled with good food and cheer. For Roe and me it was a great dinner at my son’s girlfriend’s parent’s home along with lots of laughter and fun. Thank you Maryann and John for a wonderful time.
The rest of the weekend was spent doing a little house cleaning and putting up the indoor and outdoor Christmas decorations. I must say Rosemary did a great job decorating inside and I love the Christmas look and warmth it brings to the house.
The Christmas lights outside did not give me too much problem this year, only the ones around the palm trees, try not getting stuck with those needles. We did a little shopping and I feel we are off and running for the holidays. Have a great day guys and dolls and remember tomorrow is December 1 and time for daily observances and brain filling history.
St. Augustine, Florida

May 24, 2013

We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.
Christmas Eve 2012
NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten
Luck Be A Lady
Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth
Nina June 2013
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Dear Speakies:
I know its only Tuesday but this will be one of my lasts posts as I plan to enjoy a long Thanksgiving weekend starting at 5 p.m. today. A little turkey on Thursday, than I proceed to start my holiday decorations around the house. Before I go I wanted to wish you all a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. I hope you all enjoy great food, wonderful company of family and friends and a few good stiff drinks but be careful out there.
I want to extend a personal Happy Thanksgiving to my blog buddy Mack and his family. Mack enjoy the holidays. See you all next week.
I know its only Tuesday but this will be one of my lasts posts as I plan to enjoy a long Thanksgiving weekend starting at 5 p.m. today. A little turkey on Thursday, than I proceed to start my holiday decorations around the house. Before I go I wanted to wish you all a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving. I hope you all enjoy great food, wonderful company of family and friends and a few good stiff drinks but be careful out there.
I want to extend a personal Happy Thanksgiving to my blog buddy Mack and his family. Mack enjoy the holidays. See you all next week.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hello Speakies:
I was just thinking with the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons upon us, we all have memories of things we did, family traditions, things we remember or foods we ate or something so small it was a special part of the holidays for us. I’m going to write mine down so wake up those brain cells and send me yours. Let’s see if we have some of the same in common.
My grandmother’s homemade Lekvar and nut cookies.
Those different hard tack candies in the glass jar that was at everyone’s house you visited.
Every night you went out to visit or had company over your house.
A very traditional Polish Christmas Eve dinner at my grandmother’s, Christmas was the favorite time of the year for my grandfather, I'll never forget his face at the table.
Breaking of the Christmas wafer before dinner.
My dad setting up the train tracks and my big American Flyer train.
Polish Midnight Mass at my church back home, candles lit, with the choir singing traditional Polish Kolendy.
Shopping downtown not at a mall.
Each of my son’s first Christmas.
Hiding their toys in the attic or bringing them over to the neighbor’s house to hide.
Remembering the night they found all the toys in the attic and we had to make up a fast excuse.
Snow on Christmas Eve.
My wife’s Christmas fish stew, the best ever.
The one Christmas Eve I was up till 4 a.m. putting together a He-Man Fort and some other space station. Well there are some of mine, take some time out and add to the list.
I was just thinking with the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons upon us, we all have memories of things we did, family traditions, things we remember or foods we ate or something so small it was a special part of the holidays for us. I’m going to write mine down so wake up those brain cells and send me yours. Let’s see if we have some of the same in common.
My grandmother’s homemade Lekvar and nut cookies.
Those different hard tack candies in the glass jar that was at everyone’s house you visited.
Every night you went out to visit or had company over your house.
A very traditional Polish Christmas Eve dinner at my grandmother’s, Christmas was the favorite time of the year for my grandfather, I'll never forget his face at the table.
Breaking of the Christmas wafer before dinner.
My dad setting up the train tracks and my big American Flyer train.
Polish Midnight Mass at my church back home, candles lit, with the choir singing traditional Polish Kolendy.
Shopping downtown not at a mall.
Each of my son’s first Christmas.
Hiding their toys in the attic or bringing them over to the neighbor’s house to hide.
Remembering the night they found all the toys in the attic and we had to make up a fast excuse.
Snow on Christmas Eve.
My wife’s Christmas fish stew, the best ever.
The one Christmas Eve I was up till 4 a.m. putting together a He-Man Fort and some other space station. Well there are some of mine, take some time out and add to the list.
Had a visitor over the weekend from Uganda. Welcome Mr. or Ms. Uganda you are now a formal Speakie.
Had a visitor over the weekend from Uganda. Welcome Mr. or Ms. Uganda you are now a formal Speakie.
Well its Monday again Speakies, but at least it’s a short work week for most of us. Hope you guys had a great weekend, downing those brews, watching those games and eating that food. Now before the kids start hitting you with those “Daddy Do You Know” questions, Joey Z will fill you head with a little knowledge. This week we celebrate “National Teens Don’t Text and Drive Week”, HELLO nobody should do that.
The Famous Born Today:
912 – Otto I – German King, Holy Roman emperor.
1859 – Billy the Kid – Bandito.
1887 – Boris Karloff – The one and only Mr. Frankenstein.
1888 – Harpo Marx – Actor.
There were others but this is all you need to know today.
Died This Date:
1990 – Bo Diaz – Phillies catcher, crushed to death by a satellite dish.
1991 – Freddie Mercury – Lead singer of Queen of AIDS.
1835 – Henry Burden – Patents the horseshoe manufacturing machine.
1887 – Notre Dame loses its 1st football game to Michigan 8-0.
1899 – First jukebox – Palais Royal Hotel, San Francisco.
1943 – US forces seize Tarawa Atoll and Makin Island from the Japanese.
1963 – JFK’s body lay in repose in the White House.
Try to have a good day and if anything pops I’ll be back.
The Famous Born Today:
912 – Otto I – German King, Holy Roman emperor.
1859 – Billy the Kid – Bandito.
1887 – Boris Karloff – The one and only Mr. Frankenstein.
1888 – Harpo Marx – Actor.
There were others but this is all you need to know today.
Died This Date:
1990 – Bo Diaz – Phillies catcher, crushed to death by a satellite dish.
1991 – Freddie Mercury – Lead singer of Queen of AIDS.
1835 – Henry Burden – Patents the horseshoe manufacturing machine.
1887 – Notre Dame loses its 1st football game to Michigan 8-0.
1899 – First jukebox – Palais Royal Hotel, San Francisco.
1943 – US forces seize Tarawa Atoll and Makin Island from the Japanese.
1963 – JFK’s body lay in repose in the White House.
Try to have a good day and if anything pops I’ll be back.
Friday, November 20, 2009

Hi Speakies:
I'm always talking about Trenton, NJ tomatoe pies, well this place started in Trenton, NJ and I remember going there many at times as a teenager. They later opened a stand on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights, NJ. The place is Marucca's Tomato Pies and it is a legend at the shore. If you ever visit Seaside Heights, stop in for a slice of true heaven. I'm posting a picture of a slice of their pie. To my sons feast your eyes and remember.
