St. Augustine, Florida

St. Augustine, Florida
May 24, 2013


We adopted Luee from the Humane Society in 1996. He was 2 years old, but still a pup. He has slowed down a bit; his age is catching up to him. He is the best dog anyone could ever have. Luee had to be put to sleep on April 15, 2009. Rest in Peace Pup.

Christmas Eve 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

NINA HULA 7/28/2012

NINA HULA 7/28/2012

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian

Jeff, Sam, Nina and Ian
Ian's Graduation from Kindergarten

Luck Be A Lady

Luck Be A Lady

Little GQ 12/12

Little GQ 12/12

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012

Joey and Elizabeth

Joey and Elizabeth

Nina June 2013

Nina June 2013

Monday, May 31, 2010


Good Morning Guys and Dolls:

Most of us are off today to celebrate a holiday with family and friends. Maybe a cook-out or a day at the beach filled with food, drink and laughter. Just for a minute today I ask all my Speakies to stop and remember those who gave their lives for our freedom today. It only takes a minute to say a small prayer of thanks for those we remember this day. Have a wonderfull day with those you love and enjoy the freedom you have.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Hello Speakies:

We have a “Bozo of the Day” to tell you about. This story comes out of Port St. Lucie, Florida where a 39-year-old man had charges brought against him for feeding hot dogs to an alligator in his back yard. Police spotted this guy opening his back gate, walking to the canal and dropping a bag of hot dogs to a 4-foot gator rest on the grass. One can not feed gators in Florida it desensitizes the animals to humans and encourages their search for more grub.

Let’s call this guy Bob and the gator Pete can you imagine if Pete the gator could talk and say, “Hey Bob how about a Chili Dog or an Italian Hot Dog with mustard, peppers and potatoes on a nice Italian roll.” The truth of this story is that Pete was put to sleep and someone will be eating gator nuggets in the near future and possibly wearing a nice pair of boots.


TGIF Speakies:

Not only is it Friday, but the start of the Memorial Day Weekend and no work on Monday. Lets not forget to stop and remember in silence those men and women who gave their lives for this country. Honor them on Monday with a small prayer and thanks.

We do have some holidays to raise our glasses to after washing down those burgers and dogs, so let’s get started.


Slugs Return From Capistrano Day - Celebrates the slugs’ return to lawns and gardens.

Sierra Club Day - Their mission is to explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives.


International Jazz Day – Break out the Sex, oops I mean Sax and have fun.


Hug Your Cat Day – Hear that Elizabeth, grab Alley and give her a hug.

Loomis Day – Mahlon Loomis (1826-1886), whose accomplishments are celebrated on Loomis Day, believed it was possible to harness the upper atmosphere’s electrical currents to successfully transfer telegraph messages without wire.

Indianapolis 500 Day – Gentlemen start your engines.


World No Tobacco Day – Never see it.

Well Guys and Dolls I wish you all a great holiday weekend, stay safe and be careful out there.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Happy Thursday Guys and Dolls:

Thought I would bring you a news story headline today from Central Florida that just cracked me up this morning. “The City of Ocala Puts Out Contract On Ducks.” Who is going to make the hit, Bobby the Beak, Tony Two-Feathers, Nicky Talons or Chester the Nester? Actually the city is getting rid of Muscovy Ducks that live around the ponds at the city parks. The duck poop is causing a mess at the parks and the city wants to protect the health and welfare of its citizens. I posted a picture of the man who should get the job done.

P.S. Some local farmer has agreed to take the ducks. What a guy!!!!!

Today we also celebrate one major holiday, “National Cellophane Tape Day.” That handy dandy item was given a patent this very day of May 27.

Some Birthday people to honor today are:

1837 – “Wild Bill” Hickok (James Butler) Cowboy and Scout.
1911 – Vincent Price – Actor – House on Haunted Hill, The House of Usher, The Fly and the voice of Michael Jackson’s “The Thriller.”
1915 – Herman Wouk – Novelist – Caine Mutiny and the Winds of War.
1923 – Henry Kissinger – US Secretary of State.
1935 – Ramsey Lewis – Pop Jazz artist, “Hang on Sloopy.”
1943 – Bruce Weitz – Actor – Hill Street Blues.

