St. Augustine, Florida

May 24, 2013

We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.
Christmas Eve 2012
NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten
Luck Be A Lady
Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth
Nina June 2013
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thanks Roe
Rosemary broke down some of my posts into a Label Section on the main page. She also added some new music for me. Thanks Honey for all your help. This kid would be lost without her. She included the headers of Trenton stuff, my Book, and Florida and the Crazies. I will be placing any new blogs regarding those topics there. If anyone would like to add to those posts please do. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Wishing you all the start of a great week.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thanks for the Lyrics Help from Everyone
I'd like to thank Rosemary, Saxman and SJBill regarding the word short in the lyrics to Trickle, Trickle. Rosemary said it relates to the Cadillac, Bill said it relates to a car and Sax said the word is show. I checked several lyric sites and the word is show, the only reference to short is in the lyrics by the Manhattan Transfer. Well we got that straight. There's a picture of my grandparents house on Cliff St. posted by Mack, thanks Mack for taking the time. Wonder what the area is really like these days.
Not much happening down here today, weather is turning warmer and thunderstorms are expected over the weekend, need the rain bad, lot of fires. Haven't heard much from Barb P lately, hey Barb drop us a line.
If there is anything you guys what to inject in my Blog feel free the more the merrier. Have a great weekend all. To my son Jeff and my daughter-in-law Sam, thanks for reading the blog of the old man. Take care, love ya's.
Not much happening down here today, weather is turning warmer and thunderstorms are expected over the weekend, need the rain bad, lot of fires. Haven't heard much from Barb P lately, hey Barb drop us a line.
If there is anything you guys what to inject in my Blog feel free the more the merrier. Have a great weekend all. To my son Jeff and my daughter-in-law Sam, thanks for reading the blog of the old man. Take care, love ya's.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Kid is on Fire
Good day for writing today, wrote six new entries in my new book, the mind brought back some old memories and I just zipped them down. Now my brain is in neutral for awhile. Mack and I discussed St. Frank, excuse me while I "make the sign of the cross", and cheese steaks.
Jersey people know what we are talking about. I have a question for the lovers of oldies or doo wop, one of my favorite songs is Trickle Trickle by the Videos. In the lyrics is a line "Please lend me your short". Does anyone know what a short is? Mack you can post that on your blog also or send them to mine for the answer. Everyone have a great evening and thanks for stopping by.
Jersey people know what we are talking about. I have a question for the lovers of oldies or doo wop, one of my favorite songs is Trickle Trickle by the Videos. In the lyrics is a line "Please lend me your short". Does anyone know what a short is? Mack you can post that on your blog also or send them to mine for the answer. Everyone have a great evening and thanks for stopping by.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Happy Tuesday to Everyone
Not much happening today, trying to gather some thoughts to write in my new book, at times your mind goes blank for ideas. I'm having one of those brain farts now. Want to thank my son Jeff for his invitation to salt water fish with him next time we are in Sarasota. Sounds good Jeff.
Anyone reading this blog, feel free to post your comments. To all a good evening.
Anyone reading this blog, feel free to post your comments. To all a good evening.
Monday, March 23, 2009
We Got One
Another loon is behind the beloved bars of justice today. Marion County, Florida, nimyo Charlie McCall filled his girlfriend's mouth with gasoline and threatened to light it. This is only after he beats her with a tire iron. It was reported that poor Charlie was just released the day prior from jail. In my book, Charlie has a place to go along with his other intellectual cohorts. Just the facts, all these are true stories, taken from the Florida news media.
Great Time in Sarasota
Jeff and Sam: Just wanted you to know I really had a great time visiting you and the little ones. They are characters, especially that little one. I really missed Nina and Ian and it was great to be there for Ian's birthday party. I missed you guys too. You have given Mom and I our most cherished gift those grandchildren. You take care of yourselves and those little ones always. I love you all and thanks for everything on Saturday. Love Dad.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The Weekend is Near
Not much happening today and only 2 hours from quitting time. Roe is heading to Al's Pizza and tonight it's Pizza, Beer and a Movie. I want to wish my little grandson Ian a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HE TURNED 2 YEARS OLD TODAY, LOVE YOU IAN. To everyone, have a great weekend and don't let the crazies get you on the streets.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thanks Mack and a Crazies Update from Florida
First of all I'd like to thank Mack for posting pictures of my grandmother's house back in New Jersey, also my old place of employment. To anyone who reads my blog, Mack's site brings back memories of those who lived in Trenton, NJ and familiar with the Chambersburg area. It's a great site, check it out. The site address is
Now as I promised we have 3 crazies to report on today, these are all headline stories from Central Florida:
1. Teen Chokes Father for Selling Truck. This 15 year old bozo chokes his 71 year old father for selling a truck he's been driving. Junior bozo has a long criminal history and was out on bail. Why was he out? Nimyo Judges that's why.