I would like to thank Mack for allowing me to once again use his photos.
Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:
The weekend will be upon us shortly, this evening we can raise our glasses and celebrate the following observances this weekend:
Cat Days – I’m a dog man myself.
Children’s Day – They have all the holidays covered.
Name Your PC Day – I’ve heard many called FUBAR.
World Television Day – The old Boob Tube has its day.
National Adoption Day – I wish more could be adopted easier.
Humane Society Anniversary Day – A great organization, support it if you can, every animal finds a home.
Well next week will be a short work week for most of us; Thanksgiving will be upon us and Christmas just around the corner. Whatever you do this weekend have fun, be careful but most of all love each other. Have a great weekend my friends.
The weekend will be upon us shortly, this evening we can raise our glasses and celebrate the following observances this weekend:
Cat Days – I’m a dog man myself.
Children’s Day – They have all the holidays covered.
Name Your PC Day – I’ve heard many called FUBAR.
World Television Day – The old Boob Tube has its day.
National Adoption Day – I wish more could be adopted easier.
Humane Society Anniversary Day – A great organization, support it if you can, every animal finds a home.
Well next week will be a short work week for most of us; Thanksgiving will be upon us and Christmas just around the corner. Whatever you do this weekend have fun, be careful but most of all love each other. Have a great weekend my friends.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hello Speakies:
Nothing much happening in good old Central Florida today, the weather is nice, the crazies are calm, it doesn't get better than this. Just wanted to drop by and say have a pleasant rest of the day and a relaxing evening. See ya tomorrow.
Nothing much happening in good old Central Florida today, the weather is nice, the crazies are calm, it doesn't get better than this. Just wanted to drop by and say have a pleasant rest of the day and a relaxing evening. See ya tomorrow.
Happy Czwartek Speakies:
That’s Thursday in Polish and I hope it will be a happy day for you all. Today we celebrate some great holidays:
Great American Smokeout – Do try and quit you won’t be sorry, do it before it’s too late. It was too late for me 7 years ago.
World Toilet Day – What a wonderful invention by Thomas Crapper.
Have A Bad Day Day – Please don’t.
Use Less Stuff Day – Save on that toilet paper.
Let’s See Who Came Out of Mommy Today:
1600 – Charles I – King of England
1905 – Tommy Dorsey – Great Band Leader
1917 – Indira Gandhi – Indian Prime Minister
1933 – Larry King – Radio and TV Talk host
1938 – Ted Turner – Mr. TV owner
1942 – Calvin Klein – Fashion designer
1961 – Meg Ryan – OH YES, OH YES, OH YES, YES, YES
Died Today:
1887 – Emma Lazarus – US poet – “Give us your tired and poor.”
Stuff That Happened:
1493 – Columbus discovers Puerto Rico on his second voyage.
1903 – Carrie Nation attempts to address the Senate.
1959 – Ford cancels the Edsel – Bad move.
1979 – Chuck Berry released from prison on income tax evasion.
That’s Thursday in Polish and I hope it will be a happy day for you all. Today we celebrate some great holidays:
Great American Smokeout – Do try and quit you won’t be sorry, do it before it’s too late. It was too late for me 7 years ago.
World Toilet Day – What a wonderful invention by Thomas Crapper.
Have A Bad Day Day – Please don’t.
Use Less Stuff Day – Save on that toilet paper.
Let’s See Who Came Out of Mommy Today:
1600 – Charles I – King of England
1905 – Tommy Dorsey – Great Band Leader
1917 – Indira Gandhi – Indian Prime Minister
1933 – Larry King – Radio and TV Talk host
1938 – Ted Turner – Mr. TV owner
1942 – Calvin Klein – Fashion designer
1961 – Meg Ryan – OH YES, OH YES, OH YES, YES, YES
Died Today:
1887 – Emma Lazarus – US poet – “Give us your tired and poor.”
Stuff That Happened:
1493 – Columbus discovers Puerto Rico on his second voyage.
1903 – Carrie Nation attempts to address the Senate.
1959 – Ford cancels the Edsel – Bad move.
1979 – Chuck Berry released from prison on income tax evasion.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hello Speakies:
Just heard a story out of Orlando, FL that a lawsuit is to be filed today charging that Florida has failed to adequately fund education and provide for a system of “High Quality” public schools. This in violation of the state constitution according to the papers filed. The suit charges that Florida’s education budget is inadequate and its low graduation rate and test scores prove that the public schools are not of high quality.
Before school started this year, every evening on the local news all you heard was how much the school budgets had to be cut. No more sports, no more after school activities, field trips etc. Parents constantly being urged to contribute for school supplies, teachers paying for the supplies on their own. Protests by parents and students alike begging to keep certain schools and programs open in the news everyday. School board members kept saying, “We must cut and keep cutting, we don’t have the funds.” We have a state lottery here, with the funds supposedly going to aid education, show me the money and where it goes!
County and State politicians however are always ready to put money in their pockets with contracts for new homes, offices and shopping centers. We don’t need any more houses, hotels and stores there are enough now. Ride down US192 and see all the business closed with buildings boarded up it looks like a ghost town from the Old West. Instead on renovating stadiums and building new arenas use that money towards education and new schools.
Here’s another frostbite on my butt. FCAT, educators do you want student’s grades and standards to improve? Rid Florida of FCAT and start teaching basic education. These kids are shoved that stuff down their throats for half the school year, stop it. My wife went to a store awhile ago and the poor girl working behind the counter had trouble counting to give the correct change, so my wife taught her how. Basic math, science, English start teaching it again and see how your schools will improve. Here’s another hint screen your teachers too many strange birds in the news lately. You know molesters, criminal records, even one that threatened to kill the administrator and some students. Listen to JoeyZ.
Have a nice evening Guys and Dolls and be careful out there.
Just heard a story out of Orlando, FL that a lawsuit is to be filed today charging that Florida has failed to adequately fund education and provide for a system of “High Quality” public schools. This in violation of the state constitution according to the papers filed. The suit charges that Florida’s education budget is inadequate and its low graduation rate and test scores prove that the public schools are not of high quality.
Before school started this year, every evening on the local news all you heard was how much the school budgets had to be cut. No more sports, no more after school activities, field trips etc. Parents constantly being urged to contribute for school supplies, teachers paying for the supplies on their own. Protests by parents and students alike begging to keep certain schools and programs open in the news everyday. School board members kept saying, “We must cut and keep cutting, we don’t have the funds.” We have a state lottery here, with the funds supposedly going to aid education, show me the money and where it goes!