Died Today:

1949 – Robert L. Ripley – Cartoonist “Ripley’s Believe It or Not.”
1969 – Jeffrey Hunter – Actor – Greatest Story Ever Told, The Searchers, he also played Captain Christopher Pike in the original “Star Trek” series.
And finally in 1992 – Tony “Big Tuna” Accardo – Mobster involved in the St. Valentine’s Day job in Chicago.

I leave you hoping you all have a great day and now a little Chinese Aphorism “Useless talk like boat without oar – get no place.”

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Hello Again Speakies:

I did not think I would be back today with another post but we have a "BOZO OF THE DAY." This sad story comes out of Orlando, Florida. An Orange County man had the nerve to set his 1-year-old Lab out as trash earlier this week. This nimrod put the canine in his crate, covered him with a blanket and placed him out on the curb with his other trash. The dog had a broken leg from being hit by a car that was never treated by a vet.

The happy ending is that the dog was rescued, surgery was performed to repair his leg and he is now up for adoption in good spirits and ready for a loving home. No name was reported to the identity of the Bozo who in my opinion should be placed in a crate with stale crackers and water for 30 days, naked in the hot sun and on exhibition. People like you Bozo frost my ba- - s.


Happy Hump Day Speakies:

Well being on vacation last week with our good friends Joe and Kim, we had a chance to visit some restaurants and today I thought I’d give my reviews on the places we dined. I recommend these places if you are planning a visit to Central Florida and I hope they don’t disappoint.

Our first dinner was at Maggiano’s Little Italy, Pointe Orlando, FL at 9101 International Dr. They are listed on the web with directions and full menus for lunch and dinner. Roe and I have dined there for lunch on several occasions but with our friends we arrived for an early dinner. We decided to try their family style menu and we were not disappointed with the selections and quality of the food. The family style is priced per person and the plates won’t stop coming until you had your fill. It is available for parties of 4 or more only. There are three choices: Chef’s Choice, Classic and Light. The courses are appetizers, salads, pastas, entrees and finally desserts. I recommend the Mussels Diavolo and the Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes under the Chef’s Choice for the appetizers. We enjoyed the Caesar and Chopped salads and for the pasta dishes the Four Cheese Ravioli and Lobster Fettuccine. For the main Entrees, pick what you like, we chose the Veal Parmesan and Medallions of Beef all delicious to the taste buds. Desserts and all the dishes we had left-over came home with us for dinner the next day. This place is a must.

The next dining experience was a new place, “Santa Fe Cattle Company”, a chain primarily located in the Southern states. This location was at Sunrise Plaza Dr. in Clermont, Florida. Reasonably priced starters, salads and soups, steaks, ribs, combo platters, chicken and seafood. Roe enjoyed the Duke’s Chicken Fried Steak loaded with mash potatoes and gravy. We also dined there for lunch and I truly recommend their Cheesy Cheeseburger. Two for one drinks are available until 7:00 p.m. at their dinner happy hour and I was told they also have a 2 for $12 early bird dinner specials.

We spent are terrific sightseeing day in St. Augustine, Florida and enjoyed a great pizza at “Pizzalley’s Chianti Room”. It is located at 117 Saint George Street in St. Augustine. Now here’s the thing, there are two entrances, we entered to what was a 5 table place with a long hallway and was advised there was dining in the rear. We proceed down this hallway to an outside garden and through another door which led to a neat little Chianti Room. The pizza, beer and drinks were great. We also had great service and witty conversations with our server Jeff. If you are in St. Augustine and want pizza, this is a good place to go sit down and relax.

Finally if you are planning a visit to Walt Disney World and staying at any of their resorts or plan to have dinner, I recommend the “Cape May Seafood Buffet” at the Beach Club Resort. The selection of seafood is good along with two carving stations, ribs, chicken etc. Reservations in advanced are necessary.

Well there are my recent reviews and if you are planning a visit check them out. Have a great day and a wonderful evening Guys and Dolls.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Good Afternoon Speakies:

I am always looking for something new to write to keep my blog interesting for all you Guys and Dolls. Well today not only will we have a Florida Crazies and Other Things Lookout, but a new topic when available, “Bozo of the Day.” Idiots or stupido’s making headlines in the news, so let’s get started with our first BOZO. Real names will not be mentioned and the places may have their names changed to protect the stupid.