2. Student, Age 15, Suspended for Passing Gas. Boy's father says his suspension stinks.
3. Woman Hits Man on I-4, Chases Him with Knife. I guess she wanted to finish the job. Thank God she's in custody and he's in the hospital.
By the way the Soup Cook-off went well, plenty to eat and my friend Ana won top prize.
Have a great day.
Now as I promised we have 3 crazies to report on today, these are all headline stories from Central Florida:
1. Teen Chokes Father for Selling Truck. This 15 year old bozo chokes his 71 year old father for selling a truck he's been driving. Junior bozo has a long criminal history and was out on bail. Why was he out? Nimyo Judges that's why.
2. Student, Age 15, Suspended for Passing Gas. Boy's father says his suspension stinks.
3. Woman Hits Man on I-4, Chases Him with Knife. I guess she wanted to finish the job. Thank God she's in custody and he's in the hospital.
By the way the Soup Cook-off went well, plenty to eat and my friend Ana won top prize.
Have a great day.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
9th Annual Soup Cook-off
I work at a cool place, an Environmental Laboratory. Tomorrow is our 9th Annual Lab Soup Cook-off at lunch time. We have staff members that volunteer to make soups, the others sign-up for their own specialty side dishes or desserts. It's just a fun filled few hours and afterwards the best soup is chosen and a certificate is given to the winner. I donate a side dish but my most fun is making up sarcastic signs for each soup and contestant. We also do this for our annual chili cook-off. Just a fun time for all here. Everyone has to break the ice now and then.
No crazies to report on today, but I'm sure they are lurking in the shadows. Everyone have a great evening and we'll blog tomorrow.
No crazies to report on today, but I'm sure they are lurking in the shadows. Everyone have a great evening and we'll blog tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Pizza and Crazies
Just to alert anyone coming to Central Florida from the New Jersey area, here are my 2choices for pizza down here to try, in Kissimmee, we have LaForchetta and Al's. In the Winter Garden area of Florida, my cohorts at work say you have to try Winter Garden Pizza Company. Several co-workers attended a conference last year in Jupiter, Florida and loved a place I told them must be good if it's called a tomato pie, the place is Nick's Tomato Pie, 1697 West Indiantown Road, Jupiter, FL. If anyone is down that area, give it a try. Any new ones that come across my desk will be posted here.
Now for the crazies. I believe the crazies all migrate to Florida, this must be their Purgatory until they reach their cosmic end. The TV news is loaded with their stories, so I thought when I come upon a great headline, I will post it on my Blog for all to shake their heads or laugh. To Roe and I the news reporting down here is a joke and I reflected that in my first book. You'll have to buy a copy in August and read it for yourself. Have a nice day and as the crazies arrive, I'll post their headline stories for you.
Now for the crazies. I believe the crazies all migrate to Florida, this must be their Purgatory until they reach their cosmic end. The TV news is loaded with their stories, so I thought when I come upon a great headline, I will post it on my Blog for all to shake their heads or laugh. To Roe and I the news reporting down here is a joke and I reflected that in my first book. You'll have to buy a copy in August and read it for yourself. Have a nice day and as the crazies arrive, I'll post their headline stories for you.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Just a short note today telling all my readers to have a great weekend. Weather is great down here, lower 80's during the day and in the 60's at night. Enjoy whatever you do this weekend and have fun.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
2 Videos on You Tube
My post of March 10 contains 2 videos, I received from Jeff. One is a short trip down Brunswick Ave. in Trenton through Polish town, the other is a farce on the governor and state house about spending. Just copy and paste to your home internet page and watch. Thanks Jeff.