County and State politicians however are always ready to put money in their pockets with contracts for new homes, offices and shopping centers. We don’t need any more houses, hotels and stores there are enough now. Ride down US192 and see all the business closed with buildings boarded up it looks like a ghost town from the Old West. Instead on renovating stadiums and building new arenas use that money towards education and new schools.
Here’s another frostbite on my butt. FCAT, educators do you want student’s grades and standards to improve? Rid Florida of FCAT and start teaching basic education. These kids are shoved that stuff down their throats for half the school year, stop it. My wife went to a store awhile ago and the poor girl working behind the counter had trouble counting to give the correct change, so my wife taught her how. Basic math, science, English start teaching it again and see how your schools will improve. Here’s another hint screen your teachers too many strange birds in the news lately. You know molesters, criminal records, even one that threatened to kill the administrator and some students. Listen to JoeyZ.
Have a nice evening Guys and Dolls and be careful out there.
Just stopping by and saying welcome to a visitor from Qatar, stop by again. You are now an official Speakie. Thanks to everyone for over 4,000 hits.
Good Morning Guys and Dolls:
Hump Day is here with Thanksgiving right around the corner. I like Thanksgiving Day, watching a little of the Macy’s Parade from NYC, a little football action, a nice turkey dinner and an afternoon nap what a life. Later in the evening a nice turkey sandwich on a dinner roll with stuffing and a sweet potato and gravy inside. The day after Thanksgiving it is time to put up the tree and outside decorations for me. Families have different traditions over Thanksgiving; feel free to tell me yours.
It is November 18th so let’s see what we celebrate today:
GIS Day – I had to stop and ask for directions.
Married to a Scorpio Support Day – Marriage must be tough there.
Mickey Mouse Day – It’s his day every day in Florida.
Push Button Phone Day
Have a great start to your day; I’ll check back later if good stuff pops up.
Hump Day is here with Thanksgiving right around the corner. I like Thanksgiving Day, watching a little of the Macy’s Parade from NYC, a little football action, a nice turkey dinner and an afternoon nap what a life. Later in the evening a nice turkey sandwich on a dinner roll with stuffing and a sweet potato and gravy inside. The day after Thanksgiving it is time to put up the tree and outside decorations for me. Families have different traditions over Thanksgiving; feel free to tell me yours.
It is November 18th so let’s see what we celebrate today:
GIS Day – I had to stop and ask for directions.
Married to a Scorpio Support Day – Marriage must be tough there.
Mickey Mouse Day – It’s his day every day in Florida.
Push Button Phone Day
Have a great start to your day; I’ll check back later if good stuff pops up.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I'm posting 2 of my favorite places I use to eat at back home. One is the Casino and the other is DeLorenzo's Tomato Pies. At this point I want to make my son's mouths water. Enjoy the pictures guys. Thank you Mack for allowing me to use them from your post. Mack can vouch for the food here and I'm sure all his reader too.

I'm posting 2 of my favorite places I use to eat at back home. One is the Casino and the other is DeLorenzo's Tomato Pies. At this point I want to make my son's mouths water. Enjoy the pictures guys. Thank you Mack for allowing me to use them from your post. Mack can vouch for the food here and I'm sure all his reader too.

Hello Speakies:
Today, JoeyZ speaks his mind on a few subjects that got under my skin yesterday and today. First of all is the criticism of our President bowing to the Chinese president. An official welcome in China is a nod or bow, President Obama showed pure diplomatic courtesy in his gesture. Now what the hell are the complaints all about? I could say ignorance of world customs but I think it is the bitterness of certain party members that lost an election and would do anything to discredit a man trying to do his job. If you went to visit the Pope, you would kiss his ring, the Queen of England a bow or curtsy would be required. If one traveled to Indonesia a simple word selamat, which means peace would do. There are more important things to worry about than criticizing a man for saying hello to another dignitary in the custom of his country. Remember if you came before Don Corleone and did not kiss his hand or ring, he’d make you an offer you could not refuse.
Driving to work today I heard this piece of news that frosted me. The lobbyists of the pharmaceutical companies have spent $24 million dollars so far in TV advertising against the healthcare proposals of Congress. Those for the plan have spent approximately $12 million dollars. What a total waste of money! You hear everyday on the world news about the shortage of the Swine Flu vaccine; with the $36 million you spent just think of the vaccines that could have been produced and saved more lives. You did not think about those in need or the little children who are vulnerable to this illness. Greed is what runs your business and not the welfare of the citizens in this country. That is why change is needed. For one minute I would not doubt the pharmaceutical companies have drugs to aid in cancer, ALS and many other diseases but are just waiting to make a bigger buck on Joe Citizen.
Strictly the views of JoeyZ. I hope to come back later with lighter thoughts in mind.
Today, JoeyZ speaks his mind on a few subjects that got under my skin yesterday and today. First of all is the criticism of our President bowing to the Chinese president. An official welcome in China is a nod or bow, President Obama showed pure diplomatic courtesy in his gesture. Now what the hell are the complaints all about? I could say ignorance of world customs but I think it is the bitterness of certain party members that lost an election and would do anything to discredit a man trying to do his job. If you went to visit the Pope, you would kiss his ring, the Queen of England a bow or curtsy would be required. If one traveled to Indonesia a simple word selamat, which means peace would do. There are more important things to worry about than criticizing a man for saying hello to another dignitary in the custom of his country. Remember if you came before Don Corleone and did not kiss his hand or ring, he’d make you an offer you could not refuse.
Driving to work today I heard this piece of news that frosted me. The lobbyists of the pharmaceutical companies have spent $24 million dollars so far in TV advertising against the healthcare proposals of Congress. Those for the plan have spent approximately $12 million dollars. What a total waste of money! You hear everyday on the world news about the shortage of the Swine Flu vaccine; with the $36 million you spent just think of the vaccines that could have been produced and saved more lives. You did not think about those in need or the little children who are vulnerable to this illness. Greed is what runs your business and not the welfare of the citizens in this country. That is why change is needed. For one minute I would not doubt the pharmaceutical companies have drugs to aid in cancer, ALS and many other diseases but are just waiting to make a bigger buck on Joe Citizen.
Strictly the views of JoeyZ. I hope to come back later with lighter thoughts in mind.
Hello Guys and Dolls:
A happy Tuesday to my readers. Today is also Homemade Bread Day so if you don’t feel like baking stop by your local bakery and pick one up. Speaking of bakeries there is a great German bakery located in Yalaha, FL, excellent breads, cakes and pastries. I’ll post the link here so if you are ever in the area while visiting Central Florida, stop in and try some of the best baked goods around.
Famous Birthday Today:
1755 – Louis XVIII – 1st post revolutionary king of France.
1907 – Lee Strasberg – Director.
1925 – Rock Hudson – Doris Day’s main squeeze.
1942 – Martin Scorsese – Director.