Out of Iowa comes the story of a father charged with three counts of child endangerment and public intoxication late Sunday. Bozo Billy was downing a few at Lenny’s Place (it’s not really a deli or pizza joint as one can guess), while his three children, ages 4, 6 and 8 were left outside playing near an intersection where bystanders called the police for the children’s safety. When the police arrived Bozo Billy’s BAC was .233 and his wife was called to pickup the children. I’m sure that after the police get through with this great father image unless his wife is a real jerk too, will probably get the sh-- kicked out of him at home.

All JoeyZ can say is “YOU DESERVE IT BOZO.”


Happy Tuesday Speakies:

Nice to be back from vacation, so let’s get started with those holidays we celebrate today.

Cookie Monster’s Birthday – Happy “B-Day” and have a Cookie Cookie on JoeyZ.

National Missing Children’s Day – I wish authorities would find every child
safe and sound.

National Tap Dance Day – Everybody put on that Top Hat and Tails and dance to Putting on the Ritz. There was a great scene from Young Frankenstein.

Nerd Pride Day – I’m sure some TV station in the US will be running a Revenge of the Nerds marathon. Go Skolnick.

Let’s see who was born, died and stuff that happened this date of May 25:

Left Momma’s Belly:

1803 – Ralph Waldo Emerson – US essayist.
1878 – Bill “Bojangles” Robinson – Actor.
1889 – Igor Sikorsky – That helicopter man.
1919 – Lindsey Nelson – Sportscaster NY Mets.
1939 – Dixie Carter – Actress Designing Women fame.
1969 – Anne Heche – Actress.

Kicked the Bucket:

1946 – Patty Smith Hill – Songwriter “Happy Birthday To You.”
1990 – Vic Tayback – Mel’s Diner actor.
1996 – Buck the Dog – Married with Children fame.

Stuff Today:

1660 – King Charles II land in Dover, glad he landed somewhere.
1721 – John Copson becomes America’s first insurance agent, the GECKO arrives shortly after.
1928 – Amelia Earhart – First women to fly Atlantic Ocean as a passenger.
1935 – Jesse Owens breaks 6 world records in one hour.
1962 – Isley Brothers release “Twist and Shout.”
1965 – Muhammad Ali KOs the Bear Sonny Liston.
1986 – 95-year old woman scores a hole-in-one in Florida.

That is enough for today, have a great Tuesday Guys and Dolls and the same goes for your evening.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Good Day Guys and Dolls:

My post today is going to be short and sweet. JoeyZ is back from a relaxing and fun filled week with Roe and very special friends Joe and Kim. Joe and I worked together many years ago and I have always considered him my best friend, along with his lovely wife. We had not seen each other in six-years but last week sure made up those years with fun, laughter, dinners and traveling about. It was also nice to share our wedding anniversary with a great dinner and our friends. Joe and Kim, let’s not make it that long again. You know friendship is truly like fine wine it only gets better. Thanks for sharing your time with Roe and I.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:

The weekend is near and here are the holidays to raise your glasses to this weekend:


Mike, The Headless Chicken Day - Mike the Headless Chicken (April 1945 – March 1947), also known as Miracle Mike, was a chicken that lived for 18 months after its head had been mostly cut off. Read the story on the net.

National Chicken Dance Day – My sons loved the “Chicken Polka” when they were little. And a one and a two.


National Chocolate Chip Day – Love chocolate chip ice cream.

Nylon Stockings Day – With a garter belt this could be one sexy holiday.

Peace Officer Memorial Day – A day of honor for those who protected.

National Pizza Party Day – I want a DeLorenzo’s Tomato Pie or a Sicilian pie from Nino’s.

Armed Forces Day – Honor those who served our country.

Straw Hat Day – It is the official start of wearing the straw hat for summer, get rid of those wool caps and felt hats and grab a straw.


National Sea Monkey Day – Remember those from the back ads of comic books when you were a kid. Comic books always advertised great stuff all kids wanted.

NASCAR Day – Celebrate the sport that always turns left and all the fans are downing a six-pack.

Well Speakies, I wish you all a great weekend and I’m looking forward to next week spending it with old friends. See you all soon and I leave you with this Chinese aphorism: “Always pleasant journey which ends among old friends.”

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Good Morning Guys and Dolls:

A happy Thursday morning to you all hoping to find you in good spirits and ready to kick-off another day. A few holidays today:

Ascension Day – The Christian doctrine of the Ascension holds that Jesus ascended to heaven in the presence of his Eleven Apostles following his resurrection, and that in heaven he sits at the right hand of God the Father.