Mack, enjoying your posts keep them coming. Beautiful day here in Florida high near 82 and a nice breeze. Hope you all have a nice day and a wonderful evening. For my readers up north, I hope you watch a TV show called "Life on Mars". Great show based on the 1970's cops in NYC. Sci-Fi twist with 70's background.
Mack, enjoying your posts keep them coming. Beautiful day here in Florida high near 82 and a nice breeze. Hope you all have a nice day and a wonderful evening. For my readers up north, I hope you watch a TV show called "Life on Mars". Great show based on the 1970's cops in NYC. Sci-Fi twist with 70's background.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Greetings from Sunny Florida
Well I can't use Greetings from Asbury Park on this posting, so sunny Florida will have to do. It's a beautiful day, temps in the middle 80's and no rain. Rain we can use, lots of brush fires around the various areas of the state and with no rain thing will not get better. Hope this day finds all my readers doing well. Not much to report on today, no new pizza leads to check out. The other day I was shopping at Target and they had a sample booth featuring pizza. The nice lady asked if I wanted to try a sample and I said sure. It was a store brand pizza, spinach and goat cheese, not bad, had a good taste and for $4 I bought one to take home. I told Roe about the pie and when she is feeling better I'll bake it up and we'll share it with a couple brews. Now I'm a regular pie guy, you know pepperoni, sausage, peppers and anchovies. Stuff like pineapple,ham and chicken does not belong on a pie, but this one I figured keeps with the Italian tradition. Spinach and cheese they go together.
Well if any readers find a good tomato pie place in their travels across Florida, let me know. Everyone have a great evening and enjoy the extra light.
Well if any readers find a good tomato pie place in their travels across Florida, let me know. Everyone have a great evening and enjoy the extra light.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Quit Messing with the Time
Alright everyone it's Daylight Savings Time once again. Bad enough getting up to go to work and it's dark, but driving in it has to go. I know in time it will be lighter in the morning, but I have my right to complain now, as I'm falling asleep at my desk. We need a solution to this time and work problem. Here's my idea, work week should be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only. Hours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., most productive time. Let's face it from 8 a.m. till 10 a.m. all we do is get coffee and catch up on what occurred the night before. After 2 p.m. all we do is watch the clock till 5 p.m. comes, so what's the use staying there. On Monday everyone is burned out so no meaningful work is done and let's be honest, Friday is one fun day planning the weekend, taking a longer lunch, why work.
That's my solution simple and easy, saves time, energy and the economy. I like it. Have a great evening everyone. Enjoy.
That's my solution simple and easy, saves time, energy and the economy. I like it. Have a great evening everyone. Enjoy.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Saturday, March7,2009
Just a fast weekend post to say hello to everyone, don't forget to put your clocks ahead 1 hour before bed time.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thanks to Jeff
I believe this came from my son Jeff in Sarasota, he's a big DeLorenzo's fan along with Nino's on Chambers Street. Check this video out on You Tube. Enjoy, did I see Barb P. coming in with the crowd.
Book Update
Received all the necessary paperwork to complete the processing portion of publishing my book. Roe and I chose a cover, inside page design, and I filled out the tax form.
Copyrighted material a concern, reviewed the manuscript, made some changes, but I really never used any copyrighted material. Finally reached the project manager today, they were having problems with Hotmail Accounts, very apologetic, advised me to e-mail the final version plus send a hard disk copy. Did all that, ready to roll, will receive sample in a few weeks. Book should be on market in August of 2009. Will let you all know so you can buy one. Everyone have a great weekend and keeping eating those tomato pies.
Copyrighted material a concern, reviewed the manuscript, made some changes, but I really never used any copyrighted material. Finally reached the project manager today, they were having problems with Hotmail Accounts, very apologetic, advised me to e-mail the final version plus send a hard disk copy. Did all that, ready to roll, will receive sample in a few weeks. Book should be on market in August of 2009. Will let you all know so you can buy one. Everyone have a great weekend and keeping eating those tomato pies.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Very Proud
Just wanted to let everyone know how proud I am of Roe being chosen as a new design board team member in her scrapbooking adventures.
Weather warming up here in Florida and one busy day here at work. Almost time to leave, everyone have a good evening.
Weather warming up here in Florida and one busy day here at work. Almost time to leave, everyone have a good evening.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Thanks Tomato Pie Lovers
Thank you Barb and Stephen on your tomato pie comments. You just keep making me hungry.
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