1944 – Danny DeVito – Short funny man.
Died This Date:
1917 – Auguste Rodin – Sculptor.
1988 – Sheilah Graham – Gossip columnist dies of a heart attack.
Stuff That Happened:
1800 – Congress held 1st session in Washington, DC.
1853 – Street signs authorized at San Francisco intersections.
1869 – Suez Canal opens.
1913 – Panama Canal opens.
1940 – Green Bay Packers become first NFL team to travel by plane.
1968 – Heidi Bowl – NBC misses Oakland Raiders comeback win.
1973 – Tricky Dick Nixon tells AP, “I’m not a Crook.”
1977 – Miss World Contest – Miss UK wears a $9,500 platinum bikini.
A happy Tuesday to my readers. Today is also Homemade Bread Day so if you don’t feel like baking stop by your local bakery and pick one up. Speaking of bakeries there is a great German bakery located in Yalaha, FL, excellent breads, cakes and pastries. I’ll post the link here so if you are ever in the area while visiting Central Florida, stop in and try some of the best baked goods around.
Famous Birthday Today:
1755 – Louis XVIII – 1st post revolutionary king of France.
1907 – Lee Strasberg – Director.
1925 – Rock Hudson – Doris Day’s main squeeze.
1942 – Martin Scorsese – Director.
1944 – Danny DeVito – Short funny man.
Died This Date:
1917 – Auguste Rodin – Sculptor.
1988 – Sheilah Graham – Gossip columnist dies of a heart attack.
Stuff That Happened:
1800 – Congress held 1st session in Washington, DC.
1853 – Street signs authorized at San Francisco intersections.
1869 – Suez Canal opens.
1913 – Panama Canal opens.
1940 – Green Bay Packers become first NFL team to travel by plane.
1968 – Heidi Bowl – NBC misses Oakland Raiders comeback win.
1973 – Tricky Dick Nixon tells AP, “I’m not a Crook.”
1977 – Miss World Contest – Miss UK wears a $9,500 platinum bikini.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Happy Monday Speakies:
Hoping all of you had a great weekend, I did, a little work, a little play and a little shopping was done. Weather here this weekend was great sunny highs in the 70’s, slight breeze and it’s still going strong today. I would like to say WELCOME to a first time Speakie from Croatia. Today is International Day for Tolerance; we need that more in this country instead of the international scene. We also celebrate World Kindness Week and American Education Week.
Had to visit one of my favorite places this morning, the lab for blood work, I enjoy going there as much as shopping at Wal*Mart. Speaking of shopping Rosemary had a run-in with a surly K-Mart manager yesterday. She was looking at Thanksgiving napkins, noticing a discount sign on the display for the various items there. Picking up the napkins they turned out to cost $2.49 after a price check and not on sale. She approached this so called manager, advising him that if the napkins were not on sale they should not be on that display. Mr. Smart Butt said, “Read the Sign, Textiles Only.” Well the word textiles looked like fine print in a crooked contract so the napkins were handed back to him with a few Rosemary comments. I proceeded to the aspirin aisle only to find the ones I wanted were outdated, well Rosemary grabbed those and proceeded to find Mr. Smart Butt but instead found an apologetic manager who handled the situation with some cool. We decided right then and there our K-Mart shopping days are over.
I’m going to check out for now, may come back with a little history later or even locate some crazies. Have a great day Guys and Dolls.
Hoping all of you had a great weekend, I did, a little work, a little play and a little shopping was done. Weather here this weekend was great sunny highs in the 70’s, slight breeze and it’s still going strong today. I would like to say WELCOME to a first time Speakie from Croatia. Today is International Day for Tolerance; we need that more in this country instead of the international scene. We also celebrate World Kindness Week and American Education Week.
Had to visit one of my favorite places this morning, the lab for blood work, I enjoy going there as much as shopping at Wal*Mart. Speaking of shopping Rosemary had a run-in with a surly K-Mart manager yesterday. She was looking at Thanksgiving napkins, noticing a discount sign on the display for the various items there. Picking up the napkins they turned out to cost $2.49 after a price check and not on sale. She approached this so called manager, advising him that if the napkins were not on sale they should not be on that display. Mr. Smart Butt said, “Read the Sign, Textiles Only.” Well the word textiles looked like fine print in a crooked contract so the napkins were handed back to him with a few Rosemary comments. I proceeded to the aspirin aisle only to find the ones I wanted were outdated, well Rosemary grabbed those and proceeded to find Mr. Smart Butt but instead found an apologetic manager who handled the situation with some cool. We decided right then and there our K-Mart shopping days are over.
I’m going to check out for now, may come back with a little history later or even locate some crazies. Have a great day Guys and Dolls.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Dear Speakies:
A news story from one of great waste spenders of the American Buck, you have that right it is NASA, one of my favorite targets. The spacecraft that purposely slammed into the moon has turned up evidence of water in the form of ice just beneath the surface.
I can see it now, Zephyrhills, Aquafina, Perrier and all the rest of the bottled water companies battling it out for government contracts to have the first bottled water plant on the moon. “Moon Water” cold, refreshing, naturally pure water hidden since the universe was born now available through your local stores. Maybe I should start an advertising firm and run a campaign. CHA CHING. $$$$$$$$$$$
A news story from one of great waste spenders of the American Buck, you have that right it is NASA, one of my favorite targets. The spacecraft that purposely slammed into the moon has turned up evidence of water in the form of ice just beneath the surface.
I can see it now, Zephyrhills, Aquafina, Perrier and all the rest of the bottled water companies battling it out for government contracts to have the first bottled water plant on the moon. “Moon Water” cold, refreshing, naturally pure water hidden since the universe was born now available through your local stores. Maybe I should start an advertising firm and run a campaign. CHA CHING. $$$$$$$$$$$
Hello Guys and Dolls:
Happy Friday the 13th to all my Speakies and enjoy the mysteries of Friday the 13th superstitions. Watch a couple of Jason movies with some popcorn and a nice glass of wine and cuddle with the one you love. Tonight I would love to see one of my favorite horror movies, “House on the Haunted Hill”, the original one with Vincent Price. Great movie for the time period it was produced. Whatever you do tonight, have fun and be careful.
This weekend we celebrate the following observances:
Guinness World Record Day – Go out and break some records.
World Kindness Day – Let’s all try anyway.
Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day – Must of came from that movie “Stripes”, lighten up Francis.
National American Teddy Bear Day – Take the kids to one of those bear stores and make one, share the day.
World Diabetes Day – A serious problem take the test and ease your mind, it does not hurt.
America Recycles Day – Maybe for once don’t throw the cans in with the regular garbage.
I Love To Write Day – My kind of Holiday.
National Bundt Day – In honor of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding.” It’s a bundt, a what? a bun, no bundt bundt cake. It’s got a hole in it.