Frog Jumping Day - Frog jumping is a competitive pastime in which frogs compete to jump distances. Frog jumping contests are held in communities throughout the United States, as part of the folk lore. Speaking of frogs here in Florida we have the famous tree frogs. At night they are everywhere and when they land it’s a plop that can be heard afar. The amazing thing is that after an evening rain all you can hear is the “Tree Frog Serenade.”

Root Canal Appreciation Day – You have to be kidding me. I can’t keep my mouth open that long especially when they put that rubber thing around your mouth. This is one holiday I’m not raising my glass to.

For those planning to visit next week the weather looks good, highs in upper 80’s to lower 90’s, little or no rain in sight. Chances for rain are best Monday and Tuesday. There you go a little weather from JoeyZ.

Getting ready for my good friend JoeyG coming down next week to visit, haven’t seen him in about 6 years. Joey was the inspiration for my book and speaking about my book the site is listed on my blog where you can purchase a copy.

Have a great day and evening, enjoy the music as you read the blog.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hello Speakies:

A noon report from Central Florida where the crazies are acting up. Yesterday three crazies made headlines here.

1. In Winter Garden, Florida an attempted home invader mumbled something about Jesus Christ as he tried to enter the home of a female victim with a kitchen knife but was shut out by the woman. She should have had a shotgun and this bozo would have met Christ in person.

2. Sharpes, Florida a 16 year-old was arrested and accused of wanting to blow up his school. They found bomb making instructions, wire cutters and unspecified ingredients for bombs. The kid will be suspended and is currently being held in juvenile detention. This kid is headed for bigger things in his future. Grind his fingers to the nub. I show no mercy.

3. Polk County Florida, an inmate under detention at a local hospital attacked his guard and made a run for it. In the process he lost his clothes and escaped stark naked. He made it a few hundred yards and was captured. "Naked man never get far."

4. Today out of Orlando, Florida a middle school was put on lockdown, seem that happens everyday down in "O" Town. One student threatened to kill another, middle school yet what the hell is wrong with this scene. Put this kid away in some psycho ward for awhile.

There you have it the Crazies for Today.


Happy Hump Day Guys and Dolls:

We are half-way through the work week Speakies and I hope your day will be a fine one. Here in Central Florida the weather is nice and sunny and highs will be in the upper 80’s. We will be hitting the 90’s by the weekend with little rain in sight.

Two birthday wishes go out today from JoeyZ:

1925 – Lawrence “Yogi” Berra – The creator of Yogism.
1937 – George Carlin – My Man. He sure cursed a lot but his monologues made sense and spoke the truth about our society today. Rest in Peace George.

Some holidays today are:

Donate A Day’s Wages to Charity – Good if one can do it.

National Nutty Fudge Day – Hot fudge nut brownies for everyone. I like hot fudge sundaes myself. My son made some good fudge brownies for us on Mother’s Day as dessert, which followed a great dinner, thanks my son.

National School Nurse Day – They must hear a lot of excuses to skip classes. When I was in high school one of guys took his lunch box down to nurse to have it fixed. Have a great day Nurses, have a drink and call me in the morning.

Receptionists Day – Hope the bosses take you all out to lunch and place a nice vase of flowers on your desk. Have a Wonderful Day.

National Third Shift Workers Day – This one is for you my son. Don’t work to hard tonight.

Now I wish you all a great day and evening. I leave you with another short, concise statement of a principle: “Truth like oil will in time rise to surface.”

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Hello Speakies:

Having a busy day today, there's only one good holiday today and I'm sure you all will enjoy "EAT WHAT YOU WANT DAY." Go out there for lunch or dinner and order whatever your heart desires. I may be back later but if not have a great day Guys and Dolls.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Happy, Happy Monday Speakies:

Hoping you all had a great Mother’s Day Weekend and all you Moms out there enjoyed your day to the fullest. We have two holidays today Lupus Day and Windmill Day. Happy Windmill Day to all you Guys and Dolls in Holland.

Being its Monday and probably most of you would rather be home or at some beach resort sitting by the pool with a nice Gin and Tonic, here are a few more choice words to blur out at those who may annoy you today:

How about never? Is never good for you?

I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.