If I don’t return today, I wish you all a great weekend and have fun whatever you do.
Happy Friday the 13th to all my Speakies and enjoy the mysteries of Friday the 13th superstitions. Watch a couple of Jason movies with some popcorn and a nice glass of wine and cuddle with the one you love. Tonight I would love to see one of my favorite horror movies, “House on the Haunted Hill”, the original one with Vincent Price. Great movie for the time period it was produced. Whatever you do tonight, have fun and be careful.
This weekend we celebrate the following observances:
Guinness World Record Day – Go out and break some records.
World Kindness Day – Let’s all try anyway.
Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day – Must of came from that movie “Stripes”, lighten up Francis.
National American Teddy Bear Day – Take the kids to one of those bear stores and make one, share the day.
World Diabetes Day – A serious problem take the test and ease your mind, it does not hurt.
America Recycles Day – Maybe for once don’t throw the cans in with the regular garbage.
I Love To Write Day – My kind of Holiday.
National Bundt Day – In honor of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding.” It’s a bundt, a what? a bun, no bundt bundt cake. It’s got a hole in it.
If I don’t return today, I wish you all a great weekend and have fun whatever you do.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
My blog buddy Mack is always posting photos from our home town of Trenton, NJ, in particular a great neighborhood called "The Burg". His photos are of places that bring back lots of memories to a great deal of people who lived there. My favorites are the restaurants and food, so today I'm going to play the match game with you. I'm posting the restaurant and along side the food you will find served there. So if you ever travel to the area stop in for a real feast.

DeLorenzo's Tomato Pies
matches this to eat inside

Rossi's Tavern
matches this to eat inside
Hope it made your mouth water. Have a great night Guys and Dolls, talk to you tomorrow.
My blog buddy Mack is always posting photos from our home town of Trenton, NJ, in particular a great neighborhood called "The Burg". His photos are of places that bring back lots of memories to a great deal of people who lived there. My favorites are the restaurants and food, so today I'm going to play the match game with you. I'm posting the restaurant and along side the food you will find served there. So if you ever travel to the area stop in for a real feast.

matches this to eat inside

Rossi's Tavern
matches this to eat inside
Hope it made your mouth water. Have a great night Guys and Dolls, talk to you tomorrow.
Good Morning Speakies:
Received an e-mail this morning, I had my first visitor from Ireland to my blog yesterday, so “Welcome Ireland.” No important observances to mention today. The weather has turned here in Florida, highs maybe reaching 70. It is cloudy and breezy, and looks like a winter snow day from up North.
One of my favorite shows is one called Man Versus Food on the Travel Station. Last night’s visit was to Brooklyn, NY; Adam visited L & B Spumoni Gardens an Italian pizza restaurant. They are famous for their square pie, which is actually a pie we call Sicilian Pizza. Most pizza in Florida is made with tons of cheese causing the pie to be dry with hardly any sauce. There have been only a few places that actually made a pie similar to those in Jersey. Now this square pie started with the dough, a layer of Mozzarella cheese than the sauce and topped with good grated cheese and oil olive. Our mouths were watering last night. So to my readers if you are ever in Brooklyn, stop by L & B Spumoni Gardens and give it a try, the place has been around for 70 years.
Hope you all have a great start to the day, I’ll be checking for our friends the crazies or other informative news. Remember the Holidays are approaching and if you are searching for that special gift, pick up a copy of my book, “I Hate Everybody (And Other Things).” Come on Guys and Dolls, I have to promote my book on my own so spread the word out there. Thank you.
Received an e-mail this morning, I had my first visitor from Ireland to my blog yesterday, so “Welcome Ireland.” No important observances to mention today. The weather has turned here in Florida, highs maybe reaching 70. It is cloudy and breezy, and looks like a winter snow day from up North.
One of my favorite shows is one called Man Versus Food on the Travel Station. Last night’s visit was to Brooklyn, NY; Adam visited L & B Spumoni Gardens an Italian pizza restaurant. They are famous for their square pie, which is actually a pie we call Sicilian Pizza. Most pizza in Florida is made with tons of cheese causing the pie to be dry with hardly any sauce. There have been only a few places that actually made a pie similar to those in Jersey. Now this square pie started with the dough, a layer of Mozzarella cheese than the sauce and topped with good grated cheese and oil olive. Our mouths were watering last night. So to my readers if you are ever in Brooklyn, stop by L & B Spumoni Gardens and give it a try, the place has been around for 70 years.
Hope you all have a great start to the day, I’ll be checking for our friends the crazies or other informative news. Remember the Holidays are approaching and if you are searching for that special gift, pick up a copy of my book, “I Hate Everybody (And Other Things).” Come on Guys and Dolls, I have to promote my book on my own so spread the word out there. Thank you.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Not much happening this afternoon in not so sunny Florida. The crazies are quite so I'll take this time to wish you all a wonderful evening. Relax and enjoy.
Good Morning Guys and Dolls:
First of all I would like to thank and wish all the guys and dolls who served our country a very happy “Veteran’s Day.” Your efforts for freedom will never be forgotten. On a lighter thought that’s me too.
The weather in Florida today is cloudy with rain and storms thanks to Ida. Hoping for cooler temperatures starting tonight. We really need the rain as it is the start of the dry season. I think we have some famous birthdays and other famous events that occurred so let us take a peek.
Born This Date:
1771 – Ephraim McDowell – Surgeon pioneered abdominal surgery.
1885 – George S. Patton – General “Blood and Guts”, my Dad served under him in North Africa.
1896 – Charles “Lucky” Luciano – Everybody knows who Lucky is.
1899 – Pat O’Brien – Great actor.
1911 – King Hussein of Jordan.
1922 – Kurt Vonnegut Jr. – Author.
1925 – Jonathan Winters – One of my favorite funny men. Not all there.
1943 – Jan Adamski – Polish chess master.
1974 – Leonardo DiCaprio – Actor.
A Few Small Things That Occurred Today:
1921 – President Harding dedicates Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
1933 – “Great Black Blizzard”, 1st great dust storm in the Great Plains.
1939 – Kate Smith first sings “God Bless America.”
1959 – 1st episode of “Rocky and His Friends” airs on TV.
1969 – Jim Morrison of the Doors arrested on plane for being drunk, probably more too.
Thought for Today: “Fear is the tax that conscience pays to guilt.”
First of all I would like to thank and wish all the guys and dolls who served our country a very happy “Veteran’s Day.” Your efforts for freedom will never be forgotten. On a lighter thought that’s me too.
The weather in Florida today is cloudy with rain and storms thanks to Ida. Hoping for cooler temperatures starting tonight. We really need the rain as it is the start of the dry season. I think we have some famous birthdays and other famous events that occurred so let us take a peek.