I’m already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

What am I? Flypaper for freaks!

And your crybaby whiny-assed opinion would be?

If I throw a stick, will you leave?

Back off! You’re standing in my aura.

Thank you. We’re all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.

And finally - Do I look like a people person?

Better yet Guys and Dolls try to be happy and nice to people I just wanted to make you laugh a little to start your day. Have a good one and like the picture let the sun shine in.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Happy Friday Guys and Dolls:

Well the weekend is almost here and for all my Moms or Moms-To-Be Dolls this is your weekend to celebrate and be pampered. I chose two songs for this weekend for you to enjoy. The first is “I’ll Always Love My Momma” and the second is “Momma” by Connie Francis. If your Mom is enjoying another life remember her in your heart, thoughts and prayers. So Moms enjoy your day and Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday from JoeyZ.

We have a bunch of holidays this weekend, too many to name but here we go:


Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day – Always remember the little ones.
No Pants Day – A fun holiday enjoy this one at home.
Tuba Day – Honor those “OOMPAH” players this date.


No Socks Day – That’s me after work, no socks on, let them dogs breathe.
Day of Remembrance for Those Who Lost Their Lives During World War II – Now they gave so we could have our freedom.
V E Day – Victory in Europe Day World War II.
Letter Carrier’s Food Drive Day – I got my food bag yesterday in my mailbox.
Mother Ocean Day – Got to protect Old Mom Ocean and all her creatures.
National Babysitter’s Day – If you are going out this weekend an extra tip would be a nice gesture.
National Miniature Golf Day – Go out and play a little Putt-Putt.
Stay Up All Night Day – I’m lucky to make it to 11 p.m. anymore.


Mother’s Day – It’s your day MOMS. To my Mom, thanks for everything you ever did for me, I still miss you and will always remember and love you. To my wife Rosemary thanks for being the best wife ever and a great Mom to our boys, raising them to be fine young men. I love you very much.

Have a great weekend all.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Happy Thursday Guys and Dolls:

Hoping you all had a great Wednesday evening. Let’s check out our celebrations for today:

Joseph Brackett Day – A famous Shaker religious composer.

No Diet Day – I bet all you Dolls like this day and some of you Guys too. Go order that Pepperoni Pizza tonight for dinner.

No Homework Day – All right kiddies I’m for you on this one. Teachers give my kiddies a break today “NO HOMEWORK TONIGHT.”

Nurses Day – If anyone deserves a holiday are the nurses that serve the suffering. As many times as Roe and I have been in the hospital we’ve had some great ones. Enjoy your day Nurses.

National Day of Prayer – Say a little prayer today thanking the Good Lord for what you have in life.

National Day of Reason – Use your noodle wisely today.

Going out for a little Cinco de Mayo luncheon today even though it’s the day after so l will call it Seis de Mayo. Have a great evening Speakies and I leave you with this Chinese aphorism:

“Waiting for tomorrow waste of today.”

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Good Afternoon Speakies:

Who says history has to be boring, a good friend of mine Johnny A. sent me a little tid-bit that I’m passing on to you readers.

There is an old hotel/pub in Marble Arch, London England which used to have gallows adjacent. Prisoners were taken to the gallows (after a fair trial of course) to be hung. The horse drawn wagon carting the prisoner was accompanied by an armed guard, who would stop the wagon outside the pub and ask the prisoner if he would like “ONE LAST DRINK.” If he said YES it was referred to as “ONE FOR THE ROAD.” If he declined, that prisoner was “ON THE WAGON.” So there you go!

A little more history. They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot and then once a day it was taken and sold to the tannery. If you had to do this to survive you were “PISS POOR.” But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn’t even afford to buy a pot. They “DIDN’T HAVE A POT TO PISS IN” and were the lowest of the low.

See history is not boring.


Good Morning Speakies:

Another Happy Hump Day to you all unless you are retired and don’t care. Hope I find you all fine and with smiles on your faces. The weather in Central Florida has been sunny and hot with highs in the 90’s. For the next few days those coming to visit can expect highs in the upper 80’s with thunderstorms likely throughout the weekend. No threats yet on any oil spill reaching the coast but they are following it closely down here.