Born This Date:
1771 – Ephraim McDowell – Surgeon pioneered abdominal surgery.
1885 – George S. Patton – General “Blood and Guts”, my Dad served under him in North Africa.
1896 – Charles “Lucky” Luciano – Everybody knows who Lucky is.
1899 – Pat O’Brien – Great actor.
1911 – King Hussein of Jordan.
1922 – Kurt Vonnegut Jr. – Author.
1925 – Jonathan Winters – One of my favorite funny men. Not all there.
1943 – Jan Adamski – Polish chess master.
1974 – Leonardo DiCaprio – Actor.
A Few Small Things That Occurred Today:
1921 – President Harding dedicates Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
1933 – “Great Black Blizzard”, 1st great dust storm in the Great Plains.
1939 – Kate Smith first sings “God Bless America.”
1959 – 1st episode of “Rocky and His Friends” airs on TV.
1969 – Jim Morrison of the Doors arrested on plane for being drunk, probably more too.
Thought for Today: “Fear is the tax that conscience pays to guilt.”
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hello Speakies:
Tropical Storm Ida struck the Mobile, Alabama Bay area late last night, I hope the damage was not severe and the residents are doing fine. The storm will bring rain to Florida and start extending northward later in the day. Be careful traveling and always keep your eyes peeled for the other guy.
Today we celebrate:
Area Code Day – I remember the good old days just a few numbers.
Marine Corps Birthday
National Young Reader’s Day
I’ll share a hospital test story with you today. This morning I had a CT Scan scheduled at our local hospital for 8:30 a.m. with an arrival time of 6:30 a.m. I knew the early arrival time was for drinking that awful stuff they call contrast prior to the test. Well I was up and at them at 4:00 a.m. shaving, brushing teeth and showering. Today was also garbage day so that went out before I left. I got all my stuff ready for work, my soup for lunch, my little ditty bag that holds all the necessities of day and with 5:30 on my watch I headed out. I arrived at the hospital at 6:00 a.m. a little early, but if I get in there’s a chance I’m out earlier. Once checking in at the reception desk, I was ready to begin my adventure. Out comes a technician with 2 bottles of a clear liquid advising me I must drink both. With stomach starting to turn I opened the first, took a swallow, not bad, no taste just like ice water, drank that one down with one more to follow. At 6:00 in the morning I rather have coffee than ice water and the second bottle was half finished and dumped. I was finally taken to the ready room as I call it, the place you receive your IV needle and finish off another bottle of wonder water. Having bad veins it was a struggle to set the IV but finally a young nurse with ice cold hands kept pounding my arm trying to find a vein. Success at last she said as she set the IV needle into my hand. Now she said, “Please drink this other bottle of contrast before the test.” I did my best but could only down a 1/2. I proceeded to the testing area and all went fine. I was happy to be on my way, looking forward to a large cup of coffee and some cookies at work.
May your day be pleasant and happy Guys and Dolls and I maybe back later if I don’t fall asleep.
Tropical Storm Ida struck the Mobile, Alabama Bay area late last night, I hope the damage was not severe and the residents are doing fine. The storm will bring rain to Florida and start extending northward later in the day. Be careful traveling and always keep your eyes peeled for the other guy.
Today we celebrate:
Area Code Day – I remember the good old days just a few numbers.
Marine Corps Birthday
National Young Reader’s Day
I’ll share a hospital test story with you today. This morning I had a CT Scan scheduled at our local hospital for 8:30 a.m. with an arrival time of 6:30 a.m. I knew the early arrival time was for drinking that awful stuff they call contrast prior to the test. Well I was up and at them at 4:00 a.m. shaving, brushing teeth and showering. Today was also garbage day so that went out before I left. I got all my stuff ready for work, my soup for lunch, my little ditty bag that holds all the necessities of day and with 5:30 on my watch I headed out. I arrived at the hospital at 6:00 a.m. a little early, but if I get in there’s a chance I’m out earlier. Once checking in at the reception desk, I was ready to begin my adventure. Out comes a technician with 2 bottles of a clear liquid advising me I must drink both. With stomach starting to turn I opened the first, took a swallow, not bad, no taste just like ice water, drank that one down with one more to follow. At 6:00 in the morning I rather have coffee than ice water and the second bottle was half finished and dumped. I was finally taken to the ready room as I call it, the place you receive your IV needle and finish off another bottle of wonder water. Having bad veins it was a struggle to set the IV but finally a young nurse with ice cold hands kept pounding my arm trying to find a vein. Success at last she said as she set the IV needle into my hand. Now she said, “Please drink this other bottle of contrast before the test.” I did my best but could only down a 1/2. I proceeded to the testing area and all went fine. I was happy to be on my way, looking forward to a large cup of coffee and some cookies at work.
May your day be pleasant and happy Guys and Dolls and I maybe back later if I don’t fall asleep.
Monday, November 9, 2009
OK Speakies:
Time to wake up the grey matter, let us see who was born today, died today and what made history today.
1886 – Ed Wynn comedian.
1915 – Sargent Shriver – Directed the Peace Corp.
1918 – Spiro T. Agnew 39th Vice President, also a crook.
1931 – Whitey Herzog – Baseball manager.
1932 – Carl Perkins – Mr. Blue Suede Shoes.
1934 – Carl Sagan – Author.
1935 – Bob Gibson – St. Louis Cardinals pitcher.
1951 – Lou Ferrigno – “The Hulk.”
1970 – Charles DeGaulle – French President.
1980 – Victor Sen Yung – Hop Sing from Bonanza.
1988 – John Mitchell – Former Attorney General and another crook.
Stuff that Happened:
1821 – 1st US pharmacy college holds classes in Philadelphia.
1872 – Fire destroys nearly 1,000 buildings in Boston.
1915 – Italian liner Ancona sunk by German U-Boat.
1927 – Giant Panda discovered in China.
1938 –“Kristallnacht” – Nazi storm troopers attack Jews.
1938 – Al Capp cartoonist creates Sadie Hawkins Day.
1965 – Great NYC and Northeast blackout.
1971 – John List kills family and moves to Colorado.
1984 – Vietnam Veterans Memorial of the 3 Servicemen is completed.
Here’s a thought for today: “Beauty seldom recommends one woman to another.” With that thought have a pleasant evening my guys and dolls.
Time to wake up the grey matter, let us see who was born today, died today and what made history today.
1886 – Ed Wynn comedian.
1915 – Sargent Shriver – Directed the Peace Corp.
1918 – Spiro T. Agnew 39th Vice President, also a crook.
1931 – Whitey Herzog – Baseball manager.
1932 – Carl Perkins – Mr. Blue Suede Shoes.
1934 – Carl Sagan – Author.
1935 – Bob Gibson – St. Louis Cardinals pitcher.
1951 – Lou Ferrigno – “The Hulk.”
1970 – Charles DeGaulle – French President.
1980 – Victor Sen Yung – Hop Sing from Bonanza.
1988 – John Mitchell – Former Attorney General and another crook.
Stuff that Happened:
1821 – 1st US pharmacy college holds classes in Philadelphia.
1872 – Fire destroys nearly 1,000 buildings in Boston.
1915 – Italian liner Ancona sunk by German U-Boat.
1927 – Giant Panda discovered in China.
1938 –“Kristallnacht” – Nazi storm troopers attack Jews.
1938 – Al Capp cartoonist creates Sadie Hawkins Day.
1965 – Great NYC and Northeast blackout.
1971 – John List kills family and moves to Colorado.
1984 – Vietnam Veterans Memorial of the 3 Servicemen is completed.
Here’s a thought for today: “Beauty seldom recommends one woman to another.” With that thought have a pleasant evening my guys and dolls.
Guys and Dolls:
A happy Monday to you all, hoping your weekend was filled with fun and you all rested well to begin a new week. The Iggles lost to those Dallas Cowboys last night but we get another shot at them in December. I heard from my Blog friend Mack, he is back in business after some computer failure, it’s nice to see his posts about a great section in Trenton, NJ called the “Burg.” There are some great pictures and comments from those who lived there, a great deal of history and memories. If you read my blog and are from that area check it out at
Today we celebrate World Orphans Day, wouldn’t it be nice not to have any orphans or neglected children in the world but we live in a real world where someone will always abuse a child in one way or the other. It’s a shame and all I can say is take care of the little ones and watch over them.
Well I may dig up some history for today and be back at you guys. Have a great day and be careful out there.
A happy Monday to you all, hoping your weekend was filled with fun and you all rested well to begin a new week. The Iggles lost to those Dallas Cowboys last night but we get another shot at them in December. I heard from my Blog friend Mack, he is back in business after some computer failure, it’s nice to see his posts about a great section in Trenton, NJ called the “Burg.” There are some great pictures and comments from those who lived there, a great deal of history and memories. If you read my blog and are from that area check it out at
Today we celebrate World Orphans Day, wouldn’t it be nice not to have any orphans or neglected children in the world but we live in a real world where someone will always abuse a child in one way or the other. It’s a shame and all I can say is take care of the little ones and watch over them.
Well I may dig up some history for today and be back at you guys. Have a great day and be careful out there.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Good Day Again Guys and Dolls:
On Fridays I try not to bring you depressing stories out of Florida, but this one touches the funny bone. Out of Palm Bay, Florida comes the story of the “Weed Minister.” A jury yesterday found Minister Swallick guilty on all counts of manufacturing and possession of cannabis along with larceny of a utility service. The good reverend is the minister of a church called “The Hawaiian Cannabis Ministries.” Boy that name will tip off the cops in no time. He was originally raised a Catholic, but became a minister of the Universal Life Church, which will allow anyone to become a minister immediately. I wonder if I could become Reverend JoeyZ of the Church of the Holy Blog. The poor reverend admitted he used weed as food, oil for ceremonies and a thousand other uses. I bet he puffed a few too. Now he’s in jail, no bond until sentencing, the reverend is looking at 10 to 20.
They give cannabis to cancer patients, we smoked it in Nam, maybe consider making it legal on a limited basis and go after the real crime in this country, the murderers, rapists, child molesters and the other scum that walk the earth. Strictly the opinion of JoeyZ.
On Fridays I try not to bring you depressing stories out of Florida, but this one touches the funny bone. Out of Palm Bay, Florida comes the story of the “Weed Minister.” A jury yesterday found Minister Swallick guilty on all counts of manufacturing and possession of cannabis along with larceny of a utility service. The good reverend is the minister of a church called “The Hawaiian Cannabis Ministries.” Boy that name will tip off the cops in no time. He was originally raised a Catholic, but became a minister of the Universal Life Church, which will allow anyone to become a minister immediately. I wonder if I could become Reverend JoeyZ of the Church of the Holy Blog. The poor reverend admitted he used weed as food, oil for ceremonies and a thousand other uses. I bet he puffed a few too. Now he’s in jail, no bond until sentencing, the reverend is looking at 10 to 20.
They give cannabis to cancer patients, we smoked it in Nam, maybe consider making it legal on a limited basis and go after the real crime in this country, the murderers, rapists, child molesters and the other scum that walk the earth. Strictly the opinion of JoeyZ.
Happy Friday Speakies:
Well the weekend is just hours near and soon we’ll break out the beer. Speaking of beers, I tried a new one last weekend call Chang (pronounced Chong). The beer was featured on a TV show called Three Sheets. Chang is a lager beer which is brewed in Thailand and very popular in Southeast Asia and England. I purchased a case and after a few hours of fishing with my son we downed a few. It had a nice light taste and not too filling. I gave a bottle to my other son who noticed on the bottle the following, “Best if Used by 9-9-09.” What the hell it still tastes good.
This weekend we can clang our Changs to the following holidays:
Pumpkin Chunkin Days – Break out those homemade cannons.
Fala Day – Tis the Season to be Jolly.
International Tongue Twister Day
Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day – That’s a day for the Dolls.
Cook Something Bold and Pungent – Sounds strange to me.
Happy Birthdays today to:
John Phillip Sousa – That Marching Man
Ignace Jan Paderewski – Great Polish Composer and Patriot.
James A. Naismith – Inventor of Basketball.
Heinrich Himmler – Nazi SS Leader
Sally Field – Actress “The Gidget.”
Maria Shriver – Governor Arnold’s Doll.
If I don’t return to the Blog today, have a great weekend Speakies, have fun and be careful out there.
Well the weekend is just hours near and soon we’ll break out the beer. Speaking of beers, I tried a new one last weekend call Chang (pronounced Chong). The beer was featured on a TV show called Three Sheets. Chang is a lager beer which is brewed in Thailand and very popular in Southeast Asia and England. I purchased a case and after a few hours of fishing with my son we downed a few. It had a nice light taste and not too filling. I gave a bottle to my other son who noticed on the bottle the following, “Best if Used by 9-9-09.” What the hell it still tastes good.
This weekend we can clang our Changs to the following holidays:
Pumpkin Chunkin Days – Break out those homemade cannons.
Fala Day – Tis the Season to be Jolly.
International Tongue Twister Day
Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day – That’s a day for the Dolls.
Cook Something Bold and Pungent – Sounds strange to me.
Happy Birthdays today to:
John Phillip Sousa – That Marching Man
Ignace Jan Paderewski – Great Polish Composer and Patriot.
James A. Naismith – Inventor of Basketball.
Heinrich Himmler – Nazi SS Leader
Sally Field – Actress “The Gidget.”