My blog buddy Mack posted a couple of pictures and I had to show them to you. One is of a Tomato Pie coming out of the oven at DeLorenzo’s and the other is a famous Rossi’s Cheeseburger. If you ever visit Trenton, NJ you have to try both places and enjoy their fare. Thanks Mack for allowing me to use your pictures and if any of my readers are from the Trenton, NJ area or Philly area Mack has a lot of sites on his blog that are of interest. His blog is: so check it out.

My BW Roe was driving in the Longwood, Florida area the other day and spotted a Polish restaurant and down the road a bit a German Bar and Grill. Now being Polish my mind was passing along the smell and taste of stuffed cabbage to my inners and maybe a little taste of pierogi’s with cheese, sauerkraut and some filled with meat. My dear granny bless her soul made the best homemade pierogi smothered in butter and onions. If we make it up there you Speakies will be the first to get my review. For the German restaurant my choice for lunch or dinner would have to be sauerbraten with red cabbage and potatoes of some sort. Good fried potatoes would be my choice if available. As soon as we try it, I'll let you know.

A few holidays today to raise our glasses to today:

Cinco de Mayo – That great Mexican celebration everyone in the US gets drunk and eats Tex-Mex food.

Totally Chipotle Day – Coincides with Cinco de Mayo to honor the uniquely Mexican heritage of the chipotle pepper. Chipotles are a very popular kind of smoke-dried jalapeño peppers that are found quite frequently in Mexican and Mexican-American cuisine.

Great American Grump Out – For those of you learning about the Grump Out for the first time, the Grump Out urges people to go for just 24 hours without being grumpy, crabby or rude. So Guys and Dolls get with the program.

Cartoonists Day – Honors all those funny paper guys and gals.

I leave you now with another proverb: “Every maybe has a wife called Maybe-Not.” Enjoy your day and evening and be careful out there.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Happy Tuesday My Guys and Dolls:

Hope you all had a pleasant evening; I did watching one of my favorite shows “Chuck”, good all around show been watching it since the beginning. We have a few holidays today so clank them mugs to:

Childhood Depression Awareness Day – Times sure have changed since I was a kid, never heard about depression then and the only depression I suffered from was going back to school after vacations.

Respect For Chickens Day – This holiday is about promoting the compassionate and respectful treatment of all domestic fowl such as ducks, birds and turkeys even though it’s named Respect for Chickens.

National Teacher Day – If anyone deserves a holiday you teachers do. Have a great day.

Now it’s time for more Dumb Laws and today I’m picking on them Hoosiers from Indiana and even naming the cities. So let’s go see some of them laws:

Beech Grove – It is forbidden to eat watermelon in the park – what’s a picnic in the park without watermelon in the summer?

Elkhart – It is illegal for barbers to threaten to cut off kid’s ears. – No comment.

Evansville – While driving on Main Street you may not have your lights on.

Fort Wayne – You may not sell or play on a radio broadcast, the record “It’s In The Book.” – I’m stumped on that one.

Gary – Within four hours of eating garlic, a person may not enter a movie house, theater or ride a public streetcar. – Garlic breath, love it.

Enough with dumb laws, tomorrow I may be talking about food, but now I leave you with a Chinese proverb – “Kindness in heart better than gold in bank.”

Monday, May 3, 2010


Good Morning Speakies:

Hoping you all had a great weekend and now it’s the start of a brand new week so let’s try to make the best of it. We have some holidays today so here they are:

Garden Meditation Day – Just relax and think garden today sort of a mind melting thing.

Lumpy Rug Day – It is celebrated on May 3rd of each year in the United States. We all have rugs that do not lie smoothly on the floor. Rugs are pushed around, shoved and moved all year long. On Lumpy Rug Day, replace old rugs with new ones.

Paranormal Day – A day for all paranormal enthusiasts to get together and share their unique experiences. Beam me up Scotty.

Melanoma Monday – Get checked once a year and make sure you put on that sun block stuff.

And this next holiday I dedicate to a friend at work Erin, “National Two Different Colored Shoes Day.” – She actually did this at work, but is a good sport with all the ribbing I keep giving her. It’s your day Babe enjoy.

Now its time for “DID YOU KNOW.”

Because metal was scarce in WWII, the Oscars given out were made of wood.
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
The glue on Israeli postage is certified kosher.
The very first bomb dropped by the Allies on Berlin in World War II killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.

And I leave you now with wishes for a great day and evening and with a little aphorism: Guest who lingers too long becomes stale like unused fish.