Maria Shriver – Governor Arnold’s Doll.
If I don’t return to the Blog today, have a great weekend Speakies, have fun and be careful out there.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Before I sign off this afternoon thanks for stopping by the blog goes out to Cebu, Cebu City in the Philippines.
Good Day Speakies:
Well I have to say Congrats to those Damn Yankees for winning the Series. Home field is a great advantage and the Yankees used it to theirs. I’ll always be a Phillies fan no matter what place they finish in and I congratulate them for a great season. GO IGGLES.
For you Guys and Dolls planning to visit Florida later this week, the weather is turning cooler, highs will be in the upper 70”s to low 80’s and in the evenings a little dip to the 60’s. The forecast is also for fair skies. Hurricane Ida may play a part in the weather sometimes next week.
Today is National Men Make Dinner Day so for all you guys home today, get the pans out and serve a great dinner for your Doll. Pizza and beer sounds good, maybe a nice chili dog with fries. Here’s a better idea Guys, call your Doll, tell her to be ready by 7 p.m. and take her to a nice place for cocktails and dinner. People are always talking about fusion food, East meets West. Lenny Briscoe on Law and Order said it the best, “Fusion is Cheeseburger meets French Fries.”
Well if I don’t speak to you later, have a great rest of the day and evening. Always tell the ones you love, you love them and be careful out there. Tomorrow is TGIF and the weekend is one day closer.
Well I have to say Congrats to those Damn Yankees for winning the Series. Home field is a great advantage and the Yankees used it to theirs. I’ll always be a Phillies fan no matter what place they finish in and I congratulate them for a great season. GO IGGLES.
For you Guys and Dolls planning to visit Florida later this week, the weather is turning cooler, highs will be in the upper 70”s to low 80’s and in the evenings a little dip to the 60’s. The forecast is also for fair skies. Hurricane Ida may play a part in the weather sometimes next week.
Today is National Men Make Dinner Day so for all you guys home today, get the pans out and serve a great dinner for your Doll. Pizza and beer sounds good, maybe a nice chili dog with fries. Here’s a better idea Guys, call your Doll, tell her to be ready by 7 p.m. and take her to a nice place for cocktails and dinner. People are always talking about fusion food, East meets West. Lenny Briscoe on Law and Order said it the best, “Fusion is Cheeseburger meets French Fries.”
Well if I don’t speak to you later, have a great rest of the day and evening. Always tell the ones you love, you love them and be careful out there. Tomorrow is TGIF and the weekend is one day closer.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Hello Speakies:
Just stopped by real quick to say hello and thanks to two new visitors for stopping by the blog.
Thanks to Israel and Eschborn Hesse Germany. Danke.
Just stopped by real quick to say hello and thanks to two new visitors for stopping by the blog.
Thanks to Israel and Eschborn Hesse Germany. Danke.
Good Morning Guys and Dolls:
A happy “Hump Day” to you all. Game 6 of the World Series tonight, hoping the Phillies can take 2 more from the Yankees. Today we celebrate the following observances:
National Chicken Lady Day – Could be anything related to women and chickens, I’ll let this one slide.
Use Your Common Sense Day – The world would be a better place if we all used our noodles.
Birthdays Today:
1879 – Will Rogers – American humorist.
1916 – Walter Cronkite – One of the best news anchors ever.
1918 – Art Carney – Ed Norton of the Honeymooners, “Hey Ralphie Boy.”
1931 – Darla Hood – Little Rascals cutie.
1937 – Loretta Swift – Hotlips Houlihan of M*A*S*H.
1962 – Ralph Macchio – The Karate Kid.
If I catch any crazies down here or some idiot gets my gander, I’ll be back. Have a great day gang.
A happy “Hump Day” to you all. Game 6 of the World Series tonight, hoping the Phillies can take 2 more from the Yankees. Today we celebrate the following observances:
National Chicken Lady Day – Could be anything related to women and chickens, I’ll let this one slide.
Use Your Common Sense Day – The world would be a better place if we all used our noodles.
Birthdays Today:
1879 – Will Rogers – American humorist.
1916 – Walter Cronkite – One of the best news anchors ever.
1918 – Art Carney – Ed Norton of the Honeymooners, “Hey Ralphie Boy.”
1931 – Darla Hood – Little Rascals cutie.
1937 – Loretta Swift – Hotlips Houlihan of M*A*S*H.
1962 – Ralph Macchio – The Karate Kid.
If I catch any crazies down here or some idiot gets my gander, I’ll be back. Have a great day gang.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Good Day Speakies:
Sorry readers a little under the weather yesterday and trying to catch up today. Phillies pulled one out last night, win or lose once you are a fan you are a fan till the end. I hope all my Guys and Dolls are doing great. I may return later time permitting. Celebrate Sandwich Day today, nice cheese steak, maybe a meatball on torpedo roll with Marinara sauce or whatever you like. Be careful out there.
Sorry readers a little under the weather yesterday and trying to catch up today. Phillies pulled one out last night, win or lose once you are a fan you are a fan till the end. I hope all my Guys and Dolls are doing great. I may return later time permitting. Celebrate Sandwich Day today, nice cheese steak, maybe a meatball on torpedo roll with Marinara sauce or whatever you like. Be careful out there.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy November Speakies:
I could not wait until Monday to wish all my Guys and Dolls a Happy November. I hoped you all remembered to turn your clocks back last night if not; you woke up an hour too early. November has some neat monthly observances so here’s a few to enjoy:
American Indian Heritage Month
Aviation History Month – Love history
Family Stories Month – I’m sure we all have a few of those stories to tell.
Lung Cancer Awareness Month – Throw them smokes away and live longer.
National Georgia Pecan Month – The nuts are rolling down the road in Georgia.
National Novel Writing Month – My next great venture.
National Peanut Butter Lovers Month – Don’t want to know what you do with that peanut butter.
National Pomegranate Month – We called them Indian Apples.
Today we celebrate:
All Saints Day
Zero Tasking Day – No tasks for me today.
I could not wait until Monday to wish all my Guys and Dolls a Happy November. I hoped you all remembered to turn your clocks back last night if not; you woke up an hour too early. November has some neat monthly observances so here’s a few to enjoy:
American Indian Heritage Month
Aviation History Month – Love history
Family Stories Month – I’m sure we all have a few of those stories to tell.
Lung Cancer Awareness Month – Throw them smokes away and live longer.
National Georgia Pecan Month – The nuts are rolling down the road in Georgia.
National Novel Writing Month – My next great venture.
National Peanut Butter Lovers Month – Don’t want to know what you do with that peanut butter.
National Pomegranate Month – We called them Indian Apples.
Today we celebrate:
All Saints Day
Zero Tasking Day – No tasks for me today.
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